Faculty Directory

Interim President and Academic Dean
Born in Communist Romania, educated both during the last decade of the Ceausescu's dictatorship and the first decade of the democratic regimes, I had the privilege of receiving a full theological education in a majority Orthodox Church, an experience that helped me to properly understand the richness of the Orthodox...

Full-Time Tenured Faculty

Associate Professor of New Testament
Professor of Systematic Theology
Associate Professor of Patristics
Associate Professor of Old Testament

Full-Time Sessional Faculty

Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric
Skvir Professor of Pastoral Theology
Assistant Professor of Liturgical Theology
Assistant Professor of Liturgical Music

Part-Time Faculty

Assistant Professor of Malankara Studies
Assistant Professor of Christian Literature
Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology
Professor of Music Associate Director of the Institute of Sacred Arts
Assistant Professor of Canon Law
Professor of Church History
Associate Professor of Art History Assistant Director of the Institute of Sacred Arts
Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology
Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics

Doctor of Ministry Faculty

Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology
Assistant Professor of Missiology
Professor of Philosophy
Associate Professor of Medicine
Professor of Philosophy

Instructors of the Practice*

Lecturer in Liturgical Music
Clinical Pastoral Education
Lecturer in Liturgical Music
Counseling and Psychological Services

* “Instructor of the Practice” refers to a part-time Faculty member who is hired to enhance the Seminary’s mission, who possesses the expertise and achievements to provide professional instruction, and whose qualifications are primarilybut not exclusivelybased on professional experience rather than on scholarly credentials.