Resources for Admitted Students

Dear Incoming Students,

Welcome to St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary! May the Lord bless you in all your endeavors during the forthcoming semester and throughout your seminary career.

One of the beloved icons in our chapel is the icon of Christ holding a Gospel Book open to the words “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit” (John 15:16). Take some time to visit the icon; it will remind you of why you are here, that the initiative for your coming is not your own, but the Lord’s.

Remember also that the time you spend here is a gift. It is meant to prepare you for service in Christ’s Church. We hope that you will use this time not only to learn about our Faith but also to learn about yourself. We hope that you will use this time not only for training and formation but also to deepen your love for the Lord. We wish you the very best in this, your first semester of studies and prayer at St. Vladimir’s Seminary.

Yours in Christ,

Dr Alexandru Ionut Tudorie
Academic Dean

Dn Vitaly Permiakov

Mrs Gabrielle Russin
Registrar & Student Affairs Administrator

Thursday, August 24 (4pm) through Sunday, August 28

The orientation program at St. Vladimir's Seminary includes not only informational sessions to introduce new students to seminary life but also a series of structured activities for students to explore the nature of Christian vocation and begin building community. For this reason, orientation is required for all incoming degree candidates, part-time as well as full-time, and encouraged for non-degree students.

» Fall 2023 Orientation Schedule

Newly admitted students are preregistered for the default curriculum of their degree program as soon as the seminary receives confirmation of intent to enroll. Selection of electives and other changes in registration are made during new student orientation and may continue until the end of drop-add, the second Friday of the semester, after which changes in registration are no longer permitted. Important note: Students who would like to add a course during the drop-add period must attend the first class session, unless absence is unavoidable. Normally, full-time students in the Master of Divinty (M.Div.) or Master of Arts (M.A.) program register for 12 credits; full-time students in the Master of Theology (Th.M.) program also register for 12 credits.

Registration for M.Div. or M.A. Students:

  • Church History 110 (3 credits)
  • Old Testament 100 (3 credits)
  • Liturgical Theology 102 (3 credits)
  • Biblical Languages 100 (3 credits)
  • Liturgical Music 100 (1 credit) and Liturgics 100 (1 credit), depending on program and jurisdictional requirements

Registration for Th.M. Students:

  • Old Testament 418 (3 credits)
  • Patristics 442 (3 credits)
  • Spirituality 423  (3 credits)
  • Thesis 401 (3 credits)

For more information about registration, including elective course desciptions and the fall semester book list, see Registration Resources. For the schedule of classes, see Class Schedules.

Three Hierarchs Chapel stands as the place where the seminary community comes together to celebrate the liturgical services. The members of the seminary faculty and staff, students and their families, and many people from the local area attend services in the chapel, preparing the chapel for worship, singing the responses, reading, serving in the altar, and offering homilies. When students enroll in the seminary, and so become members of the community, they are expected to participate fully in the seminary’s rich liturgical life and to take responsibility for their part in the life and worship of the chapel as follows:

  1. Residential Eastern Orthodox students in the Master of Divinity or Master of Arts program are required to enroll in Liturgical Skills 101 or Liturgical Skills 101A (chant and Arabic of the Antiochian archdiocese), placement dependent on skill level as determined by voice-testing, attend rehearsals, and sing in one of the chapel choirs, as assigned.
  2. All other residential students, including Eastern Orthodox students in the Master of Theology program, are voice-tested and strongly encouraged to enroll in Liturgical Skills 101, attend rehearsals, and sing in one of the chapel choirs, unless they are expected to attend Malankara or Coptic chapel services.
  3. Non-residential students are encouraged to be voice-tested, enroll in Liturgical Skills 101, attend rehearsals, and sing in one of the chapel choirs, schedule permitting.

Voice-Testing. The music placement examination is held during new student orientation each year. The examination determines a student’s placement in a chapel choir and Liturgical Skills course. Students must complete the examination before registering for liturgical music classes. If a student misses this exam, he or she is responsible for scheduling a make-up exam during the first week of classes.

The placement examination consists of a brief written component and an individual appointment with a member of the music faculty. Students are examined in the following areas: pitch matching, written note identification, written rhythm identification, liturgical reading, aural pitch differentiation, and rote singing. Results of the examination are emailed to each student.
» Study Resources

Exemption. Should a student believe that there is a compelling reason not to take the basic music courses, attend rehearsals, or sing in the choir, he or she should speak to Mrs Robin Freeman, director of music, who is responsible for designing a suitable program of musical instruction for each student, about petitioning the faculty council for an exemption.

Disability Services at St. Vladimir’s Seminary helps to ensure equal educational access and opportunity for all members of our community. The Office of the President oversees Disability Services and works individually with students to create an effective and comprehensive accommodation plan in accordance with Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act states:

No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States, as defined in section 7(20), shall solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

In its mission to train priests, theologians, and educated laity, St. Vladimir’s Seminary strives to embrace and support all those who answer the Lord’s call to serve in His vineyard. Disability Services works with administrators, faculty, and staff to ensure that students with disabilities have reasonable and appropriate accommodations. The seminary will offer reasonable aids and services to assist otherwise qualified persons in achieving success in its programs, services, and facilities.
» Frequently Asked Questions


1. Registration of Disability. Applicants who have been accepted for admission, or current students who seek accommodation for a disability, are encouraged to contact Ann Sanchez, Disability Services Access Coordinator (Rangos G10, x323), as soon as possible to begin the process of developing an accommodation plan. Students are not eligible to receive academic and/or campus accommodations until they have registered their disability with the Disability Services Access Coordinator, nor does Disability Services grant accommodations retroactively. If new accommodations are needed, students must meet with Disability Services to discuss adjusting the accommodation plan and provide updated documentation, if needed.

2. Procedure. Students who seek academic and/or campus accommodation for disability must provide the Disability Services Access Coordinator with the following information:

  • Identification of disability and supporting documentation;
  • Detailed explanation of how the disability currently affects and substantially limits the student’s ability in the academic and/or campus setting;
  • List of accommodations the student may have received in the past; and
  • List of accommodations the student is requesting at St. Vladimir’s Seminary.

3. Examples of Accommodations: Reasonable accommodations vary for each student depending upon type of disability, needs, and supporting documentation. Examples of accommodations the seminary has provided to students include, but are not limited to, early registration, academic coaching and academic support services, including part-time study, extended test-taking time, assistance with books in alternative formats, and assistance in accessing campus buildings. Students are responsible, however, for arranging certain personal services, such as attendant care, mobility training, and transportation.

4. Requirement to Submit Requests Each Semester. Current students are responsible for submitting accommodation requests—to the Disability Services Access Coordinator—each semester, indicating the specific courses and/or activities involved and the accommodations sought in each case. We encourage all students to have a conversation with their professor about how they learn best.

Submission Deadline: First Friday of the Semester

The following forms must be submitted to Gabrielle Russin, Student Affairs Administrator (Rangos 116, x348), by the first Friday of the semester. Students who do not submit all required forms and supporting documentation by the deadline—incomplete forms will not be accepted—will have their registration suspended, will not be permitted to attend classes, and will be charged a late registration fee of $50. If all medical forms are not on file with the Student Affairs Administrator within thirty (30) days after classes begin, those students will be administratively withdrawn from the seminary. Please note that the immunization form requires a doctor's signature.

» Immunization Form
» Proof of Health Insurance Form

Vaccination Statements:
» MMR Vaccination Statement
» Meningitis Vaccination Statement

Note for M.Div. students: Completion of a pre-admission physical is required for Clinical Pastoral Education. The physical, which is sometimes performed by the sponsoring hospital at no additional cost to the student, includes a TB test and proof of MMR vaccination.

Registration Deadline: First Friday of the Semester

Students who park a vehicle on seminary property are required to maintain legal registration and insurance for their vehicle. Students with a legally registered and properly insured vehicle will, upon completing the Seminary’s vehicle registration form, be issued a  parking sticker for the current academic year at no cost, if completed on time. To receive a sticker, students must submit the vehicle registration form and a copy of their registration and insurance information to Gabrielle Russin, Student Affairs Administrator (Rangos 116, x348), by the first Friday of the semester. Students who do not submit the vehicle registration form and required documentation by the deadline will be charged a parking sticker fee of $50.