Student Life

Student Council

The Student Council at St. Vladimir's encourages student participation in campus life and facilitates communication in the seminary community. The administrator responsible for student affairs is the advisor for the Student Council, and also acts as liaison between the Student Council and the Faculty Council. Additionally, the Council encourages outreach through designated projects, charities, and causes. Though it represents the entire student body, it primarily serves residential seminarians, and only residential seminarians can serve as officers. The current offices include president, secretary, treasurer, and member-at-large. It is overseen by the Associate Dean for Residential Life.

Student Interest Groups

The St. Herman Society for Orthodox Ecology is the Student Interest Group that seeks to encourage environmental stewardship. The group has sponsored campus beautification days and tree-planting ceremonies, as well as public lectures by notable ecologists, and the observance of the Orthodox Christian New Year, with its traditional theme of creation care.

The St. Ambrose Society is the Seminary's pro-life Student Interest Group. The group seeks to raise awareness about the Church's teachings in the face of the many challenges of the modern world. The Church is "pro-life" in the broadest sense of the word, and the group insists upon the sanctity and infinite worth of human life from conception to death, and affirms the life-giving sacramental bond of marriage between man and woman as an icon of Christ and his Church. The group seeks to promote and obey the Church's teachings by hosting seminars and lectures on vital pro-life issues. Group members also seek to provide a prayerful witness each semester by praying outside a local Planned Parenthood organization, and annually by participating in the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

The St. Innocent Mission Society exists to promote awareness and involvement in Christian mission and evangelism. Taking into account Jesus' call to serve the hungry, unclothed, imprisoned, and marginalized (Matthew 25:35), the society seeks opportunities in these dimensions to love our fellow human being made in the image of God and to promote the edification and growth of Christ's Church.

OISM stands for the Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement. It was founded in the 1960's and revived in 2003. OISM typically meets twice a year at a different seminary and seeks to foster prayer, fellowship, and cooperation among seminarians of the Orthodox Church. It is of tremendous value for the future leaders of the Church to meet and engage each other, and learn from one another in order to better serve the Church.

The St. Demetrios Society is composed of small interest groups that meet regularly for various physical activities. The goal of the St. Demetrios Fitness and Fellowship Society is to create a platform in which our community can come together in fellowship and maintain a healthy lifestyle, aiding in the formation we strive to achieve here. This society creates an opportunity for regular physical activity on a more communal level so that, in addition to the soul and mind “workouts” we get through the seminary classes, personal prayer, and chapel life, we may maintain our physical health as well.  Through this, our efficiency and quality of work as well as our spiritual lives should also grow.

The students in the St Sophrony Society celebrate the beauty of the liturgical arts in the wider Orthodox tradition.