The Very Rev. Dr Kirill Sokolov
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology
Archpriest Kirill Sokolov, Ed.D., leads Holy Trinity Cathedral — a historic, warm, and vibrant community in San Francisco — as its dean. Fr. Kirill is also Chancellor of the Diocese of the West and Director of Diaconal and Late Vocations (Orthodox Church in America). He is regularly invited to lead workshops for clergy and those studying for diaconal ordination. He teaches at the University of San Francisco where he is the Orthodox chaplain and consults in technology, research, and leadership. A graduate of St. Vladimir's Seminary (M.Div., 2007), he earned his Educational Doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education & Psychology. Fr. Kirill and his wife Sophia (St. Vladimir's Seminary, M.A., 2005) are blessed to be parents of three children. Fr. Kirill is on the D.Min. faculty of St. Vladimir's and is leading a certification program for catechists. Of his many assignments, one of his favorites is working with St. Eugene Summer Camp and helping organize deanery teen gathering in the Bay Area.
Ed.D., Organizational Leadership, Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology, 2017
M.Div., St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, 2007
B.A., University of California, San Diego, 2000