
The Rev. Dr Varghese M. Daniel
Assistant Professor of Malankara Studies
Educational Background
- B.A., Osmania University
- B.D., Serampur University
- G.S.T., Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kottayam
- M.A., Katholic University
- Ph.D., University of Divinity
Teaching Interests
- Eastern Theology
- Bioethics
- Pastoral Care
- Comparative Religions
- Patristics
- Religion and Peace Building
Current Projects and Research Interests
- Religions and Bioethics
Recent Courses Taught at SVOTS
- Liturgical Theology
- Pastoral Care
Selected Publications
- Daniel, V M, Religion and Bioethics: A Holistic Approach (Book-in Progress) 2016
- Daniel, V M, “Eradication of Child Poverty as the Cornerstone for Welfare and Development”, Book chapter in Terrorism, Economic Justice and Global Peace, K Kuriakose (ed) Nova Science Publishers, (In Press 2016)
- Daniel V M, “Genomics and Genetic Engineering: Playing God?” Book chapter in Genomics and Bioethics, A book edited by Dr Soraj Hongladarom, IGI Global, Thailand, 2010
- Daniel, V M, “The Moral Status of the Person in Religious Bioethics,” MCD, 2009
- Daniel, V M, Thesis: “Ethical Aspects of Human Cloning,” OTS, 2000
- Daniel, V M, “Cloning: Friend or Foe?” (Malayalam) Hermon Sandesam, 1998
Recent Conference Presentations and Activities
- Parliament of the World’s Religions, Salt Lake, UT October 15-19, 2015 (“Four dimensional strategies for world peace”- Paper Presented)
- Personhood Beyond the Human Conference, Yale University, December 6-8, 2013
- Global Health & Innovation Conference 2011, New Haven, USA, April 16-17, 2011
- 6th International Conference on Ethical Issues in Biomedical Engineering, Brooklyn, NY, April 1-3, 2011
- International workshop controversies with in the scientific revolution, Padova, Italy, May 8-10, 2008
- International Conference for Advanced Bioethics, Nijmegen, February 28 – March 1, 2008
- International Conference on Stem Cell Research, Ghent, November 30 – December 1, 2007
- Caritas International Conference, Brussels, 2007
- European Bioethics Conference, Leuven, 2006
- AANZAC International, Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2004
Recent Awards
- Erasmus Mundus European Fellowship, 2007-2008
- Australian Postgraduate Award, 2006-2007
- Australian Research Training Scheme scholarship, 2004-2006
- MCD Travel Grant, 2006
- Parkville Scholarship, 2003
Additional Certifications
- Clinical Pastoral Education
- Consultant Bioethicist
- Registered Marriage Celebrant