Showing: 1701 - 1710 of 2953 results
SVOTS 1st Annual Academic Symposium

Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary...

Ordinations: September & October 2022

May God grant many blessed years to the St Vladimir's Seminary alumni and students who were recently ordained! Axios! HOLY PRIESTHOOD Priest Nicholas Fine (3 rd -Year Seminarian, M.Div. Program) Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA) Holy Diaconate : Ordained 12SEPT21 by His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph at...

St Vladimir’s Seminary Faculty Chair Awards Conferred

Last month, in a joint ceremony honoring His Holiness, Baselios Marthoma Mathews III , the primate of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC) of India, several distinguished SVOTS faculty members were also honored by the announcement of faculty chairs, sponsored by long-standing endowments. These faculty awards are a major first...

God is Greater than our Hearts

God is Greater than our Hearts, by St Vladimir’s Seminarian Dn Silouan Parchert, was chosen as the winning entry of the 5th Annual St Matthias Merit Scholarship Essay Contest. The anonymous donors who sponsor the contest each year asked participants to reflect on the potential issues that arise from modern...

Dn Silouan Parchert wins St Matthias Merit Scholarship Essay Contest

St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) has announced Seminarian Dn Silouan Parchert as the winner of the 5th Annual St Matthias Merit Scholarship Essay Contest. Seminarians were invited to submit essays for the contest in September 2022. After careful deliberation, the panel of anonymous donors awarded the $3,000 scholarship to...

New Podcast Shares Seminary Homilies Weekly

Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) is now partnering with Ancient Faith Radio to share homilies recorded live during services on campus, in a new podcast called Give Me a Word, Homilies from Three Hierarchs Chapel . Featured clergy include SVOTS Faculty, honored guests, and students. The podcast is set...