Showing: 1 - 10 of 3024 results
WATCH! Chancellor Archpriest Chad Hatfield on C-span: 2012 National Religious Freedom Conference

View Father Chad Hatfield’s speech (39:06) and Q&A responses (1:14:37) on C-span: click on the Video Playlist "Conference on Religious Freedom: Session 3 Uniting to Preserve Robust Freedom," in the right-hand column, here. This Thursday, Archpriest Chad Hatfield, seminary Chancellor and CEO, participated in the 2012 National Religious Freedom Conference...

Professor Meyendorff Attends International Conference on Ecclesiology and Nationalism

On May 24-27, 2012, Professor Paul Meyendorff, The Father Alexander Schmemann Professor of Liturgical Theology at St. Vladimir's, attended a conference with the theme "Ecclesiology and Nationalism in Post-Modern Era" at the Volos Academy for Theological Studies in Volos, Greece. Dr. Meyendorff presented a paper entitled "Ethnophyletism, Autocephaly, and National...

Mission Team Helps Guatemalan Orphanage Relocate to Higher Ground

In early June, a mission team from the seminary community, led by Chancellor/CEO Archpriest Chad Hatfield, visited Guatemala to lend much-needed hands to Hogar Rafael Ayau Orphanage. The team assisted in moving the orphanage from "Zone 1," a crime-ridden and dangerous area of Guatemala City, to Hogar San Miguel, a...

Workshop Participants "Become a Healing Presence" to Others

The atmosphere surrounding the recent "Becoming a Healing Presence" workshop was "engaging, honest, direct, and challenging," said workshop leader, Dr. Albert S. Rossi, adjunct professor of Pastoral Theology at St. Vladimir's Seminary. "The expressed interest in this topic seemed to be electrifying, almost contagious," Dr. Rossi continued. "It was sheer...

Scholarship Funds

We thank all of our donors who have established and contribute to both endowed and annual scholarships. These scholarships provide a vital source of funding for many students and allow a diverse group of students to attend St. Vladimir’s Seminary. You may give to an existing fund at any time...

Parish Partners Provide Vital Support

Thanks to our Parish Partners, a new generation of bishops, priests, choral directors, deacons, teachers and lay leaders is being trained to reconcile and heal, to invite others into a relationship with the Living God. They know that theologically educated leaders formed in the Orthodox tradition don’t grow on trees...

Diaconal Practicum Seasons Participants for Liturgical and Charitable Service

Nearly thirty deacons and Diaconal Vocations Program students immersed themselves in worship, theological learning, spiritual reflection, and liturgical practice during the Sixth Annual Diaconal Liturgical Practicum, held on the campus of St. Vladimir’s from June 10–13, 2012. Archdeacon Kirill Sokolov, director of Diaconal and Late Vocations for the Orthodox Church...

Stock Gifts

St. Vladimir’s Seminary welcomes gifts of securities, including publicly traded and privately held stock and mutual funds. Supporters either have their broker or investment manager transfer stocks to us electronically, or give us stock certificates that they have in their personal possession. Gifts of appreciated securities offer a two-fold tax...

Metropolitan Meletios, Subject of Book "Beauty for Ashes," Resposes in the Lord

His Eminence was born 1933 in Alagonia, Kalamata, and was a graduate in theology, and in classical literature-philosophy from the University of Athens. He was chosen and ordained Metropolitan of Nikopolis and Preveza in 1980, having been ordained both deacon and priest by the Metropolitan of Messenia, His Eminence Chrysostom...

Russo-Byzantine Iconography Workshop Concludes

"It was spiritually uplifting to be here on St. Vladimir's Seminary's campus once more," said Protodeacon Nazari Polataiko, as he completed leading the final session of a 5-day iconography workshop. "The environment, the setting in a place of regular prayer, and the opportunity to work with a group of Orthodox...