The atmosphere surrounding the recent "Becoming a Healing Presence" workshop was "engaging, honest, direct, and challenging," said workshop leader, Dr. Albert S. Rossi, adjunct professor of Pastoral Theology at St. Vladimir's Seminary.
"The expressed interest in this topic seemed to be electrifying, almost contagious," Dr. Rossi continued. "It was sheer joy to co-present and lead the workshop, and I felt humbled to have such an opportunity."
Workshop participants discussed many topics during their three days of interactive training, including "Healing the Self to Heal Others" and "Healing Others as Love Delivered." The interactive workshop explored ways to empower participants to go beyond themselves, to transcend themselves, and in so doing, to transform others. “Healing" encompassed psychological and spiritual healing; physical healing was beyond the scope of the short workshop.
"The goal of the entire workshop," Dr. Rossi noted, "was for each of us to move from point A, where we began, to point B, demonstrating new growth in 'Becoming a Healing Presence.'
"During one session, each participant presented a personal reflection on the content of 'Becoming a Healing Presence' in their own lives," explained Dr. Rossi. "Both Father David Mezynski, my co-presenter, and I were deeply moved by the intensity and candor, the fire and the love within each presentation.
"One of the themes of the workshop was, 'It is the Lord" (John 21),' " concluded Dr. Rossi, "and I would say, looking back, 'It was the Lord' who made such a high-quality experience occur for each of us."
Workshop leaders were Dr. Albert S. Rossi, Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology at the seminary and licensed clinical psychologist in the state of New York; and Priest David Mezynski, Associate Dean for Student Affairs at St. Vladimir’s Seminary.
Photos by Dn. Gregory Hatrak