Showing: 1571 - 1580 of 2953 results
Parables are subject of new Jesus Christ volume

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary (SVS) Press has released the fourth volume of Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev’s landmark Jesus Christ: His Life and Teaching. This fourth book explores the most distinct aspect of Jesus' teaching ministry: his parables. The parables are explored from multiple angles, giving due consideration both to modern biblical scholarship...

Met. Joseph elevates alumnus to archpriest, ordains seminarian to diaconate in Levittown, NY

The St. Vladimir's Seminary community is celebrating the great blessings bestowed upon two of its own over the weekend: the elevation to archpriest of Alumnus Fr. Charles Baz and the ordination to the diaconate of Seminarian Andrew Salvia.

Seminarians March for Life

Members of St. Vladimir's student body, faculty, and staff joined the 49th annual March for Life Friday in Washington, D.C. The Seminary's participation in the March was organized by St. Vladimir's student-led St. Ambrose Society. The group from St. Vladimir's joined the larger gathering of Orthodox Christians at the March...

New icons blessed for Seminary's Malankara chapel

In recent months, the St. Thomas Malankara Chapel at St Vladimir's Seminary has undergone a number of upgrades. Most most recently, thanks to the generosity of several donors, new icons for the chapel were installed and blessed.

Become a seminarian at St Vladimir's

Apply to become a seminarian at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary! The Seminary is now accepting applications for all four of its degree programs for Academic Year 2022-2023: Master of Divinity, Master of Arts, Master of Theology, and Doctor of Ministry. The deadline to apply is June 1, 2022.

Seminary celebrates Feast of Three Hierarchs, hosts 39th Schmemann Lecture

In celebration of the Feast of the Three Hierarchs Sunday—the patrons of the Seminary chapel—the community of St. Vladimir's Seminary gathered together for Divine Liturgy and the 39th Annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture.

Longtime Seminary CFO Melanie Ringa retires

The St. Vladimir's Seminary community bid a fond, bittersweet farewell to Chief Financial Officer Melanie Ringa on Monday. Melanie, a longtime member of Seminary staff, officially retired January 31. "We will miss Melanie profoundly at St. Vladimir's," said Seminary President Fr. Chad Hatfield. "It is no exaggeration to say that...

McClanahan family to become OCMC's first missionaries to Indonesia

Philip and Kristiana, along with their three children, are preparing to travel to the city of Medan. There Philip will lecture at the St. Paul Theological School and teach youth at local Orthodox schools.

Archimandrite Nektarios named chancellor of Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Saint Vladimir's Seminary Alumnus The Very Rev. Archimandrite Nektarios Papazafiropoulos will become chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOA) beginning March 1.