Showing: 691 - 700 of 2953 results
In Memoriam: Walter Shymansky

With faith in Christ and hope in the resurrection, we share news of the repose of Seminary Alumnus and noted Church musician Walter Shymansky, who fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday, March 31, 2019. Born on July 29, 1928, the son of Archpriest Walter (later Bishop Peter) and Matushka...

Commencement of the Class of 2019

[img_assist|nid=29110|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=300|height=300]Giving thanks to God, the trustees, faculty, and students of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) invite the public to the Commencement of the Class of 2019 , Saturday, May 18. Ceremonies will begin at 2:00 p.m., with a “Prayer of Thanksgiving” in Three Hierarchs Chapel, followed at 2:30 p.m. by Commencement Exercises in the Metropolitan Philip Auditorium of the John G. Rangos Family Building. The commencement speaker this year is Archpriest Alexander Rentel, SEOD, chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). About the 2019 Commencement Speaker

New film explores Orthodoxy and climate change

A documentary set to release later this year will explore God and nature, faith and climate change, and the experience of Orthodox communities around the world. The Face of God: The Orthodox Church on Climate Change , produced by The Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration , and written and directed...

For the Life of the World released as audio book

For the first time, Fr. Alexander Schmemann’s classic For the Life of the World is now available in audio book format. Purchase For the Life of the World audio book through Mars Hill Audio Saint Vladimir’s Seminary (SVS) Press partnered with Mars Hill Audio to produce the audio book edition...

Parallel Love Theatrical Premiere

[img_assist|nid=29125|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=250|height=250]Parallel Love: The Story of a Band Called Luxury is the story of a band from Georgia, a band with three members who went on to study at St. Vladimir's Seminary and are now Orthodox priests. On the verge of success in the 1990s, the band suffered a devastating accident—an accident that led Priests Christopher Foley (’06), James Bozeman (’12), and David Lee Bozeman (’12) to Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Meet the band members at the theatrical premiere of the documentary in New York City, May 15-19. Director Matt Hinton and members of Luxury will take part in a Q&A session each evening following the screening of Parallel Love.

Seminary Holy Week Schedule

Holy Week begins on Holy Monday, April 22, 2019, and concludes with the celebration of Pascha on April 28, 2019. For the schedule of daily Holy Week services, visit the Three Hierarchs Chapel Calendar. St. Vladimir's Seminary offices will be closed on Holy Thursday, April 25; Holy Friday, April 26...

Archpriest John Behr discusses new work on John’s Gospel

Archpriest John Behr , the Seminary’s Georges Florovsky Distinguished Professor of Patristics, discussed his major new work on John’s Gospel at the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) Chancery Friday, April 19. The talk followed Presanctified Liturgy, presided over by Fr. John, and a meal on the Sixth Friday of Lent...

Spring Semester 2019: Ordinations

Since the conclusion of Fall Semester 2018 in December, one bishop, four new priests, five new deacons, and one Stavrophore have been added to the ranks of our Student Body and Alumni fellowship. Ordinations, receptions, and elevations from Fall Semester 2018 can be viewed here . We keep them in...

Holy Week & Pascha at SVOTS

Christ is risen! The St. Vladimir’s Seminary community came together for another beautiful celebration of Holy Week and Pascha on campus. Seminarians, faculty, staff, and other members of the community participated in services throughout the week at Three Hierarchs Chapel. His Beatitude Tikhon, archbishop of Washington and metropolitan of All...

Seminary forms partnership with New Georgian University

St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) has signed an agreement of partnership with New Georgian University , the Seminary’s first-ever agreement with an academy in the Republic of Georgia. Archpriest Chad Hatfield, SVOTS president, represented the Seminary at the Solemn Signing Ceremony of Partnership. The agreement was signed May 2...