Showing: 2771 - 2780 of 2954 results
St. Vladimir's and St. Tikhon's Seminarians Head to Christian Music Fest: Help Wanted!

Students and alumni from St. Vladimir's and St. Tikhon's seminaries are stepping out boldly to spread the gospel within the context of the Orthodox Church. Under the auspices of and funded by the Orthodox Church in America's (OCA) Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, they'll be setting up...

Listen to "Women Disciples of the Lord" Speakers on Ancient Faith Radio

Our recent "Women Disciples of the Lord" conference provided a lively forum for exploration and reflection, as more than 50 women met on campus to discuss the ministry of women within the Orthodox Church. Plenary speakers, drawing from ancient sources and making contemporary applications, sparked discussions on topics ranging from...

Academic Catalog

The information in the Academic Catalog is accurate and current—to the extent possible—as of August 14, 2023. The seminary reserves the right to change the academic calendar, programs of study, academic requirements, teaching staff, and other matters described herein without prior notice, in accordance with established procedures. 2023-2024 Academic Catalog...

Fifth Annual Diaconal Liturgical Practicum Trains Deacons and Candidates in Liturgy and Ministry

Thirteen participants from nearly every diocese of the Orthodox Church in America traveled to our campus last week to attend the 5th Annual Diaconal Liturgical Practicum, held by the Diaconal Vocations Program (DVP) of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) and St. Vladimir's Seminary. The practicum purposefully expanded the vision...

New Three Hierarchs Mosaic to Be Blessed on Dormition Eve

On August 14th, the Eve of the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, the new and stunning mosaic icon gracing the entrance to Three Hierarchs Chapel will be blessed. The mosaic was donated by Ernest and Denice Collazo, friends of St. Vladimir's Seminary; it depicts the patrons of the seminary chapel, Ss. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. The blessing will follow Great Vespers, which begins at 6:30 p.m.[img_assist|nid=7173|title=|desc=The beautiful mosaic of the Three Hierarchs, being installed on the outside of the seminary chapel.|link=none|align=left|width=300|height=200] on Sunday. All are welcome to worship with us and to celebrate the dedication and blessing of this icon.

REGISTRATION OPEN! North American Conference of the Fellowship of Ss. Alban & Sergius, with Metropolitan Kallistos Ware

From Thursday, September 8, through Saturday, September 10, our seminary will host the North American Conference of the Fellowship of Ss. Alban and Sergius . On the evening of September 8th, Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware)— Co-chair of Orthodox-Anglican Dialogue from 2008 to the present— will commence the proceedings by delivering a free and public keynote. Prior to the keynote, at 7:30 p.m., the seminary will bestow an honorary doctoral degree upon His Eminence. His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen), primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and Fr. Stephen Platt, general-secretary of the Fellowship from the United Kingdom, will also be in attendance. Metropolitan Jonah will serve on a discussion panel on Saturday.

Release of Information

Directory Information Student record information is confidential and private. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), St Vladimir’s Seminary does not release student record information without prior written consent of the student. The one exception is that the seminary may release "directory information" items without prior...

Participants Awed by Iconography Workshop

Participants in our recent Iconography Workshop expressed high praise when asked about their experiences in creating an icon under Master Icongrapher Protodeacon Nazari Polataiko. For five days, both novice and prteps needed to compose a traditional egg-tempera, Russo-Byzantine-style icon. By week's end, the group posed for a photograph, looking peacefully...

From Constantinople to Charleston: Church Architecture Seminar Weds Old and New

Designer Andrew Gould spellbound participants of the Church Architecture seminar held last weekend on our campus, through an image-rich slideshow presentation that depicted the historical development of Christian church structures. Using images ranging from the ancient Roman basilica to the Great Church of Constantinople ( Hagia Sophia ) to Russian...

"Happy Birthday!": Alumnae Contribute to New Book about Women Saints

Three seminary alumnae—Susan Arida, Stefanie Yova Yazge, and Valerie Zahirsky—are contributing authors to Encountering Women of Faith, volume II, a book that tells the stories of ten women saints within the Orthodox Christian tradition. Inside the book, readers will find the lives of Ss. Christina of Tyre, Juliana, Perpetua, Felicitas...