Showing: 2661 - 2670 of 2954 results
VIEW FULL SCHEDULE: "For God and Country," Orthodox Education Day 2011, Honoring Armed Forces and Military Chaplains

Saturday, October 1, 2011 • Annual Orthodox Education Day When you come to our annua[img_assist|nid=5332|title=|desc=Seminarians Trevor Beckworth and James Parnell (left to right) stand ready to serve the crowds at the American food booth, during OED 2010.|link=none|align=left|width=232|height=348][img_assist|nid=5333|title=|desc=At OED 2010, the dance group "Caucasian Swords" electrified the crowd. (Photo: Kim Piotrowski)|link=none|align=right|width=311|height=234]l Orthodox Education Day (OED) this year, look for some surprises: bagpipes, a military honor guard, icon displaying soldiers and peacemakers, folk dancers wielding swords, special workshops to help our service men and women and the church communities ministering to them, and a campaign to send care packages to those deployed in the armed forces—all in conjunction with this year's theme: "For God and Country."

SVS Press Touts New Releases, including "St. George & the Dragon," by Jim Forest

St. Vladimir's Seminary Press began as a response to the urgent need for English-language books about the Orthodox Christian faith, which arose in the mid-1950s. At that time, our multi-ethnic Orthodox student body were hearing lectures in English, but textbooks were available only in foreign languages, in particular, Russian and...


Below are podcasts from St. Vladimir's Seminary faculty and staff.

"Back to the Basics" Retreat with Fr. Harry Pappas Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio

"The Bible is about life—all of life, real life. Not life as we imagine it, or even as we might live it, but life as it truly is whenever we enter into authentic life," began Fr. Harry Pappas as he commenced our seminary's annual public lenten retreat. "And we have...

Visit to Oriental Orthodox Cathedral Encourages Dialogue

This past Sunday, Professor Peter C. Bouteneff brought seven seminarians to St. Mark’s Syrian Orthodox Cathedral in Teaneck, N.J., at the invitation of H.E. Mor Cyril Aphrem Karim, archbishop and patriarchal vicar to the Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church for the Eastern United States. The visit was part of...

Orthodox Christian Voices in the Public Square

For the last several years members of the SVOTS community have joined other Orthodox Christians in Washington D.C. for the March for Life. Two things caught my attention this year that are worth some reflection. The first was the youthfulness of the participants. The second was the large numbers of...

Matching Grant Opportunity

Matching Grant Opportunity. Need-based tuition grants (M.Div., M.A., and Th.M. programs) consist of two components: (1) an outright tuition grant and (2) a matching grant opportunity. Outright grants are applied directly against a student’s tuition; matching grant funds are awarded on a dollar-to-dollar basis with funds received from outside ecclesial...

REGISTER NOW! Internet Pornography and Chastity Workshop

Register Now! [img_assist|nid=5402|title=|desc=Our Internet Pornography and Chastity Workshop will address the invasive world of Web porn.|link=none|align=right|width=300|height=305] The enormous world of internet pornography continues to invade our culture, and the statistics* are staggering: 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites; 70% of men ages 18–24 visit porn sites monthly; 1 in 3 porn viewers are women; there are 116,000 searches for “child pornography” daily; and 35% of all internet downloads are pornographic.

GOING ON NOW! 5th Annual Diaconal Liturgical Practicum

[img_assist|nid=5409|title=|desc=Leaders and participants in a previous Diaconal Practicum in Three Hierarchs Chapel.|link=none|align=left|width=300|height=200]