Showing: 241 - 250 of 2954 results
Seminary Bids Farewell to Board of Trustees Vice President, Metropolitan Philip

Seminary administrators, alumni hierarchs and clergy, and seminarians gathered at the St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral in Brooklyn, NY, last week to participate in funeral services for St. Vladimir's Seminary's Board of Trustees Vice President and Vice Chairman, His Eminence The Most Reverend Philip (Saliba) , archbishop of New York...

SVS Press Offers Downloadable Liturgical Music

St Vladimir’s Seminary Press is pleased to announce an agreement with Seraphim Six Productions to begin offering downloadable off-prints of its music publications, previously available only in hard-copy bound books. Immediately available is PASCHA: The Resurrection of Christ. The press is looking forward to making additional volumes available soon, including...

D.Min. Distance Learning Program Approved: Accepting Applications

St. Vladimir's Seminary is now accepting applications from priests, chaplains, and other professionals in ministry who want to earn an accredited Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree, through a new hybrid program that combines online coursework with on-campus intensive training. In the coming months the seminary administration will begin reviewing applications...

OCA Parish Mentorship Program for Seminarians Strengthened

The Very Rev. Eric G. Tosi is the Secretary of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). Before going to seminary he served as an officer in the U.S. Army. He has been a parish priest in Billings, Montana and Las Vegas, Nevada, and is the former Chair of the Department...

Trustee Emeritus Gerich Aids Students in Clinical Pastoral Education

In fall 2012 St. Vladimir's Seminary began requiring all incoming Master of Divinity students to complete one full unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), as a means to strengthen their pastoral abilities. Students who have successfully completed their CPE training from the spring 2014 forward and have demonstrated need, may...

Columbia University Concert Features St. Vladimir's Chorale

A joint concert titled "Heaven and Earth: Sacred Music from the Byzantine Greek and Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christian Traditions," was offered by the St. Vladimir's Seminary Chorale, under the direction of SVOTS Lecturer in Choral Conducting Robin Freeman , and by chanters under the direction of Eleftherios Eleftheriadis of the...

Arvo Pärt Project Creates Media Splash and Campus Buzz

Arvo Part Concert Tickets Going Fast: purchase now at Carnegie Hall! May 2014 • Arvo Pärt Project • Gabrielle Kushlan The New York Times article The Wall Street Journal article View Metropolitan Tikhon's video endorsement After years of hard work, the Arvo Pärt Project at St. Vladimir's Seminary—headed by Associate...

Busy Month for Professor of Canon Law

From the end of April to mid-May, seminary faculty member The Very Rev. Alexander Rentel participated in three different events regarding Canon Law, in his capacities as assistant professor of Canon Law and Byzantine Studies at St. Vladimir’s Seminary and as secretary of the Statute Revision Task Force of the...

Alumnus Installed as Bishop of Eastern Pennsylvania

“Love comes first in our church life, and foremost—love for Christ,” said the newly installed bishop in his remarks. His Grace received his Masters of Divinity degree from St. Vladimir’s over twenty years ago, submitting his thesis on “The Formation of the Canon of Scripture.” Chancellor/CEO The Very Dr. Chad...

In Memoriam: Dr. Anthony P. Gythiel

Read Dr. Gythiel's article, "Translation as a Means of Grace," from Jacob's Well , Winter 2012 Dr. Anthony P. Gythiel, 83, retired Wichita State University professor and renowned translator, entered into eternal rest on May 15, 2014 in Wichita, Kansas. Dr. Gythiel, who was presented a Doctor of Divinity degree...