Showing: 161 - 170 of 2955 results
"A Journey in the Sacred Arts" Introduces Collegians to Iconography

Read the feedback from workshop participants In a weeklong program that started on Memorial Day, Iconographer Khouria Erin Kimmett of The Annunciation Press led the inaugural summer program at St. Vladimir's, a six–day iconography workshop for college students. Collegians started the week as both novice iconographers and experienced students who...

Employment Opportunity: Seminary Seeks Professional to Help with Arvo Pärt Project

The Arvo Pärt Project (APP) at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary is seeking a 20–40 hour per week fundraising professional to explore and secure donations for a high–profile, short-term project, developed by SVOTS faculty members Dr. Nicholas Reeves and Dr. Peter Bouteneff. Together with seminary Chancellor/CEO The Very Rev. Dr...

"The Role of Life in Death": Dean Chairs Templeton Symposium in Italy

Seminary Dean and Professor of Patristics The Very Rev. Dr. John Behr traveled to Castel Gandolfo, Italy to participate in a conference hosted by the John Templeton Foundation titled, "The Role of Life in Death." Father John, who had originally suggested the topic for the gathering, was invited to chair...

Conference on Poverty Brings Together Diverse Voices

Listen to podcasts of the Poverty Conference in the Voices from St. Vladimir’s section of Ancient Faith Radio In keeping with its mission to serve Christ through theological research and its vision to be a premier center for Orthodox Christian scholarship, St. Vladimir’s Seminary brought together a diverse group of...

Chancellor Participates in "Many Faiths - One America" Conference

St. Vladimir's Chancellor/CEO The Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield recently participated in an interfaith conference in Washington, D.C., which addressed common concerns related to religious freedom. "Many Faiths – One America" was the theme, and prior to his own presentation, Fr. Chad was asked to speak to several media outlets...

Seminary Hosts 84th Orthodox-Catholic Consultation

In the first week of June, St. Vladimir's Seminary hosted the 84th North American Orthodox–Catholic Theological Consultation , the oldest official dialogue between the two Churches in the modern era. The bi-annual dialogue is jointly sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox...

Third Summer Program Concludes: Workshop Emphasizes Conflict Resolution Skills

Pastoral Theology, and seminary alumnus The Rev. Dr. Nicholas J. Solak ('02), rector of Holy Trinity Church, Stroudsburg, PA. Featuring interactive conversation, the workshop focused on interpersonal (rather than group) conflict resolution skills. "We had a lively discussion about a variety of issues our attendees are dealing with at work...

Seminary Signs Cooperative Agreement with Kyiv Theological Academy

View the photo gallery On June 14, the Rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary, Metropolitan Antony (Borispolsky), and the Chancellor/CEO of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, Archpriest Chad Hatfield, reached a cooperative agreement between their two theological schools. The agreement offers opportunities for student and teacher exchanges; sharing educational models...

Diaconal Summer Program Features Practical and Inspirational Workshops

Deacons and diaconal candidates gathered from states like Colorado and Kentucky for four concentrated days of training during the 7th Annual Diaconal Practicum at St. Vladimir's Seminary. Led by Archdeacon Kirill Sokolov , director of the Diaconal Vocations Program for the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), the workshop offered instruction...

Dean Offers Presentations at Amsterdam Colloquium and Cairo Seminar

Listen to Fr. John's presentation, "Orthodox Theological Education in the Twenty-First Century." Seminary Dean The Very Rev. Dr. John Behr recently traveled to Vree University (VU) in Amsterdam, Netherlands to participate in the colloquium "Orthodox Diaspora: a Place in–between—a Place of Encounter—a Place for Theology." Hosted by the Amsterdam Centre...