Showing: 1431 - 1440 of 2953 results
Seminary holds joyous commencement for classes of 2020, 2021

Giving thanks to God, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary hosted Commencement Exercises for the graduating classes of 2020 and 2021. The ceremony was held outdoors in front of Three Hierarchs Chapel on a beautiful, sunny afternoon Saturday, May 15, 2021. The Seminary hosted commencement for both classes this year, as...

Archimandrite Gerasim (Eliel) elected bishop of Fort Worth

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary Alumnus Archimandrite Gerasim (Eliel) is being raised to the episcopacy. On Tuesday, May 18, 2021, during their regular Spring Session under the presidency of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon , the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) canonically elected Fr. Gerasim bishop of...

Priest Alessandro Margheritino becomes OCA secretary

Seminary graduate and current Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) student Priest Alessandro Margheritino has been appointed secretary of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). The Holy Synod confirmed the appointment Tuesday, May 18, 2021. The confirmation followed His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tihkon ’s nomination and the Metropolitan Council 's endorsement. Father Alessandro’s...

Online Event: Orthodox Life in Screen Culture

Screens are everywhere. Christian parents used to...

Ordinations, Elevations, & Awards: Spring 2021

During and shortly after St. Vladimir’s Seminary’s 2021 Spring Semester, six new priests and five new deacons were added to the ranks of our student body and alumni fellowship. Additionally, one alumnus was elevated in rank and another has been elected to the Holy Episcopacy. We keep them all in...

Dn Anthony Niqula ordained to holy priesthood

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary Alumnus Dn. Anthony (Angelo) Niqula was ordained to the holy priesthood May 17, 2021, at his home parish, St. Mary Orthodox Church, Palos Heights, IL. His Grace, Bishop Anthony, a fellow St. Vladimir's alumnus, presided over the ordination. Father Anthony graduated from St. Vladimir’s Seminary with a...

Armenian Church ordains two alumni to priesthood

In recent weeks two alumni of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, Dns. Timothy Aznavourian and Michael Sabounjian, were ordained to the priesthood for the Armenian Church’s Eastern Diocese of America. Deacon Timothy, now Priest Nigoghos (Nicolas), was ordained May 28 and 29, 2021 through the hand of His Grace, Bishop Daniel Findikyan...

Institute of Sacred Arts hosts successful Summer Music Institute

Around 120 participants and fourteen instructors and speakers came together this June for “Unity in the Church through Song,” St. Vladimir’s Seminary’s Summer Music Institute. The online event, hosted by the Seminary’s Institute of Sacred Arts (ISA), was held June 2 through June 5, 2021. The Summer Music Institute—building on...

A pioneering Orthodox leader baptized at seminary: Meet Alumna Hollie Benton

Hollie Benton (SVOTS’ class of 1999) has served as executive director of the Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative (OCLI) since September of 2019. From its inception, the extensive collaboration between OCLI and St. Vladimir’s Seminary has been of benefit to both.

Archbishop Nathaniel helps remove barriers for would-be seminarians

Some years ago, Protobresbyter Thomas Hopko (+2015), dean at the time of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, was invited to speak at a meeting of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America. When asked about seminarians, Fr. Thomas reported that seminarians rarely came from the older, established Orthodox parishes in North America. Most, he said, were converts. “I thought, ‘my goodness, why is it from our own parishes we don’t have more vocations?’” said His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel (Popp) of Detroit and the Romanian Episcopate. From that moment, His Eminence though about what he could do to help.