Showing: 1271 - 1280 of 2953 results
The 1000th Anniversary of the Repose of St. Vladimir Celebration

SVOTS Chancellor/CEO Archpriest Chad Hatfield was invited by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to be one of the presenters at an academic conference marking the 1000th Anniversary of the Repose of St. Vladimir. Throughout 2015 there have been various programs and conferences marking this significant anniversary. Father Chad was...

Three Faculty Members Offer Presentations at NYC Sacred Arts Conference

Because of its strong program in teaching and presenting Orthodox sacred arts, St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary faculty were strongly represented in the panel of speakers at the 8th Sophia Annual Conference on the theme of "The Sacred Arts of Eastern Orthodoxy: Icon, Music, Rhetoric, Architecture and Artifacts" on December...

Drs. Daniel and Jane Hinshaw Represent SVOTS at the University of Balamand

In mid-February, Dr. Daniel Hinshaw, sessional professor of Palliative Care at St. Vladimir's, traveled to the University of Balamand in Lebanon with his wife, Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw, a psychiatrist. Both are professors at the University of Michigan as well as visiting professors at Balamand, and while there they offered...

SVOTS Liturgical Art Lecturer Offers Tour of Met's Byzantine Collection

On Friday, April 1, 2016, a group of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary students from Jordanville, NY, traveled to New York City in order to view the Byzantine art collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The group included the seminarians enrolled in the courses of Byzantine History and Liturgical Theology...

Classroom Exchange Highlights Institutional Ties

On Tuesday, April 5, 2016, SVOTS Professor of Systematic Theology Dr. Peter Bouteneff visited St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary to offer a lecture, “Understanding Oneself as Sinner: Finding the Healing Way.” He spoke in the classroom of Dr. Christopher Veniamin, professor of Patristics, addressing guests from within and outside the...

Professor Pentiuc Spreads God’s Word in Romania

The Reverend Dr. Eugen J. Pentiuc , professor of Scripture and Semitic Languages at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, spread the Word of God far and wide during his trip to Romania in May 2017—both through major media, and through a virtual classroom. Trinitas TV, the official media station of the Romanian...

Father Alexander Rentel Participates in 3 International Gatherings

From June 10–21, 2017, Archpriest Alexander Rentel, assistant professor of Canon Law and M.Div. program director at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, travelled to Italy to participate in two different seminars and to attend the First European Academy of Religion , a large member-based research network, connecting organizations that deal with religious...

Workshop for Readers and Musicians

The “Workshop for Readers and Musicians,” sponsored by the Diocese of New York and New Jersey (Orthodox Church in America) and hosted on our seminary campus, Saturday, September 9, 2017, was led by our faculty member, the Very Reverend J. Sergius Halvorsen, Ph.D., assistant professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric at...

SVOTS faculty, alumnus take part in discussion of theology and psychology

In the 21st century, the question of what it is to be human has become central. Implicit or explicit, anthropology—understood as the exploration of being human—informs our understanding of who we are, how we treat each other, and where we look for, and find, deep healing. On March 28, APOCC...

Revitalizing Parish Music efforts continue in Virginia

The seminary’s initiative to help revitalize music ministry at Orthodox parishes made a stop in Falls Church, Virginia this weekend. On Sunday, St. Vladimir’s Seminary’s Director of Music Robin Freeman led a workshop at St. Mary Orthodox Church . The Revitalizing Parish Music program offers training for readers, choir conductors...