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Commencement, Spring 2021

(All students on campus)

Homily on the Sunday of Orthodoxy

On Sunday, March 5, 2017, Archpriest Chad Hatfield, President of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, was guest homilist during the Great Vespers service celebrating the Sunday of Orthodoxy, at Holy Ghost Russian Orthodox Church , Bridgeport, Connecticut—whose rector is Archpriest Steven J. Belonick, seminary alumnus (M.Div. ’77). The parish hosted the event...

Matushka Juliana Schmemann, an “Original Brick”: A Remembrance

On this 40th day of the repose of Matushka Juliana Schmemann (†) , it is our joy to remember her love of Christ and His Church, by sharing a poignant essay written by Shamassey Mary Honoré, wife of current seminarian Deacon Andrew Honoré and granddaughter of both Archpriest Peter E...

Third Sunday of Great Lent: The Sunday of the Cross “Christ’s Outstretched Arms”

Our Alumnus, the Very Reverend Steven J. Belonick (M.Div. ’77), of blessed memory, was the rector of Holy Ghost Russian Orthodox Church in Bridgeport, CT. On the Sunday of Cross in 2017, he delivered this homily, reflecting upon the Cross as a symbol of both judgment and mercy. Third Sunday...

"I (used to) Play in a Rock Band"

I tend to shy away from such cliché expressions as, “God called me to come to St. Vladimir’s.” And yet, I am at a loss to explain it any other way. I can remember waking up the first morning after my family made the move to SVOTS, looking out of...

"It's Worth It”: Reflection on “Ed Day”

Andrew Boyd There is still nothing in my life experience quite like “Ed Day.” I suppose it could be like a parish festival, but the parish I grew up in didn’t have one. It seems to me, that it is more than that. Orthodox Education Day points to something beyond...

Feasting before the Fast, Thanksgiving at SVOTS

Sarah Bracey-Johnson Thanksgiving is a classic example of how time flows here St. Vladimir’s. Other institutions may experience it in a roughly linear fashion. Here it pools and eddies, and occasionally it seems to be going backward. Thus it is only natural that we celebrate Thanksgiving well in advance of...

Bless These Waters: Theophany at SVOTS

David Wooten One week ago, my family and I took part in the St. Vladimir’s Theophany celebrations for the first time. We had not been able to attend services last year, as we had been back home in Texas during Theophany, and only made it back from visiting my wife’s...

"I was in prison, and you visited me." (Matt 25:37)

Adam Horstman In St. Matthew’s Gospel, we see that in meeting the needs of the hungry, sick, and imprisoned, we are ministering directly to Jesus, who considers the poor, sick, and the imprisoned to be his brothers. Theology must be applied in the concrete reality of our everyday existence. By...