Showing: 1021 - 1030 of 2953 results
Serving to Heal: A conversation with Alumnus Rev. (Maj.) Sean Levine

Rev. (Maj.) Sean Levine has answered the call to serve time and time again. His journey in ministering to others has taken him everywhere from Kentucky to South Korea, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and from Fort Knox to St. Vladimir’s Seminary (SVOTS). Throughout that journey, as priest and military chaplain, Fr...

On “The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church”

The following is the text of the 2014 Fr. Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture, given by The Very Rev. Dr. John A. McGuckin at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary on January 31, 2014. Vladika, Fathers, sisters and brothers present here tonight on the occasion of this convocation, let me begin by...

Alumni clergy work to help parishioners after Hurricane Florence

Alumni Priests Peter Robichau (’10) and Andrew Cannon (’16) have launched efforts to assist parishioners of Saint Basil Orthodox Church in Wilmington, NC who have been left in need in the wake of a direct hit from Hurricane Florence on September 14, 2018. Fr. Peter and Fr. Andrew were recently...

Priest David Lee Bozeman (’12) makes cover of Living Church magazine

The musical artistry of Alumnus Priest David Lee Bozeman is the subject of a recent feature interview in The Living Church, a biweekly magazine of the Anglican Communion. The interview with Fr. David, “Of Majesty and Mystery,” is also featured on the cover of the October 21, 2018 edition of...

Meeting of the Lord and Zacchaeus

A homily delivered in the Three Hierarchs Chapel at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary on the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple and Zacchaeus Sunday (Sunday, February 2, 2014). Today, as we celebrate the meeting of Christ and the righteous Simeon and Anna, in the temple...

Alumnus Dn. George Katrib ordained to the Holy Priesthood

SVOTS Alumnus Dn. George Katrib has been ordained to the Holy Priesthood. The ordination took place at St. George Orthodox Christian Church, Houston, TX on Sunday, November 11, 2018. Priest George was ordained by the hand of His Grace BASIL , bishop of Wichita and Mid-America (Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church...

Priest Chris Moore to begin ministry in South Korea

Alumnus Priest Chris Moore (M.Div., ’18) has been spending time in South Korea since he graduated from St. Vladimir’s Seminary, continuing to carry the zeal for evangelism that brought him to SVOTS. Fr. Chris, Matushka Jen, and their two young sons, Andrew and Gideon, are in the process of finalizing...

A Male Convert and Female Saints: The Strong Women of the Orthodox Church and of My Family

I am surely not the only male convert to Orthodoxy who was initially surprised to discover how central the balance of the masculine and the feminine is to our faith and spiritual life. To some that may seem counter-intuitive in a church with a male priesthood with lots of facial...

Malankara Church ordains five SVOTS alumni

During the final few months of 2018, the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church ordained two priests and three deacons in North America—all graduates of St. Vladimir’s Seminary. On October 23, Subdeacon Kuriakose (Alex) Abraham (M.Div., ’16) was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by the hand of His Grace Metropolitan Youhanon Mar...

The Vocation of Fatherhood

As a proud Texan, it is more than a little ironic that my daughter has a New York birth certificate. Having spent all of our married life in Texas, my wife and I would have gladly welcomed our daughter before we moved to New York to attend seminary. However, as...