Seminarian Dr Anthony Gilbert ordained to the holy diaconate

Newly ordained Dn Anthony Gilbert with Fr Chad Hatfield
The newly ordained Dn Anthony with Fr Chad Hatfield

Seminarian Dr. Anthony (Gaelan) Gilbert was ordained to the holy diaconate Sunday, October 24, 2021 in Wichita, KS. His Grace, Bishop Basil (Essey) presided over Divine Liturgy and the service of ordination at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral.

The Rev. Dn. Anthony, a seminarian of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA), is in his second year studying in St. Vladimir’s Seminary’s Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program. He holds a master’s degree in English language and literature from San Diego State University and a doctoral degree in English and medieval literature and culture from the University of Victoria.

Deacon Anthony has held several teaching roles, including adjunct professor of literature and history at Hellenic College-Holy Cross, Brookline, MA; department chair and associate professor of arts and humanities at the University of Saint Katherine, San Marcos, CA; and headmaster at Christ the Savior Academy in Wichita, KS.

He recently penned an article in Healing Humanity: Confronting our Moral Crisis (Holy Trinity Publications, 2020), joining Seminary President Fr. Chad Hatfield and a number of other Orthodox writers who contributed to the book.

May God grant the newly ordained Dn. Anthony and his family many years! AXIOS!

Argus the Watcher

Odysseus Recognized by His Dog, Argus (Theodoor van Thulden, c. 1630)

Odysseus [Ulysses] Recognized by His Dog (Theodoor van Thulden, c. 1630)

Argus the Watcher, by St. Vladimir's Seminarian Theodore Mantzikos, was chosen as the winning entry of the 4th Annual St. Matthias Merit Scholarship Essay ContestThe anonymous donors behind the St. Matthias Merit Scholarship asked seminarians to reflect on the relationship between Ulysses and his dog, Argus, in Homer's Odyssey, and to relate it to the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7.24-30 and Christ's exhortation to "watch" in Mark 13.33-37.

Theodore Mantzikos wins St Matthias Merit Scholarship Essay Contest

Met. Tikhon & Theodore Mantzikos at SVOTS' Commencement Exercises, May 15, 2021
Met. Tikhon and Theodore Mantzikos at SVOTS' Commencement Exercises, May 15, 2021 

Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) has announced Seminarian Theodore Mantzikos as the winner of the 4th Annual St. Matthias Merit Scholarship Essay Contest. 

The contest was opened to current SVOTS students at the beginning of the 2021 fall semester. For his winning entry, titled, “Argus the Watcher”, Mantzikos had $3,000 in award money added to his scholarship fund.

Fall Online Open House

Start Date

Online Event

Do you feel called to serve the Church, either in ordained ministry, academia, or another vocation? Explore that calling at St. Vladimir’s Seminary’s Online Open House, October 14-15!

Registration for this Open House is Now Closed.

Prospective seminarians are invited to take a closer look at the spiritual, academic, and residential life at St. Vladimir’s. Pray in the chapel, attend classes, and speak with Seminary professors—all virtually, of course.

Fall Open House Schedule

Thursday, October 14

7:30am –Matins (Antiochian Archdiocese)
8:30am – Welcome
8:45am – Message from President Archpriest Chad Hatfield & Academic Dean Dr. Ionuț-Alexandru Tudorie

9:15am – Modern Era Missiology (Class Session) with Archpriest Chad Hatfield
12:00pm – Lunch
2:00pm – History of the Church until the Great Schism (Class Session) with Dr. Tudorie
5:00pm – Vespers (Antiochian Archdiocese)

Friday, October 15

7:00am – Matins (Orthodox Church in America)
9:00am – Virtual Campus Tour

10:00am – Virtual Library Tour
10:30am – Tuition & Financial Aid Info Session
12:00pm – Lunch
1:00pm – Meet St. Vladimir’s Seminary Faculty
2:00pm – Q&A
3:00pm – Admissions Info Session
4:00pm – Closing Remarks

The Online Open House is a perfect way to experience the life of a seminarian before applying to study at St. Vladimir’s. The Seminary will begin accepting applications for the 2022-2023 Academic Year in February.

The registration period for the Fall Online Open House ends Tuesday, October 12.

Questions about the Online Open House or applying to St. Vladimir’s Seminary? Email

Fr Christopher Eid elevated to archpriest

Fr Christopher Eid at liturgy
Fr. Christopher serving at Holy Ascension Orthodox Church

On September 12, 2021, St Vladimir's Seminary Alumnus Fr. Christopher Eid was elevated to the dignity of archpriest. The elevation took place by the hand of His Grace, Bishop Thomas at Holy Ascension Antiochian Orthodox Church, West Chester, PA, where Fr. Christopher serves as priest.

In his remarks after concluding the elevation, Bishop Thomas noted that this dignity is granted not based upon tenure (having served in the capacity of the priesthood for ten years) but rather due to a priest’s ability to lead and be a priest other priests can look up to.

Fr Christopher Eid and Bishop Thomas

A native of Syria, Fr. Christopher was raised in an Orthodox home among the clergy members of his family. He attended and served at the Bosra Horan Archdiocesan Chancery Church of St. George in Syria before moving to the United States. While working full-time after arriving in America, Fr. Christopher also attended the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center, obtaining a bachelor of science degree in international criminal investigation. 

After completing this professional training, he established a career in executive protection security and investigation. However, his love for the Church compelled Fr. Christopher to leave his job. With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Philip of thrice blessed memory, he enrolled at St. Vladimir's seminary and completed his Masters of Divinity degree in May of 2010. 

Remembering his time at St. Vladimir’s, Fr. Christopher noted that “because of my years of education at St. Vladimir’s, I have been equipped to quench the spiritual thirst of those seeking Christ. Continuing on the same path that the Master of Divinity program encouraged us to follow, I am committed to working with all Orthodox Christian organizations in order to serve the future of Orthodoxy, whether they be children born into the faith or and those who will be coming home through mission and outreach work.”

Father Christopher married Khouria Katarina (née Jegdic) in October of 2010, and in 2011 he was ordained to the holy diaconate and holy priesthood.

Father Christopher's priestly ministry has taken him to several parishes throughout the U.S. Immediately following ordination in 2011, Fr. Christopher was given a temporary assignment to serve alongside Fr. Elias Bitar of blessed memory at St. George Orthodox Church in Little Falls, NJ, before moving to Houston, TX, to serve at St. George Orthodox Church. Father Christopher served in Houston from December 2011 to December 2014. He was then assigned as dean of St. George Cathedral in Charleston, WV, a position he held for almost four years. In 2018, Fr. Christopher was assigned to Yonkers, NY, to become the priest at Virgin Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church. In September 2020, he was assigned as the priest of Holy Ascension Antiochian Orthodox Church. 

While serving as a full-time priest, Fr. Christopher began attending the Eastern Christian Focus Doctor of Ministry Program at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He is expected to graduate with his doctoral degree in May 2022.

May God grant The Very Rev. Christopher Eid and his family many years!

Dr Harrison Russin speaks on the 'Vocation of Music'

Dr Harrison Russin conducts the choir at Three Hierarchs Chapel
Dr Harrison Russin conducts the choir at Three Hierarchs Chapel

The Orthodox Church in America (OCA)'s latest installment in its series on vocations features a conversation with the musical directors of both St. Vladimir's and St. Tikhon's Orthodox seminaries. In The Vocation of Music, St. Vladimir's Assistant Professor of Liturgical Music Dr. Harrison Russin and St. Tikhon's Director of Music Benedict Sheehan discuss questions including why Orthodox sing in church and what the Church can do to inspire more people to become Orthodox musicians.

At one point in their discussion, Dr. Russin observes that so much of Orthodoxy's liturgical and spiritual tradition comes from the early desert practice of singing the psalms.

So this is where I always start: singing the psalms is always our entry into the liturgical, spiritual, and ascetical life of the church. The very act of singing demands tasks that are the perfect training ground for spiritual warfare. In order to sing well, we have to let go. We have to listen to others, we have to be obedient to the director and to the sound of the choir. We can’t sing too loudly or too softly. The fundamentals of most singing techniques are about relaxing and singing without tension, breathing with solid but free breath. I think these are all reasons why singing the psalter is part of the foundation of the Orthodox experience.

Orthodox from around the world attend Leadership Conference at St Vladimir’s Seminary

Fr Kosmas Kallis addresses conference participants

The Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative (OCLI) held its National Orthodox Advanced Leadership Conference for the fifth year running at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, September 17–19, 2021.

The event, which allowed in-person and online participants this year, drew More than 100 people representing four countries, nine Orthodox jurisdictions and even non-Orthodox, and twenty-three states across the United States. Nearly half of the participants joined the conference onsite, and participants from Australia and India joined in the middle of the night!

Participants take notes during a conference session

“My first time, and I thought this conference was amazing!” said one conference-goer. “It was very well organized, a lot of great information was given, and I enjoyed meeting so many people.”

The fifth annual edition of the conference, with its focus of “Generously Investing in Emerging Leaders,” featured ordained and lay speakers from multiple jurisdictions and organizations: Fr. Kosmas Kallis and Steven Christoforou from Y2AM, Christina Andresen (Orthodox Christian Fellowship) Anna Kallis (Telos Project), St. Vladimir’s Doctor of Ministry candidate Fr. Elias Dorham, Michelle Moujaes (Faithtree Resources), St. Vladimir’s Seminary Alumna Katrina Bitar (YES North America), and Fr. Timothy Hojnicki (St. Raphael School).

Anna Kallis presents

“We had nearly equal representation from men and women among our younger emerging leaders, seasoned lay leaders, and clergy which allowed for such an enriching experience and exchange of insight and ideas,” said OCLI Executive Director Hollie Benton (SVOTS’ class of 1999). “We have so many creative and hard-working servant leaders whose ministries support mentoring, making early life transitions, and hearkening to God’s call with a spirit of generosity rooted in responsibility and gratitude to all that our Lord has provided!”

OCLI planned an online follow-up event for participants and will make videos of the conference presentations available for them.

About OCLI

The Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative exists to nurture and empower Orthodox Christian servant leadership.  It is a national initiative to increase generosity, servant leadership, and social outreach by clergy and laity of all jurisdictions working together nationally, regionally, and locally. 

Originating from the Orthodox Vision Foundation and its annual Orthodox Advanced Leadership Conferences beginning in 2017 and hosted at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, OCLI was established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in October 2018.

Orthodoxy & Evangelism

Start Date
In-Person & Online Event

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary is hitting the road and heading to Cleveland this fall. On Saturday, October 2, 2021, we’re hosting the special educational event, Orthodoxy & Evangelism, at St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral.

Orthodoxy & Evangelism Flyer

The event will feature the launch of the new book, The Evangelical Theology of the Eastern Orthodox Church (SVS Press), and a talk by the book’s author, Dr. Bradley Nassif. The day will also feature two other keynotes, by Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield and Very Rev. Dr. Eric Tosi, and a Q&A panel discussion with all three speakers on Orthodox Christian missiology and evangelism.

Orthodoxy & Evangelism is free to attend in person OR online, and begins at 10 a.m. EDT. Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.

Register Now

Orthodoxy & Evangelism will support the education of seminarians at St. Vladimir’s. As you register, consider offering a gift and help raise $30 thousand to go toward forming priests, missionaries, teachers, and other servants for the Church. More information is included on the donation form.

The Orthodoxy & Evangelism event is being held in partnership with St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral (Cleveland, OH), St. Luke the Evangelist Antiochian Orthodox Church (Bainbridge, OH), and St. Innocent Orthodox Church (Olmsted Falls, OH).


Dr. Bradley Nassif, professor of biblical and theological studies at North Park University in Chicago, is an Orthodox Christian scholar known especially for his ecumenical involvement and active role in Orthodox evangelism. Raised in the Orthodox Church as a Lebanese-American, Dr. Nassif also spent some time worshipping in the Evangelical tradition in his youth. His experience in both realms has made him a pioneer in Orthodox-Evangelical relations. His life experience, combined with his knowledge of Orthodox faith and history, places him in a unique position from which to articulate the Orthodox faith to a diverse audience.

Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield is president of St. Vladimir's Seminary. An exceptional lecturer and professor of pastoral theology, Fr. Chad has served in the mission field in South Africa, Alaska, and Guatemala as well as in parish ministry in the United States. His experience in various pastoral, teaching, and administrative roles, spread over more than forty years of ordained ministry, are now blended into his ministry of seminarian formation at St. Vladimir’s.

Very Rev. Dr. Eric Tosi is assistant professor of pastoral theology at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, chairman of the Commission on Missions and Evangelism for the Diocese of New York and New Jersey (Orthodox Church in America), and rector of St. Gregory the Theologian Church in Wappingers Falls, NY. Father Eric possesses a wealth of diverse experiences and knowledge as a priest and educator. In addition to his current ministries, he was secretary of the OCA, longtime chairman of the OCA’s Department of Evangelization, a mission priest in Billings, MT, and parish priest in Las Vegas, NV. Father Eric also served as a captain in the U.S. Army and held other positions in the business world.

ORTHODOXY & EVANGELICALISM is made possible by our gracious hosts and sponsors.


St. Luke the Evangelist Antiochian Orthodox Church
(Bainbridge Township, OH)

St. Innocent Orthodox Church
(Olmsted Township, OH)

St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
(Cleveland, OH)


Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society of Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral
(Cleveland, OH)

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
(Parma, OH)

Alex Machaskee, D.H.L.
The Honorable Catherine Fuller

St. Innocent Orthodox Church
Insurance Systems Group & the Herzak Family

Insurance Systems Logo



We also offer sincere gratitude to Dr. Bradley Nassif, author of The Evangelical Theology of the Orthodox Church; The Rev. Remus Grama, pastor of St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral; The Rev. Matthew Thurman, pastor of St. Luke the Evangelist Orthodox Church; Mrs. Maca Tyler; Mrs. Erin Susick; and the Lady’s Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral for their tireless efforts in the Lord’s vineyard and diligent work to make this event possible.

Grant, O Lord, a prosperous and peaceful life, health, salvation, and furtherance in all good things to these Thy servants, and preserve them for MANY YEARS!

Met. Joseph ordains Seminarian Nicholas Fine to Holy Diaconate

Ordination of Dn Nicholas Fine

Second-year seminarian Nicholas Fine joined the ranks of the Holy Diaconate on Sunday, September 12, 2021. Deacon Nicholas, a seminarian of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA) was ordained by the hand of His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph at St Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church in Brooklyn.

Sponsoring Dn. Nicholas were St. Vladimir's Seminary President Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield and Dn. Nicholas' fellow Antiochian seminarian Rev. Thomas Miller. Several other seminarians from St. Vladimir's were present at the Divine Liturgy and ordination. 

May God grant many years to the newly ordained Dn. Nicholas Fine and his family! AXIOS!

Dn Nicholas with Metropolitan Joseph


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