39th Annual Fr Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture

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Theologian The Rev. Dr. Khaled Anatolios will deliver the 39th Annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture at St. Vladimir’s Seminary on January 30, 2022, on the Feast of the Three Hierarchs.

39th Annual Fr Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture ONLINE

Father Khaled’s lecture is titled, “Salvation as Liturgy: Alexander Schmemann’s Liturgical Theology and the Renewal of the Joy of Salvation.”

The lecture is free and open to the public to attend online (in-person attendance is not available at this time). It begins at 7 p.m. EST/4 p.m. PST.


The Rev. Khaled Anatolios, Ph.D. is the John A. O'Brien Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. Father Khaled, a priest of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, is interested in all aspects of the theology of the early Church, with special emphases on the Trinitarian, Christological, and soteriological doctrines of the Greek fathers and Augustine; early Christian biblical exegesis; and the development of theological methodology in patristic and medieval theology. He has published on a variety of early Christian theologians including Irenaeus, Origen, Athanasius, Augustine, and Gregory of Nyssa. A particular focus of his work is the engagement between early Christian theological reflection and contemporary theological concerns. His published books include Deification through the Cross: An Eastern Christian Theology of Salvation (Eerdmans, 2020), Retrieving Nicaea: The Development and Meaning of Trinitarian Doctrine (Baker Academic, 2011 & 2018), and Athanasius: The Coherence of his Thought (Routledge, 1998 & 2004).

Become a seminarian at St Vladimir's

This could be your classroom. [inside chapel]

Apply to become a seminarian at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary! The Seminary is now accepting applications for all four of its degree programs for Academic Year 2022-2023: Master of DivinityMaster of ArtsMaster of Theology, and Doctor of Ministry. The deadline to apply is June 1, 2022.

Prospective students are able to complete the entire application process online, including interviews, and are not required to visit campus at any time during the application process.

New icons blessed for Seminary's Malankara chapel

Fr. Geevarghese offers incense before the new icons

In recent months, the St. Thomas Malankara Chapel at St Vladimir's Seminary has undergone a number of upgrades. Most recently, thanks to the generosity of several donors, new icons for the chapel were installed and blessed.

On Monday, January 24, Seminary President Fr. Chad Hatfield joined the Malankara seminarians for Vespers and led the blessing of the icons with Seminarian Fr. Geevarghese Mathew. 

Fr Chad blesses new icons

The new icons include Christ the Pantocrator; the Theotokos; St. John the Forerunner; St. George the Martyr; St. Ephrem the Syrian; Ss. Peter and Thomas; the Three Hierarchs (the patrons of the Seminary's primary chapel); and St. Gregorios of Parumala, India. Devotion to Ss. George, Ephrem, and Gregorios of Parumala is particularly strong among Orthodox Christians in Malankara*. The icon of Ss. Peter and Thomas is a unique one commissioned specifically for the St. Thomas Malankara Chapel—it represents the fellowship at St. Vladimir's of Malankara seminarians from the jurisdiction governed by the Syriac Patriarchate of Antioch (a See of Peter) and those seminarians under the Catholicate of the East in India (the See of Thomas). 

The Seminary's Malankara community continues to raise funds in order to purchase new rugs, service books, and liturgical items for the chapel. To help, donate at svots.edu/give/donate and select "Malankara Chapel Renovation Fund", or send a check to St. Vladimir's Seminary (575 Scarsdale Road, Yonkers, NY 10707) with "Malankara Chapel Renovation Fund" in the memo. 

Seminarians March for Life

Demonstrators hold up "Orthodox Christians for Life" sign

Members of St. Vladimir's student body, faculty, and staff joined the 49th annual March for Life Friday in Washington, D.C.

The Seminary's participation in the March was organized by St. Vladimir's student-led St. Ambrose Society. The group from St. Vladimir's joined the larger gathering of Orthodox Christians at the March led by twelve hierarchs of the Assembly of Orthodox Canonical Bishops.

Each year tens of thousands of people join the March for Life in the nation's capitol in defense of life and to condemn the tragic reality of abortion. As His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon affirmed in his annual statement released in January, “The Orthodox Church continues to hold fast to its ancient belief that all human life, from conception in the womb to our very last moment, is sacred to God. For the Holy Scripture tells us that ‘God did not make death, and He does not delight in the death of the living. For He created all things that they might exist’ (Wis 1:13–14).”

Met. Joseph elevates alumnus to archpriest, ordains seminarian to diaconate in Levittown, NY

Clergy with the newly ordained and elevated deacon and archpriest

The St. Vladimir's Seminary community is celebrating the great blessings bestowed upon two of its own over the weekend: the elevation to archpriest of Alumnus Fr. Charles Baz and the ordination to the diaconate of Seminarian Andrew Salvia. The elevation and ordination took place Sunday, January 16 at Saint John the Baptist Antiochian Orthodox Church in Levittown, NY, by the hand of His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph.

Met. Joseph presents a cross to Fr Charles

Archpriest Charles Baz graduated from St. Vladimir's Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program in 2000, and he returned years later to his alma mater as faculty to teach Byzantine Liturgical Chant Theory and intensive courses in the Arabic language for liturgical use. He currently serves as pastor of St. John in Levittown.

Following the elevation of Fr. Charles, His Eminence said that wearing the cross of the archpriest is a big responsibility, as the prayer of elevation says he must set a good example for his fellow servitors in the priesthood.

“The priesthood is not an employment, but a sacrifice,” said His Eminence.

Attending the elevation of Fr. Charles and ordination of Dn. Andrew were several fellow Antiochian Orthodox seminarians from St. Vladimir's and Seminary professor Fr. Bogdan Bucur.

At the conclusion of the diaconal ordination, His Eminence said that this lowest degree of the major orders is no less important than the priesthood and episcopacy.

Scene from ordination of Dn. Andrew

“Our being in church counts a lot in the eyes of God,” His Eminence said. “If you are obedient to God, people will respect you regardless of your degree. People will respect you because you are godly, not because you are smart or eloquent.

“We said many times, ‘axios,’ ‘he is worthy,’ ‘moustahiq.’ If we think about who is worthy, then no one is worthy next to God. But God, with His grace and with His love and with His mercy, makes us worthy.”

The Rev. Dn. Andrew Salvia is in his second year studying in the M.Div. program. He and his wife, Alethia, are parents of Giuseppe, Romano, Costa, and Giovanni.

May God grant Fr. Charles, Dn. Andrew, and their families many years! AXIOS!

Parables are subject of new Jesus Christ volume

Jesus Christ: His Life & Teaching is available in paperback and eBook

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary (SVS) Press has released the fourth volume of Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev’s landmark Jesus Christ: His Life and Teaching.

This fourth book explores the most distinct aspect of Jesus' teaching ministry: his parables. The parables are explored from multiple angles, giving due consideration both to modern biblical scholarship and the insights it can give, as well as the ancient tradition of the Church and the extensive commentaries of the Church Fathers.

"This study is detailed and thorough, while still remaining accessible to readers. This volume is a must-have resource for the preachers and teachers of Christ’s Church, as well as anyone ready and willing to be taught by the Master himself," said biblical scholar and popular podcast host The Rev. Stephen De Young, Ph.D.

SVS Press plans to release the remaining two installments of Metropolitan Hilarion’s multi-volume work on the life and message of Jesus as they are translated into English.

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev is the chairman of the Department of External Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate. He has authored numerous works on theology and church history, and is an internationally recognized composer of liturgical music. Several of his works are available through SVS Press, including his multi-volume Orthodox ChristianityPrayer: Encounter with the Living God, and Christ the Conqueror of Hell.

These books and more can be purchased online, at SVSPress.com, or by calling 1-800-204-BOOK (2665).

Professor Bouteneff’s spends fruitful residency in Estonia

Dr Peter Bouteneff engages in a discussion during an international conference  on the music of Arvo Pärt

This fall St. Vladimir’s Professor of Systematic Theology Dr. Peter Bouteneff flew to Laulasmaa, Estonia, where he experienced a productive, eventful, and joyful ten-day residency at the Arvo Pärt Centre.

The residency marked a return to the Centre for Bouteneff, the director of St. Vladimir’s Seminary’s Arvo Pärt Project. He had previously traveled to Estonia with Seminary President Fr. Chad Hatfield for the Arvo Pärt Centre’s opening ceremonies in 2018, and was in residence there again for a week in November 2019.

Arvo Pärt: Out of Silence book cover in Estonian

On this latest trip to the Centre, Bouteneff was honored with a newly published Estonian translation of his book, Arvo Pärt: Out of Silence (SVS Press). The book examines the powerful interplay between Pärt’s music and the composer’s own deep roots in the Orthodox Christian faith—a relationship that has borne much creative fruit and won the hearts of countless listeners across the globe.

“Having the book available now in the composer’s native language, accessible to his own beloved fellow-citizens, means a great deal to me. I submit this book now to their judgment, not without a little fear,” said Bouteneff.

Prof. Bouteneff participates in panel discussion

During his residency, Professor Bouteneff also chaired a panel and delivered a paper at an international conference on Pärt’s music, delivered a theological lecture at the Centre, and recorded two episodes of the Institute of Sacred Arts (ISA) podcast Luminous: Conversations on Sacred Arts. (Dr. Bouteneff also directs the ISA at St. Vladimir’s Seminary.) One of those episodes, a discussion with photographer Kaupo Kikkas, is Luminous’s latest release.

“The Arvo Pärt Centre is an academic, artistic, and spiritual home for me,” said Bouteneff. “Whenever I visit this architectural gem nestled in the Estonian forest, I am blessed with the fellowship of the Centre’s staff, visitors, and fellow devotees to Pärt’s music. And of course I cherish my encounters with Arvo and Nora Pärt, who are my dear and esteemed friends. Here, one is touching greatness.”

Bouteneff and Arvo Pärt embrace and smile (Photo: Birgit Püve)
Professor Bouteneff with renowned composer Arvo Pärt (Photo: Birgit Püve)

Arvo Pärt’s spiritual roots in Orthodox Christianity have inspired the Seminary to engage in a project that has produced high-profile concertsessays and books, official collaboration with the Arvo Pärt Centre, and cross-disciplinary panel discussions. Learn more about the Arvo Pärt Project and the Seminary’s Institute of Sacred Arts online.

Baptism brings together alumnus, seminarians

Fr Theophan prepares to anoint the child with Holy Chrism

Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church in Salem, MA was the site of a joyous celebration Sunday, bringing together St. Vladimir's seminarians and an alumnus for the baptism of a baby boy. On January 9, The Rev. Theophan Whitfield presided over the baptism of Luca Raffaele, son of Seminarian Paul and Sarah Patane.

Paul and Sarah change Luca into his baptismal robe

At Sunday's baptism, the Patanes were joined by fellow seminary families Andrew and Amber Prather and Ronald and Rebeckah Austin. The Austins are godparents of the newly illumined Luca.

Paul, Andrew, Amber, and Ronald are all in their second year of studies in the Seminary's M.Div. program. Father Theophan, the rector of St. Nicholas, holds two degrees from St. Vladimir's: an M.Div. (2010) and a D.Min. (2019).

Paul and Sarah have a special relationship with Fr. Theophan and St. Nicholas, their home parish.

"Father Theophan chrismated us and brought us into the Church, he sent us to seminary, and now he has baptized our son into the Church," Paul explained. "It's a wonderful lineage that our family is so blessed to be a part of!"

More photos from the baptism may be found on St. Nicholas' flickr page

May God grant the newly illumined Luca Raffaele and his parents many years!

Fr Theophan processes with baby Luca, followed by the godparents and parents

In Memoriam: Jim Forest

Jim Forest

Orthodox writer Jim Forest, author of several popular children's books published by St Vladimir's Seminary (SVS) Press, fell asleep in the Lord January 13, 2022, at the age of 80.

St George & the Dragon Cover

Forest lived in Alkmaar, The Netherlands, with his wife, Nancy Forest-Flier. 

Together with his wife Nancy, he served as co-secretary of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship of the Protection of the Mother of God. Forest was also editor of the Fellowship's journal, In Communion.

As a well-known Roman Catholic and later Orthodox Christian writer, Forest authored numerous books including biographies of Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day, The Road to Emmaus: Pilgrimage as a Way of Life, and SVS Press books Praying with IconsSaint George and the DragonSaint Nicholas and the Nine Gold Coins, and Silent as a Stone: Mother Maria of Paris and the Trash Can Rescue.

May his memory be eternal!

Seminarian Dn Anthony Machnee made priest on Feast of Theophany

Fr Anthony Machnee, family, and friends following his priestly ordination

The Rev. Dn. Anthony Machnee, a seminarian of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), was ordained to the holy priesthood January 6, 2022, on the Feast of Holy Theophany. The ordination took place, fittingly, at Holy Theophany Orthodox Church in Colorado Springs, CO by the hand of His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin.

Fr Anthony and family

Priest Anthony is in his third year studying in St. Vladimir's Seminary's Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program. He holds a B.A. in psychology from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. Before coming to seminary, Fr. Anthony worked in trades doing residential constructions and renovations, and he served as a homebuilding coordinator for Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphanage’s summer volunteer program from 2013-2014.

May God grant many years to the newly ordained Fr. Anthony, Matushka Mary, and their children! AXIOS!

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