Lenten Retreat

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(No classes, all students on campus)

Online School of Theology Introduces First Clergy-Oriented Advanced Course


St Vladimir’s Online School of Theology has opened a new online course intended for Orthodox priests, titled "Let My Prayer Arise: Music and Hymnography of the Lenten Triodion." The Online School, which introduced its first non-degree courses to the general public last summer, is now initiating a second category of course offerings: classes designed specifically for ordained Orthodox priests pursuing continuing theological enrichment.

This first course will be taught by St Vladimir's Seminary Assistant Professor of Liturgical Music, the Rev. Dn Dr Harrison Basil Russin, and will take a limited cohort of 15 priests through graduate-level coursework exploring the profound connection between the liturgical texts and music of the Lenten Triodion. Dn Harrison will guide experienced clergy in an advanced exploration of diverse examples of hymnography throughout the weeks of Lent, discussing the extraordinary interplay of language and music that adds depth and significance to the experience of parishioners participating in the services. Additional readings and assignments will be provided as options for participants to complete if their schedule permits.

The course is 5 weeks long and will take place via Zoom every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. ET, from February 13–March 12, 2024. Each week includes: 

  • Recorded video by the professor
  • Graduate-level coursework
  • Optional extra readings and assignments (complete as individual schedule permits)
  • 5 Live Sessions (introduction, asynchronous material review by professor, and Q&A). 

There will also be an introductory training on the Canvas course platform on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. ET.

This course counts as credit for the OCA clergy continuing education program; it is non-transferable to SVOTS degree programs. 

Registration is limited to 15 members; interested applicants are invited to apply as soon as possible, as course registration closes on Tuesday, January 23, 2024. The cost for this course is $350. To learn more and apply for the course, visit online.svots.edu or contact us at online@svots.edu.

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St Vladimir's Seminary Celebrates 60 Years of Clean Financial Audits


In a notable milestone, the 2023 financial audit of St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) marked 60 years of consistently clean financial audits, a testament to its ongoing commitment to transparency and fiscal responsibility.

Ever since its first financial audit at its current campus in 1963, St Vladimir's Seminary administrators and trustees have made every effort to uphold the highest standards of financial integrity, working to earn the trust of its stakeholders and the broader community. 

"We are thrilled to mark this significant achievement in our institutional history. The 60 years of clean financial audits underscore our ongoing commitment to fiscal responsibility and accountability," said the Very Rev. Dr Chad Hatfield, SVOTS President. "This milestone reflects the hard work and dedication of our staff, faculty, and leadership who have consistently upheld the values that define our institution."

SVOTS Chief Financial Officer Andrew Schachtner remarked, “Our commitment to financial transparency plays a pivotal role in sustaining the trust and confidence of donors, alumni, and the wider community.” As it celebrates this achievement, St Vladimir's Seminary reaffirms its pledge to continue fostering a culture of responsible financial management and transparency as it serves its mission of providing exceptional education and spiritual formation.

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