Interseminary Dialogue: "Our Movements, Our Seminaries, Ourselves"

Start Date

The first regular discussion of Interseminary Dialogue (ISD)—a group comprised of eight seminaries in the New York Metro area (Jewish and Christian, "traditional" and "progressive")—will be hosted on our campus, Monday, September 19, from 7 p.m.–9 p.m. The dialogue is open to all of our seminarians, and the topic for the evening is "Vocation and Calling," part of this year's overall theme: Our Movements, Our Seminaries, Ourselves.

St. Vladimir's Seminary has been participating in ISD since the 1950s. Once per month, during academic sessions, some of our seminarians engage in a two-hour peer discussion with students from surrounding seminaries. Each seminary with students involved in the dialogue takes a turn hosting a discussion about a particular topic within a set theme. 

Student co-coordinators at SVOTS this year are Sarah Bracey-Johnson and Kevin Basil Fritts.

"Like" the Inter-Seminary Dialogue Facebook page here.

The dialogue will be held in the Metropolitan Philip Auditorium of the John G. Rangos Family Building. Find us on Google Maps.

Dean Archpriest John Behr Celebrates 10th Year of Ordination on Feast of the Cross

Father John's faith informs his scholarly work and vice versa, so that in his life and work, Fr. John epitomizes the thought of St. John Chrysostom, the famed 4th-century preacher who spoke of the pastoral power of theology and words. Paraphrasing St. John in a recent sermon, Fr. John said, "A disciplined mind and a mind raised to the Word of God: It is this that gives theology its pastoral power."

Reflecting upon his decade as a priest, Fr. John said, "Every year, I am ever more glad that I was given the gift to be ordained on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-given Cross. I am increasingly coming to appreciate the apostle's words that he would know nothing apart from Christ and him crucified.

"If we try to approach our own problems or issues—personal or institutional, societal or ecclesial—in any other way," he concluded, "we will not find resolution and peace; but with the Cross before us, we are given a taste of life, a life not of this world, but a foretaste of the Kingdom."

May God grant Archpriest John many years!

Podcasts Now Playing: Ss. Alban & Sergius Fellowship Presentations with Keynote by Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware)

With an insightful, prophetic, and entertaining keynote, Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware), bishop of Diokleia and renowned churchman, inaugurated the North American Conference of the Fellowship of Ss. Alban and Sergius, an Orthodox-Anglican gathering which is meeting on our campus September 8–10. In his talk, titled "The Present and Future of Orthodoxy," he reviewed major trends in twentieth-century Orthodox Christian thought and proposed a "shift in focus" for twenty-first century theological study. 

Mainly, His Eminence suggested that Orthodox theologians move from the study of ecclesiology, which preoccupied scholars of the last century—"What is the Church?"—to the study of anthropology—"What is the human person, and what does it mean to be a person in relationship?".  He stressed the reasons for this proposed shift: an ever-growing duty for Orthodox Christians to address bioethical concerns; the "disastrous" ecological state of the cosmos and the relationship of humanity to the Earth; and the dearth of Orthodox Christian studies concerning personhood. Especially, he advocated a creative approach to this theological venture, encouraging scholars to "acquire the mind of the fathers" in light of God's word in Scripture, "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev 21:5).

Metropolitan Kallistos delivered his keynote on the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, Thursday evening. The conference continued all day Friday, beginning with a welcome to participants from seminary Chancellor/CEO Archpriest Chad Hatfield. Father Chad acts as Co-Chair of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA)-Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) dialogue, along with his counterpart, Bishop Ray Sutton, chair of the Anglican Church in North America's Ecumenical Relations Task Force.

Listen to podcasts of Metropolitan Kallistos's keynote and all the speakers of the conference (listed below) on Ancient Faith Radio, by clicking  here.

Father Stephen Platt, General Secretary of the Fellowship of Ss. Alban and Sergius, introduced by Fr. Chad Hatfield:  "A Historical Record of Dialogue and Exchange"

Bishop Keith Ackerman, 8th Bishop of Quincy in Anglican Church of North America, retired; currently serving as President of Forward in Faith North America, a traditionalist Anglo-Catholic movement: "The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham and the Anglican-Orthodox Witness"

Father John Parker, SVOTS alumnus and current rector of Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina: "The Filioque"

Professor Moheb A. Ghali, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, Western Washington University: "Early Orthodox-Anglican Contacts"

The Reverend Canon Robert S. Munday, Ph.D., Research Professor of Theology and Missions, Nashotah House Theological Seminary: "Charles Chapman Grafton: Reflections on the Reunion of the Oriental and Anglican Churches"

Dr. Michael Howell, Executive Director of Forward in Faith, a traditionalist Anglo-Catholic movement, and former Associate Professor at the University of South Florida: "John Mason Neale and His Legacy"

(from left) Fr. Stephen Platt, general secretary of the Fellowship of Ss. Alban and Sergius; Metropolitan Kallistos, Co-chair of Orthodox-Anglican Dialogue from  2008 to the present;  Bishop Keith Ackerman, president of Forward in Faith North America; Bishop Ray Sutton, chair of the Anglican Church in North America's Ecumenical Relations Task Force; and Moderator, seminary Chancellor/CEO Fr. Chad Hatfield: "Open Forum and Panel."

Metropolitan Kallistos Receives Honorary Doctorate, Seminarians Receive St. Basil the Great Award

Recognizing the many gifts that Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware), bishop of Diokleia, has offered to the Orthodox Church and to Christians worldwide, the seminary Board of Trustees and faculty bestowed upon him an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree, during an academic convocation held on the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos. The convocation was but one of many scheduled activities related to the visit of His Eminence to our campus, who came mainly to deliver the keynote at the North American Conference of the Fellowship of Ss. Alban and Sergius, being hosted by the seminary September 8–10.

Metropolitan Kallistos, a renowned author, teacher, and speaker, held the esteemed position of Spalding Lecturer at the University in Oxford in Eastern Orthodox studies for 35 years, prior to his retirement in 2001. Among his students was our seminary Dean, Archpriest John Behr, who had the privilege of introducing Metropolitan Kallistos to the crowd that had gathered to hear his keynote. Noting His Eminence's extraordinary contributions to the classroom and to the Church, Fr. John remembered fondly his former professor's nickname—"Super K"—apropos to the scholarly instruction and pastoral care that Metropolitan Kallistos had generously given to generations of students.

Upon his reception of the honorary degree, Metropolitan Kallistos thanked the seminary for the distinction, saying, "I have the joy to be speaking today at St. Vladimir's Seminary, and the honor to have been granted a doctorate by this institution. I have long held St. Vladimir's Seminary in high admiration; it is a remarkable powerhouse of Orthodox theology and witness, not only in the West but also throughout the Orthodox world."

Also lauded at the convocation were two seminarians, Dn. David Wooten, 3rd-year M.Div. student, and Harrison Russin, 2nd-year M.Div. student, both of whom received the school's "St. Basil the Great Award" for high academic achievement. Fr. John noted that historically St. Basil is remembered as a “harp of the Spirit,” a “trumpet of truth,” a “flowing river of wisdom,” a “teacher of the universe,” and a “pillar of the Church," and that the award bearing his name encourages recipients toward "intellectual pursuit and vigor in pastoral life." Fr. John Behr congratulated both seminarians, and wished them further excellence in "academic achievement, wisdom, and virtue."

View the citation read at the bestowal of the Doctor of Divinity honoris causa upon Metropolitan Kallistos  here.
Listen to podcasts of Metropolitan Kallistos's keynote, and other presentations at the Fellowship of Ss. Alban and Sergius conference on Ancient Faith Radio here.

Metropolitan Jonah, Seminary President, Receives Award from Russian Orthodox Committee

Following the Divine Liturgy in celebration of Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah, primate of the Orthodox Church in America and president of the Board of Trustees of St. Vladimir's Seminary, was publicly honored by a committee of Orthodox Christians based in Russia. His Beatitude, who concelebrated the liturgy with visiting hierarchs His Eminence The Most Rev. Justinian, archbishop of Naro-Fominsk and administrator of the Patriarchal parishes in the U.S.A., and His Eminence The Most Rev. Kallistos, bishop of Diokleia, was presented the "Triumph of Orthodoxy" award in the seminary chapel, directly after the service.

The award was given by the "National Awards Committee,"a group of Orthodox Christians blessed to do their work by the hierarchs of the Patriarchal Church in Russia. Valerii Sergeivich Balakirev, who represented the committee, bestowed a medal upon Metropolitan Jonah, "in recognition of His Beatitude's efforts in promoting unity and friendship among Orthodox Christians the world over."

"This is neither a church nor a government award," said Mr. Balakirev, "but rather an honor given by Orthodox Christians, as representing the hearts of the faithful, and therefore, knowing no bounds." His Beatitude Jonah responded to the reception of the award by saying he was "humbled" by the committee's decision.

Mr. Balakirev said the committee made its decision to choose Metropolitan Jonah as the award recipient on July 20th of this year. Patriarch Alexei II was the recipient of the first award given by the committee in 2002, for his role in resurrecting spiritual life in Russia. Patriarch Pavle of Serbia also received the award in 2003.

After the award ceremony, Metropolitan Jonah greeted the new and returning students, and admonished them to pay attention to their prayer life while enrolled at the seminary, stating "prayer will illumine your studies." Besides serving Divine Liturgy in the morning, His Beatitude met with the student body in the afternoon, in scheduled sessions.

See a gallery of photos of the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, and the award ceremony, here.

Hierarchs Jonah, Justinian, and Kallistos Celebrate Feast in Seminary Chapel

At the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, our seminary community was honored to have three hierarchs serving: His Beatitude The Most Blessed Jonah, primate of the Orthodox Church in America, presiding; and His Eminence The Most Rev. Justinian, archbishop of Naro-Fominsk and administrator of the Patriarchal parishes in the U.S.A., and His Eminence The Most Rev. Kallistos, bishop of Diokleia, concelebrating. Especially, we were privileged to hear the homily by Metropolitan Kallistos, widely renowned author, teacher, and churchman, who is visiting the campus as part of his participation in the North American Conference of the Fellowship of Ss. Alban and Sergius being hosted here this week.

Reflecting on the hymns of the feast day, related to the life of the Virgin Mary, Metropolitan Kallistos centered his preaching on the unique and personal vocation of each human being.

"The Theotokos was 'preordained' to be the Mother of God," he began. "Her vocation was accepted freely; nevertheless God had picked her out and chosen her before the creation of the world. And, what is true of her is true of each one of us: we have been chosen to fulfill a particular vocation. Human beings are not stereotypes; everyone is different, as the Book of Revelation emphasizes: each person shall be given a new name written on a white stone; that name is known only to God and the person who receives it.

"In each person is a hidden treasure, not to be found in someone else," he stressed. "The world has need of every single person. Each one has a unique vocation and special task not given to another. Through prayer and ascetic struggle we discover our vocation and become what we are."

Metropolitan Kallistos, who was born "Timothy Ware" in Bath, England, embraced the Orthodox Christian faith at the age of 24 (having been raised an Anglican). He has served as Co-chair of Orthodox-Anglican Dialogue from  2008 to the present, and thus, appropriately, will deliver the keynote to commence this week's conference of Orthodox Christian and Anglican participants. His most well known writings are The Orthodox Church, published when he was a layman in 1963; in 1979 he produced a companion volume, The Orthodox Way, published by St. Vladimir's Seminary Press.

To view a photo gallery of the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos in our seminary chapel, click here.

Public Keynote Tonight: METROPOLITAN KALLISTOS (Ware)

Start Date

At 7:30 p.m., St. Vladimir's Seminary will bestow an honorary doctoral degree upon Metropolitan Kallistos, after which His Eminence will deliver his presentation. The event will take place in Metropolitan Philip Auditorium of the John G. Rangos Family Building, and a public reception will follow.

Metropolitan Kallistos, who was born "Timothy Ware" in Bath, England, embraced the Orthodox Christian faith at the age of 24 (having been raised an Anglican). He has served as Co-chair of Orthodox-Anglican Dialogue from  2008 to the present. His most well known writings are The Orthodox Church, published when he was a layman in 1963 and subsequently revised several times. In 1979 he produced a companion volume, The Orthodox Way, published by St. Vladimir's Seminary Press.

His Eminence began his visit to St. Vladimir's Seminary by concelebrating the Vigil for the Feast of the Theotokos in our campus chapel. Presiding was His Beatitude, The Most Blessed Jonah, primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and several chapel clergy served.

To read more about the Ss. Alban & Sergius Conference and to view a schedule, click here.

Newly Endowed: Peter A. Herbut, M.D., and Margaret Fetsko Herbut, R.N., Scholarship Fund

A $50,000 endowed scholarship fund was recently established at St. Vladimir's Seminary in honor of Peter A. Herbut, M.D., and Margaret Fetsko Herbut, R.N., by their daughter, Paula Herbut. The fund is intended to assist students at St. Vladimir's who are studying to be priests in the Orthodox Church in the United States or Canada and have financial need. Additional criteria for the scholarships are intellectual curiosity, academic achievement, and compassion for others. 

Dr. Herbut (+ 1976) was

He was appointed a trustee of St. Vladimir's in 1974, and planned to use his organizational skills for the church after his retirement. In a telegram to Mrs. Herbut following his death, Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann (Dean of St. Vladimir's from 1962 to 1983) wrote: "He inspired all of us with the seriousness of his concern for theological education, his commitment to the church, the depth of his vision...His death is a great loss for the whole church, and for our school."

Mrs. Herbut (+ 2003) was a leader in volunteer fund raising for Jefferson Hospital and for medical and nursing scholarships for many years until her death, and was known for her common sense and kindness to people. Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, she met her future husband when she was a nurse at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital after earning her R.N. from its School of Nursing and he was an intern at the hospital after earning his M.D. from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. 

A native of Canada, Dr. Herbut was born on a pioneer farm in Edson, Alberta, to parents of Russian descent and language who immigrated first to Pennsylvania and then to Alberta from Galicia (now Poland); his father, Andrew Herbut, was instrumental in establishing four Orthodox churches in Pennsylvania and Alberta. Dr. Herbut's presidential papers are housed at Jefferson; throughout are themes of optimism, compassion, and hard work.        

View a complete listing of all SVOTS scholarships here.

$80,000 Endowment Created for St. Vladimir's to Help Sister Seminary in Alaska

St. Vladimir’s has a long-standing history of supplying its northern sister school with faculty and library books. More recently, our Chancellor/CEO Archpriest Chad Hatfield, who also acted as Dean of St. Herman’s from 2003 to 2007, has begun conducting retreats and seminars within the Alaskan Diocese and at St. Herman’s.
In FY11, Fr. Chad, accompanied by SVOTS seminarians Dn. James Bozeman and his brother, David (now also a deacon), presented seminars on missiology, evangelism, and the intersection between Orthodoxy and culture to the students at St. Herman’s. During that visit, Archpriest John Dunlop, dean of St. Herman’s noted: "The historical link between the two schools is paving the way to closer cooperation, particularly in the fields of missions and evangelism. We trust that God will give more opportunities for our seminaries to cooperate in our common vision to serve the Church."
Apparently, Fr. John’s prayer has been answered. We thank our generous anonymous donor for this gift, which will indeed make “more opportunities” possible.

Women Disciples of the Lord, Part 5: Podcast by Khouria Frederica Mathewes-Green Now Playing

Khouria Frederica Mathewes-G Vocation," which was presented at our "Women Disciples of the Lord" conference held on our campus June 17–19, 2011, is now available as a podcast on Ancient Faith Radio. Kh. Frederica speaks and writes on a wide range of topics—movie reviews, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the pro-life cause, marriage, family, and the culture.

To listen to Kh. Frederica's talk, click here.
Hear many other "Voices from St. Vladimir's"—including faculty and guest speakers to our campus—on Ancient Faith Radio. Listen in to spiritual meditations, scriptural exegesis, and more by clicking here.
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