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"For God and Country": Reflections on Orthodox Education Day, 2011

On my way to teaching class lately, I’ve been walking past a new landmark on our campus: the U.S. flag atop a gleaming flagpole. It was raised for the first time on Orthodox Education Day 2011. It was an especially meaningful day for me, as for many.

I have been coming to “Ed Day” most every year of my life, and yet my involvement in it somehow manages to increase annually. As part of my faculty responsibilities I now oversee the Events Committee that helps plan this day—the committee that was responsible for choosing this year’s theme and developing the program schedule. Between that and serving hamburgers all day in the food tent, I’d say my involvement spanned pretty widely.

This year’s theme, “For God and Country,” was an occasion to recognize those who serve and have served in the Armed Forces, especially our Orthodox military chaplains. I recall the meetings with staff and faculty colleagues where we arrived at this theme, and how quickly and universally the enthusiasm grew around the room. As reactions to the day have been coming in, from people who attended and from those who did not, I have been surprised by some ambivalent responses. Together with the messages of gratitude there were those of puzzlement and even dismay. Summarizing their content, I would like to share some personal thoughts in response.

“’For God and Country?’ Are you kidding me? Are you equating the importance of the two?”

For God and Country, “Pro Deo et Patria,” is the motto of the U.S. Army military chaplaincy. Choosing this as a theme for Ed Day was meant to signal our real honorees: Orthodox Christian military chaplains. But examining this motto and thinking about it—the idea of expressing allegiance to both “God” and “country” and putting the two within one phrase—might raise very important questions.

I can’t imagine that any one of us would equate God and country, placing them on par with each other within our hearts and our devotion. The gospel specifically tells us that our love for God is to take priority over every other love, even love for family, even love for one’s own life (Luke 14:26). And yet there is also a very appropriate kind of love that we have for family, for self, and yes, for our country. The goal, as always, is proper relationship, proper balance. Finding just the right place for patriotism has been a perennial issue for the Church, but there has always been a place for it. We indeed do well to love our country, and to express that love when we defend it and when we support it, as well as when we question or criticize its policies.

But the choice of the theme, again, rested in the motto of military chaplains, whom we were honored to honor on our seminary campus. Our new flagpole, in fact, was dedicated to the first Orthodox Christian Army Chaplain, Archpriest Vladimir Borichevsky of blessed memory.

“Why did the seminary choose such a militaristic theme? War is an abomination, and the military complex perpetuates it.”

Our desire in choosing this theme was to recognize the people who put their lives on the line in the service of their country, and specifically those who minister to them spiritually. Our Lord extols this kind of love, of one who would lay down his life for others (John 15:13). Whether or not we approve of the size of our military, and whether or not we approve of our foreign policy, the lives and the struggles of the people who serve in the military deserve value and respect. If we stop to consider what life in the Armed Forces can be like, in times of unimaginable moral and spiritual conflict, what could be more vital, and more difficult, than giving spiritual counsel and administering the sacraments to those involved in such a struggle? Once we begin to reflect on that, our awe can only deepen. This has certainly been my experience over the years in coming into contact with more and more servicemen and women, and chaplains and chaplains-in-training: deepened respect and love.

“Isn’t support for our military a support for war?”

Well, it can be, but it doesn’t have to be. If you look at what we actually did at Ed Day, the talks and workshops that we offered, you would see a bigger picture. Fr. Philip LeMasters gave the keynote address, "Orthodox Perspectives on Peace, War, and Violence"; Dr. Stephen Muse offered a workshop entitled, "Listen, Witness, and Weep: What Can the Church Offer Service Men and Women?”. These were anything but militarism: they were thoughtful reflections—theological and practical—on the complex and crucial issues surrounding violence, war, peace, and what human needs demand right now. We also heard stories from people in the field. I might suggest that until a person has sat and listened to these stories, it would be best to reserve judgment.

Still, questions about war and peace are now as central to our lives as Christians as they ever have been. For the past four years I’ve had the pleasure of participating in an Orthodox theological think tank that has been studying the Church’s stance on war. Our study of the scriptures, the church fathers, the liturgy, the saints’ lives, and of contemporary thinkers has yielded a rich tapestry of essays which, God-willing, will soon be published in book form. We found that, through its many voices, the Tradition regularly speaks of war as evil. Little surprise there, for what greater example of the fallen human condition and sin than physical slaughter and depersonalization of “the enemy”? Yet the Tradition also recognizes evils in the world that must be radically overcome: this is why scriptural language regarding inner spiritual struggle so often makes use of military metaphors (see, e.g., Eph 6:10–18). The Church recognizes—given the tragic fallen condition of our age—that war is a near inevitability. The Church recognizes too that alongside brutish impulses, war evinces deep valor and righteous self-sacrifice; God in His greatness can make good come from evil. Nevertheless, these realities do not lead our Tradition to celebrate war, or the factors that lead people to wage war, which cannot but represent a total and tragic failure of human love and creativity.

With all of this in mind, when we honor our military chaplains, we are honoring those who immerse themselves into the brokenness of the world, taking responsibility for its tragedy and seeking to heal it in the name of God. When they do so, they are following the One who immersed himself in our condition, taking on our vulnerability all the way to death, in order to bring us salvation.

“How can we draw bigger crowds to Ed Day and other campus events?”

Good question. Although many of our venues for the day were packed, we noticed a lesser presence than usual of OCA parishes and local clergy. In the weeks to come, we'll be conducting an informal survey of our local parishes in order to help us to plan events, and to bring more people onto our campus. If you are a parish rector or diocesan hierarch and would like your parish(es) to be included in this survey, please contact Matushka Robin Freeman, Annual Gifts Officer, via email (

Listen to the wonderful "Ed Day" presentations by keynote Fr. Philip LeMasters here and workshop leader Dr. Steven Muse here.
See a gallery of photos of Orthodox Education Day 2011 by Kim Piotrowski here.
Read more faculty essays in the "Voices" section of our Website here.

Alumnus Archpriest John Jillions Accepts Position as OCA Chancellor

The Very Rev. John Jillions, an alumnus of our seminary, has accepted the position of Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), according to Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, secretary of the OCA. Father John was confirmed in his new position by the Holy Synod of Bishops at their fall session, upon the recommendation of the Metropolitan Council. As Chancellor, in accordance with the seminary statutes, Fr. John will become an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees of St. Vladimir's Seminary.

Father John, who earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from St. Vladimir’s Seminary in 2005 and a Master of Divinity degree in 1980, also holds a Ph.D. in Theology (New Testament) from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece. Just prior to his appointment as Chancellor, he was an associate professor in the Faculty of Theology at the Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies at St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada. In addition to his scholarly and academic pursuits, he has had over 20 years of experience as a pastor in parish settings, and he has served as a chaplain in the U.S. Air Force Reserve.

You may read Fr. John’s fuller biography on the OCA Website here; the story includes a link to Fr. John's introductory letter to the Search Committee, which outlines his priorities as the new Chancellor.

Drs. Dan and Jane Hinshaw Share Expertise in Hospice and Palliative Care during Campus Seminar

Stressing a team approach that integrates the medical, psychological, and spiritual needs of a suffering patient, Drs. Daniel and Jane Hinshaw, both medical doctors and both Orthodox Christians, presented a seminar titled "Spiritual Issues in Suffering and Palliative Care" on our campus October 21st. The Hinshaws' seminar comprised part of the special "Pastoral Workshop," which is offered once per semester on our campus to students enrolled in the Master of Divinity program, and which is overseen by Dr. Albert C. Rossi, adjunct professor of Pastoral Theology at the seminary. Because of the Hinshaws' medical expertise and the broad interest in their topic, their seminar was offered free to the public, and more than 50 students and guests, mostly neighboring hospital chaplains, attended.

During the seminar the Hinshaws explored the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions of pain and offered ways to relieve the symptoms that cause human suffering, sharing many case studies as examples. The Hinshaws particularly emphasized how clergy and hospital chaplains can participate in palliative care (pain relief), and how they can effectively dialogue with care providers.

Dr. Daniel B. Hinshaw is Professor of Surgery at the University of Michigan Health System, in the Section of General Surgery based full time at the Ann Arbor Veterans Administration Medical Center. Dr. Hinshaw completed a fellowship in Palliative Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic in June of 2001, during a sabbatical. His clinical research interests are focused on care at the end-of-life and the use of complementary medicine in the relief of pain.

Dr. Jane (Carnahan) Hinshaw is a Clinical Instructor of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan Health System, and Staff Psychiatrist at the Mental Health Clinic at Ann Arbor Veterans Administration Medical Center. Her area of special interest involves psychiatric issues in palliative care.

Drs. Daniel and Jane Hinshaw have committed their lives to studying and offering palliative and hospice care not only in the United States, but also in Romania, Serbia, Uganda, and in Ethiopia. (Listen to their recent experience during a medical mission to Ethiopia here, on Orthodox Christian Network radio.)
Read the Hinshaws article, "A Christian Ending to Our Lives," in St. Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly, Volume 1, 2000. Order your Quarterly here.

Seminary Chancellor to Present Resolution at All-American Council

Our seminary will have a substantial presence at the 16th All-American Council (AAC) of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), which will be held October 31 through November 4, 2011, in the Seattle/Bellevue metro area of Washington state. Notably, Archpriest Chad Hatfield, our Chancellor (CEO), will put forth a resolution in support of theological education at the AAC, which has been approved by our Board of Trustees. (Read the resolution here.)

Two of our faculty members, Archpriest Alexander Rentel, assistant professor of Canon Law, and Dr. David Wagschal, assistant professor of Church History and Canon Law, are serving on the Resolutions Committee for the council. Fr. Alexander also is the Vice Chairperson for the OCA Commission on Canons and Statutes.

Additionally, besides the participation of our delegation of eight, with accompanying students, staff, and faculty who serve in various capacities in the OCA and at the seminary, our school will offer some extra opportunities for participants at the council. We have scheduled a gathering for St. Vladimir's Seminary alumni on Tuesday evening, November 1. Our SVS Press & Bookstore, to be located in POD B in the vendor hall, will be offering daily discounts to all buyers, as well as special discounts to alumni; also, some of our SVS Press authors will be available for book signings, at venues to be announced. We ask participants to review the council schedule once they arrive at the AAC, in order to find our special activities.

Faculty, Staff, and Students planning to travel to the AAC from St. Vladimir's are:

  • Clergy Chapel Delegates: Archpriest John Behr, Dean; Archpriest Alexander Rentel, Chapel Ecclesiarch
  • Lay Chapel Delegates: Dr. Albert Rossi, Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology; Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak), Lecturer in Liturgical Music
  • Clergy Seminary Delegates: Archpriest Chad Hatfield, Chancellor (CEO); Priest David Mezynski, Associate Dean for Student Affairs
  • Lay Seminary Delegates: Theodore Bazil, Associate Chancellor for Advancement; Dr. David Wagshal, Assistant Professor of Church History and Canon Law
  • SVS Press and Bookstore: Priest Benedict Churchill, Director of SVS Press; Deacon Gregory Hatrak, Marketing Manager, SVS Press & Bookstore
  • Seminarians Sponsored by the Seminary: Deacon David Bozeman; Deacon Timothy Yates
  • Director of Alumni Relations and Recruitment: Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak 
  • Metropolitan Council Members: Eleana Silk, Librarian; Dr. Paul Meyendorff, The Fr. Alexander Schmemann Professor of Liturgical Theology
  • OCA Treasurer: Melanie Ringa, Associate Chancellor for Finance
  • Board of Trustees Attending: Pdn. Peter Danilchick, Anne van den Berg; and former Trustees Dn. John Zarras and Alexander Popoff, Jr.
  • Other Seminarians Attending: Igumen Gerasim (Eliel); Kevin Basil Fritts; and Fr. Kilian (Sprecher), as rector of St. Gregory Palamas Church, Glen Gardner, New Jersey

Hierodeacon Herman Is Tonsured to "Lesser Schema"

The spiritual journeys taken by members of our campus community wind along varied roads, one of which is the monastic path. Recently, Hierodeacon Philip (Majkrzak), our Chapel Music Director, deepened his vocation as a monk, by being initiated into the rank of stavrophore, or "Cross-Bearer," which comes with the bestowal of his new name, "Herman." Father Herman came to our community as a student in the Th.M. degree program in 2009, at which time he assisted in our music program; he was appointed Chapel Director in 2010 and continues his studies.
Father Herman's new rank, also known as the "Lesser Schema," marks the point at which a monk makes formal vows of stability of place, chastity, obedience, and poverty; it is reached when the abbot of the monastery to which the monk belongs feels that the monk has reached an appropriate level of discipline, dedication, and humility. At the time of his initiation, the monk receives (in addition to his previous garments of cassock and headdress, or klobuk) a black embroidered cloth (paraman) symbolizing the yoke of Christ, which he wears under the cassock over his back and heart; a mandya, a cape-like garment symbolizing remembrance of death; a wooden hand cross, symbolizing the sacrifice involved in following Christ; and a beeswax candle, symbolizing spiritual alertness and vigilance.
Father Herman was tonsured by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and abbot of the Holy Trinity Brotherhood, to which Fr. Herman belongs. Within our student body, we now have four monastics: Abbot Gerasim, Hieromonk Kilian, Hierodeacon Herman, and Monk James.

Read more about Fr. Herman's background here.

Huge, Giant, Multi-Family Tag Sale to Benefit Campus Children

Start Date

Come and bargain hunt at our Huge, Giant, Multi-Family Tag Sale on Saturday, October 15, from 9 a.m. to noon. We will be selling everything from household items to sports items to furniture and clothing. Proceeds from the sale, which will be held in the Kunett Auditorium (basement) under Three Hierarchs Chapel, will benefit children's activities on campus, including our children's choir.

Please stop by and search for your "treasure" amid the multitude of goods that we will be selling. Or, simply come to browse and buy a cup of coffee to benefit our campus kids.

Listen to our Children's Choir here. Buy something at our sale to help support their work and other children's activities on campus!
Do you want to donate items? Contact Katie Bozeman.
Find us on Google Maps!

Streams of Grace: Hawaiian Iveron Icon Visits Seminary

O Lady, Most Pure, grant peace and health to Thy servants,

all the Orthodox Christians, enighten their minds and direct their spiritual vision toward salvation.

—Molieben to the "Holy Myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon" 

istian jurisdictions throughout the United States. It was brought to our seminary by its original owner and guardian, Reader Nektarios, of Our Lady of Iveron Church in Honolulu, Hawaii, a parish in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).

This morning, our chapel clergy, led by Chapel Rector and Dean Archpriest John Behr, celebrated a Molieben written to honor the icon. Pilgrims—among them many children—eager to witness the grace streaming from the image of the Virgin Mary and Child, venerated the icon throughout the morning.

The icon, a small paper replica of the Montreal Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, was given to Reader Nektarios by his parish priest in the summer of 2007; it began streaming fragrant myrrh in October 2007. After Reader Nektarios notified his parish priest of the myrrh-streaming, the icon was brought to Our Lady of Iveron Church and was completely wiped dry. A service of intercession was held before the icon, and, by the end of the service, the icon was again streaming myrrh, and the church was filled with the fragrance of roses. In June 2008, the "Holy Myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon" was officially recognized by His Eminence Kyrill, archbishop of San Francisco and Western America (ROCOR), as miraculous and genuine. Archbishop Kyrill for a time placed the icon in the Cathedral Church of San Francisco, but he later had the icon returned to its home in Hawaii. The icon and its bearer have been given the blessing to travel to various churches and monasteries of Orthodox Church.

"The icon has blessed thousands—tens of thousands—of people in all Orthodox jurisdictions," said Reader Nektarios, as he re-told the story of the icon in our campus chapel, following the Molieben. "It has visited more than 250 churches in the U.S. and Canada."

The full description of the icon and its history may be found on the Official website of the Eastern American and New York Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR): here.
A schedule for the East Coast travel of the icon may be found here.

VOTE HERE!: Alumni Association Elections Open

"The Alumni Association of St. Vladimir's Theological Seminary is announcing the opening of elections to the Alumni Board," says our Director of Alumni Relations and Recruitment, Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak. "All SVOTS Alumni are encouraged to participate in the election of three new board members."

"The Alumni Board," expalins PDn. Joseph, "is made up of nine members, and reserves seats for the Serbian Orthodox Church, Antiochian Orthodox Church, Oriental Churches, Orthodox Church in America, and the Greek Orthodox Church, and for representation by women, with the remaining seats being 'at-large' members. This is an attempt to keep each group that comprises our alumni represented. 

"The Alumni Board has been without a representative from the Serbian Orthodox Church for two years," he continues. "This year we received only one nomination from the Serbian Orthodox Church, who is Fr. Christopher Rocknage. Therefore, because the 'Serbian' seat is open and there is no opposition, Fr. Christopher Rocknage is not part of this year's ballot but is therefore elected to the Alumni Board."

PDn. Joseph lists the other candidates for office as:

  • Dena Fokas Moses (GOA)—SVOTS 2005; worked for Parliament of World Religions; The Algeron Sydney Sullivan Foundation; The Fund for Theological Education. Married with one child. Currently lives in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Patricia Schellbach (OCA)—SVOTS 1996; works for Cleveland City Schools as a School Psychologist, received Doctorate in Education in May 2011. Currently lives in Cleveland, Ohio with husband, Fr. Paul Schellbach. 
  • Fr. Nathan Preston (OCA)—SVOTS 2007; Rector of St Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church, Queens, New York. Currently lives in Queens, New York. 
  • Kh. Stefanie Yazge (AOC)—SVOTS 1986; worked for Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Terre Haute, Indiana as Assistant Professor in Theology Department; Currently teaches part-time at Seton Hill University. Is a published author for the series "Encountering Women of Faith." Married to Fr. Anthony Yazge (SVOTS 1988). 
  • Fr. John Stefero (OCA)—SVOTS 1969; worked as a US Air Force Chaplain. Currently retired living in Georgia with wife Denise.
  • Fr. Angelo Artemas (GOA)—SVOTS 1989; Rector St. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church, Glenview, Illinois. Currently lives in Glenview, Illinois.

To vote please click here.  Elections will close on Friday, October 21, at 5:00 p.m. EST.

View a list of our current Alumni Association Board members, including President Fr. David Barr, here.

OPEN HOUSE: Calling All Prospective Students!

Start Date

We welcome prospective student to our campus from Wednesday, November 9th to Friday, November 11th. Our Fall 2011 Open House will provide those contemplating ministry or a deeper study of the Orthodox faith with first-hand experience of seminary life. Participants will attend classes, worship in the chapel, tour the campus and its resources, and meet faculty members and seminarians. Detailed information on the Seminary's various degree programs, financial aid, and admissions process also will be provided. Additionally, prospective students will have the pleasure of sharing our Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Day meal.

There is no cost to participants, other than their transportation costs. Prospective students may explore their transportation options on our Website. Participants needing help in navigating their way from the New York Metropolitan Airports or Railway/Bus Stations, however, may contact Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak, Director of Alumni and Recruitment, at the Seminary's Recruitment Office: 914-961-8313, EXT 342 or email Please also contact Pdn. Joseph to obtain more information, a schedule of activities, or an Open House registration form.

Saint Vladimir Seminary, a graduate school of theology, offers Master of Divinity, Master of Arts (Theological Studies), and Master of Theology degrees.

Metropolitan Hilarion, Seminary Trustee, Appointed to Head Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, and trustee of the Seminary, has been appointed to the prestigious position of Chairman of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church. This decision was made by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church during the first day of its winter session, October 5, 2011.

The Synodal Theological Commission was established by a decision of the Holy Synod on December 28, 1993; it was renamed the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission in 2009. The Commission is a permanent working advisory and analytical body of the Holy Synod, responsible for the following tasks:

  • to carry out instructions of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Holy Synod, and other church institutions in considering particular theological and doctrinal issues;
  • to make theological analyses of topical problems in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church; and
  • to coordinate the academic theological work carried out by Synodal departments, dioceses, and other church structures.

Metropolitan Hilarion has worked as member of the Commission since 1996. He holds academic degrees in theology and philosophy from several universities in Russia and other countries, including a Ph.D. from the University of Oxford and a Th.D. from St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris. He has authored more than 700 publications, including monographs on patristics, dogmatic theology, and church history, and has translated patristic works from Greek and Syrian. In 2005, Metropolitan Hilarion was awarded the St. Macarius Prize for his work The Holy Mystery of the Church. An Introduction to the History and Problems of Onomatodoxic Polemics. With St. Vladimir's Seminary Press he has published Christ the Conqueror of Hell: The Descent into Hades from an Orthodox Perspective, and Orthodox Christianity: The History and Canonical Structure of the Orthodox Church.

Our seminary community congratulates His Eminence on his new appointment and wishes him God's strength and wisdom.

Read the fuller story on the Website of the Moscow Patriarchate here.

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