Showing: 21 - 30 of 106 results
Dr Gavrilyuk Gives Insightful Analysis of Seminary Founders’ Distinct Leadership Styles

… of two formational leaders of St Vladimir’s Seminary, Fr Georges Florovsky and Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann. In his presentation, Dr Gavrilyuk gave many … last ten years of Fr Schmemann’s tenure. Dr Gavrilyuk’s lecture, Christian Leadership in a Time of Crisis: Lessons …

Hear “Schmemann Speaks” as SVOTS launches new podcast

… Hear “Schmemann Speaks” as SVOTS launches new podcast March 17, 2021 Though he reposed nearly forty years ago, hear Fr. Alexander Schmemann speak to us today through the new … ago—are anything but dated. They are further proof that Fr. Alexander remains a voice for our time.  The podcast is …

SAVE THE DATE: 31st Annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture with The Very Rev. Dr. John McGuckin

… SAVE THE DATE: 31st Annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture with The Very Rev. Dr. John McGuckin Start Date Thu, … preceded by an academic convocation at 7:00 p.m., at which Fr. John will be awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree honoris …

37th Annual Fr. Alexander Schmemann Lecture: Celebrating 50 Years of Autocephaly

… 37th Annual Fr. Alexander Schmemann Lecture: Celebrating 50 Years of Autocephaly Start Date Wed, … & New Saints” 7 p.m. – Most Rev. Michael (Dahulich) , Fr. Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture,               …

Metropolitan Hilarion to Deliver 28th Annual Schmemann Lecture

… Metropolitan Hilarion to Deliver 28th Annual Schmemann Lecture Start Date Fri, 02/04/2011 - 19:00 This coming year's presenter of the 28th annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture is His Eminence Hilarion, chairman …

Three Holy Hierarchs Feastday Marked by Hierarchical Liturgy, 41st Schmemann Lecture, & Mid-Year Commencement

… Hierarchs Feastday Marked by Hierarchical Liturgy, 41st Schmemann Lecture, & Mid-Year Commencement February 6, 2024 The Synaxis … (M.Div. ‘25) to the Holy Diaconate.  The 41st Annual Fr Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture was held in the …

40th Schmemann Lecture Held on Seminary Chapel Feastday

… 40th Schmemann Lecture Held on Seminary Chapel Feastday February 6, 2023 The … (Th.M. ‘23) to the Holy Diaconate.  The 40th Annual Fr Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture was held in the evening of the …

Schmemann Lecture & D.Min. Commencement

[img_assist|nid=25481|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=200|height=150]The 35 th Annual Father Alexander Schmemann lecture will focus on the centenary anniversary of the enthronement of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow. Dr. Scott Kenworthy , seminary alumnus (M.A. ’96) and associate professor of Comparative Religion at Miami University, Ohio, will be our guest lecturer. The title of his address is: “St. Tikhon of Moscow (1865–1925) and the Orthodox Church in North America and Revolutionary Russia.” The lecture will be part of an Academic Convocation that includes the Commencement Ceremony for graduating Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) students. The graduating students, who comprise the Cohort of 2017, are the first group ever to have been enrolled in the hybrid D.Min.


… 29th FR. ALEXANDER SCHMEMANN MEMORIAL LECTURE: Dr. Margaret Barker Start Date Sat, 01/28/2012 - … will be the presenter at the 29th Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture on Sunday, January 29, 2012, at 4 …

Fr. John McGuckin Delivers Fr. Alexander Schmemann Lecture

Fr. John McGuckin Delivers Fr. Alexander Schmemann Lecture February 5, 2014 Nielsen Professor of Late Antiquity …