2023 Diaconal Liturgical Practicum Draws 28 Attendees, Provides Meaningful Window into Ordained Service to the Church

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The 16th Annual Diaconal Liturgical Practicum of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) was held June 19–23, 2023 on the campus of St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) in Yonkers, NY. A multi-generational and multi-ethnic group of twenty-eight men from across the United States traveled to the Seminary to attend the intensive liturgical training course. 

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The five-day program offered intense practical liturgical training for deacons and lay diaconal candidates. In addition to liturgical practice, sessions also covered chanting and vocal technique and offered inspiring addresses on the Orthodox faith. Sessions began Monday evening, June 19, and the Practicum concluded following a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Friday, June 23, with His Grace, Bishop Gerasim of Fort Worth (Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of the South) presiding at the invitation of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon.

The Diaconal Liturgical Practicum instruction was given primarily by the Very Rev. Dr Kirill Sokolov (M.Div. ‘07), Director of Diaconal and Late Vocations (OCA) and Dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral in San Francisco, CA. Archpriest Kirill has contributed as an instructor and organizer of the event each year since 2006. Reflecting on this year’s Practicum he remarked: 

It’s such a blessing to gather deacons and diaconal candidates from all over North America to be with each other at St Vladimir’s Seminary. This year we added an additional day to the Practicum to increase the amount of material we can cover and services we can pray.  I am hopeful that we are developing not only faithful liturgical practice but also camaraderie amongst the deacons of our Church.

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Adding valuable practical expertise and theological understanding were the Rev. Dn Dr Vitaly Permiakov, Assistant Professor of Liturgical Theology, and the Rev. Dn Dr Harrison Basil Russin, Assistant Professor of Liturgical Music at St Vladimir’s Seminary. 

The Rev. Dn Dr Sampson Nash, Associate Professor of Medicine for the St Vladimir’s Seminary Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program, and Adjunct Professor of Christian Ethics at St Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (STOTS) expressed his gratitude for the instruction provided during the weeklong Practicum, saying, 

It was a joy to gather with men dedicated to serving the Church. I attended the Practicum prior to my ordination but am grateful to have attended now that I have served for a few months. Fr Kirill has a unique ability to teach at various levels. He was able to correct some of my errors before they became habits and helped refine the skills I had acquired. I suggest the Practicum not only for diaconal candidates but also for serving deacons who would like to learn to serve better. Most of all, it was glorious to serve daily and to celebrate with and receive the blessing of Bishop Gerasim.

A collaboration between the Orthodox Church in America’s Diaconal Vocations Program (DVP) and St Vladimir’s Seminary, the Diaconal Liturgical Practicum is highly recommended by the Holy Synod of Bishops for participants in the Church’s program and other diaconal formation programs. To learn more about participating in the DVP, email dvp@oca.org.

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The Diaconal Vocations Program (DVP) of the Orthodox Church in America is a program of theological study providing academic preparation for men who may be called to ordination to the Holy Diaconate but unable to attend a seminary. It is also designed to address specific academic and pastoral preparation of non-Orthodox clergy—who may have already earned a theological degree such as an M.Div.—who are seeking entry into the Orthodox Church and may eventually be called to holy orders. The goal of the DVP is to use a process of clergy-guided and mentored reading and studying to teach candidates a fundamental foundation of Orthodox theology and prepare them for the practical liturgical service of the Holy Diaconate.

Summer Institute 2023 Introduces Participants to Beautiful Liturgical Hymnody by American Composers


During the week of June 19-24, 2023, Orthodox church musicians from across the country gathered at St Vladimir’s Seminary to hone their vocal, conducting, and compositional skills by studying, rehearsing, and worshiping with American Orthodox liturgical music. Participants chose to attend either the Pre-Institute Intensive on June 19-20, the Summer Music Institute proper (June 20-24), or both events, hosted by the Institute of Sacred Arts at St Vladimir’s Seminary. Each day contained a rigorous and fruitful schedule including multiple rehearsals, lectures, musicianship classes, personal practice time, social hours around mealtimes, and worship within church services at Three Hierarchs Chapel.

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The week began with the Pre-Institute Intensive, which gave participants the opportunity to experience a concentrated immersion into three specific areas of liturgical musical study: vocal technique, choir directing, and composition. Offered for the first time ever at the Summer Music Institute, this two-day deep dive was added in response to many requests by the previous year’s attendees and was limited to a maximum of 6 participants per track. Alta Morris, who participated in the choral conducting intensive, related how, as a novice choir director at her home parish, participating in the two-day sessions helped to refine her abilities. 

“It was a blessing to receive individual feedback from our instructors, Juliana Woodill and Dn Harrison. They were patient and encouraging, met each of us right where we are, and gave us technical skills to communicate well with our choir…[I] appreciate demonstrations and reminders of how strongly the body language of choir directors influences the sound, attitude, and tone of the choir. I will be meditating on that often.”

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Highlights of the week included the new liturgy composed by Benedict Sheehan, Liturgy No. 2, the St Michael’s Service, which was sung in church for the second time ever, on Friday, June 24 during a hierarchical liturgy at Three Hierarchs Chapel, with His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Fort Worth presiding. Composers Mother Katherine Weston and Dawn Helene each gave keynote presentations, discussing their own musical journeys and creative processes while introducing attendees to several hymns they had authored. 

At the conclusion of the week, attendees had the opportunity to hear their own compositions sung by the entire Institute choir and then critiqued by the instructors in a Composers’ Reading Session. The final evening of the Institute featured a special panel discussion among the monastic attendees of the Institute, who each shared their own experiences composing and arranging church music within the daily liturgical schedule in their communities. On Saturday, June 24, the choir sang an arrangement of the Paraklesis to the Most Holy Mother of God by Hierodeacon David of St Tikhon’s Monastery in South Canaan, PA.

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Participants came away with gratitude and amazement at how much was presented, taught, rehearsed, and sung at this year’s Summer Music Institute, also expressing appreciation for the many new friends made and the positive learning atmosphere fostered by the Institute faculty. William Baum, who attended the Pre-Institute Intensive for Composition, as well as the main Summer Institute, said, 

“The environment is an extremely collegial one. It's been great to have the opportunity to meet people from all over the United States from all walks of life, and all different skill levels. Everyone has been extremely helpful and friendly. I hadn't been to this conference before, and I didn't know what to expect, but I’m very pleased and impressed with the breadth and depth of the program’s curriculum.”

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Multiple recordings were made of the keynote lectures, rehearsals, and church services, which will be available on the St Vladimir’s Seminary YouTube channel for viewing in the near future. If you are interested in learning more about the church composers who participated in this year’s Summer Music Institute, please stay tuned for in-depth pieces on the St Vladimir’s Seminary blog.

Institute of Sacred Arts to Offer Opportunities to Study Iconography with Dr George Kordis

Dr George Kordis

Dr George Kordis, renowned iconographer and former artist-in-residence at the Institute of Sacred Arts (ISA) at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS), is launching a unique two-year program in iconography as part of his Writing the Light School of Iconography. This program will feature an annual residency at St Vladimir’s Seminary, as part of its relationship with the Institute of Sacred Arts.

Students of St Vladimir’s Seminary are invited to participate in this program concurrently with their studies and will receive a 20% discount on their tuition in the iconography program. Through a hybrid of online learning and individualized residencies in the United States and Greece that emphasize the intersection of artistic process and critical understanding, students will immerse themselves in creating icons in the Byzantine tradition.

The first studio program of its kind in the United States, this new two-year course is designed as a creative international learning experience for students seeking to grow as contemporary iconographers grounded in the Byzantine tradition. Students in this program will build a firm foundation for their future practice of iconography through completing a comprehensive range of coursework, ranging from technical workshops on drawing to lecture classes on art history, theology, and aesthetics. 

Dr Kordis has been teaching iconography students in his native Greece for over 30 years and is very much looking forward to working with students in an English-language environment on an extended basis. Through this certificate program, Dr Kordis intends to teach students to ground themselves in iconographic tradition while also bringing their own creative touch to their work, so that students become vibrant creators, not just copyists.”


ISA Founding Director and SVOTS Professor of Systematic Theology, Dr Peter Bouteneff expressed his appreciation for Dr Kordis’ work and his enthusiasm for this new iconography program, saying, “George Kordis is one of the world’s greatest living iconographers, who is also deeply versed in the meaning of icons and their role in the life of the Church. This opportunity to study with him and his carefully chosen colleagues is rare; anyone who has experienced Kordis’s work—his massive church interiors or his portable icons—will immediately perceive his artistry and his faith. We are proud to be in association with the Writing the Light school.”

The inaugural cohort is set to commence classes in September 2023, and space is limited. The response to the new program has been very enthusiastic, indicating there will be a continued need for new cohorts to be established in the coming years. Visit writingthelight.com to learn more and apply for the iconography certificate program with Dr George Kordis.



Eminent iconographer George Kordis has the rare distinction for a practicing artist of completing his academic training in theology, with advanced theological degrees from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Boston and the University of Athens, where he was an assistant professor in iconography (theory and practice). His training as a painter preceded and motivated his move into theology: During the 1980s he worked with the Cypriot master iconographer, Fr. Symeon Symeou, and also studied painting at The School of Fine Arts at The Museum of Boston from 1987–89; and even while obtaining his doctorate (Athens) in 1991 he continued his studies in painting and engraving under Fotis Mastichiadis. Dr. Kordis has been a visiting professor teaching icon painting courses at Yale University, the University of South Carolina, the University of Bucharest/Department of Orthodox Theology, and Ukraine Pedagogical University, Odessa, while continuing to create major church programs of iconography—including several in the US (see Holy Trinity in Columbia, SC and, recently, Holy Trinity in Pittsburgh and panel icons, which have been seen in numerous prominent exhibitions at Yale University and elsewhere). Kordis is also a prolific author with wide-ranging interests: theory and practice of Orthodox iconography, Fayum mummy portraits, Theophan the Cretan, Andrei Rublev, Fotis Kontoglou, Greek folk art, and many other topics.

Read his full CV and explore his expansive work.

Ordinations, Elevations & Awards: Spring 2023


By God’s grace, ten St Vladimir’s Seminary alumni and students were ordained to the priesthood and the diaconate during the first half of 2023. One alumnus was also honored by His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Giving glory to God, we would like to announce the recipients of Holy Orders and awards among our alumni and students here.



Priest John Black (M.Div. ‘23)                                      

Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained December 16, 2017, by His Eminence, The Most Reverend Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Pottstown, PA.

Holy Priesthood: Ordained January 22, 2023, by His Eminence, The Most Reverend Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania at Three Hierarchs Chapel, Yonkers, NY.

Current Ministry: Acting Rector at St Michael’s Orthodox Church, Jermyn, PA

Educational and Professional Background: B.A. Music (Composition & Conducting), Lebanon Valley College, 1997; St Tikhon’s Diaconal Formation Program, 2013. Worked as a software engineer for 20+ years, and also a choir director at multiple parishes in PA for 25 years.



Priest Mykel Giannakakos (M.Div. ‘21)                    

Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained on April 5, 2023, by His Grace Bishop Anthony of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest, at St Nicholas Orthodox Church, Grand Rapids, MI.

Holy Priesthood: Ordained April 13, 2023, by His Grace Bishop Anthony of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest, at St Nicholas Orthodox Church, Grand Rapids, MI.

Current Ministry: Pastor at St George Orthodox Mission in St George, UT, beginning on July 1, 2023.

Educational and Professional Background: B.A. Arts and History from California State University, San Marcos.



Priest Joseph Thornburg (M.Div. ‘23)                    

Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained on October 31, 2021, by His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph at Saint Anthony Orthodox Church, Bergenfield, NJ.

Holy Priesthood: Ordained April 13, 2023, by His Eminence, The Most Reverend Saba, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America at Saint Anthony Orthodox Church, Bergenfield, NJ.

Current Ministry: Assistant Priest, St Silouan Orthodox Church, College Station, TX.

Educational and Professional Background: B.A. in Christian studies with a minor in philosophy from California Baptist University; youth director and developer of Sunday school curriculum for High School-age youth; served as an adult catechist for a number of years.



Priest Andrew Salvia (M.Div. ‘23)                                      

Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained on January 16, 2022, by His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph at St John the Baptist Antiochian Orthodox Church, Levittown, NY.

Holy Priesthood: Ordained April 15, 2023, by His Eminence, The Most Reverend Saba, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America at Saint Ignatius Orthodox Church, Florida, NY.

Current Ministry: Assistant Priest at St Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church, Austin, TX.

Educational and Professional Background: B.A. in History from Roanoke College, Salem, VA; Worked in auto insurance and auto body industries as an insurance adjuster and service advisor, assisting people dealing with insurance claims.



Priest Mark Roosien (Th.M. '24)                                     

Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained September 8, 2018, by +His Eminence Archbishop Paul (Gassios) at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago, IL. 

Holy Priesthood: Ordained May 6, 2023, by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon at Holy Ghost Orthodox Church in Bridgeport, CT.

Current Ministry: Acting Rector of Holy Ghost Church in Bridgeport, CT, starting July 1.

Educational and Professional Background: BA in Philosophy, North Park University, Chicago; M.T.S. and Ph.D. in Theology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN; worked as a cheesemonger, taught theology in the diaconal vocations program of the OCA Diocese of the Midwest, as well as the University of Notre Dame and Yale Divinity School.




Deacon Dr Mark Therrien (Th.M. ‘24)                                        

Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained January 30, 2023, by His Eminence, the Most Reverend Daniel, Archbishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest at Three Hierarchs Chapel, Yonkers, NY.

Educational and Professional Background: B.A. in Classics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.T.S. from the University of Notre Dame; Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame in Theology (specialization in Greek patristics); taught theology as a professor at the University of St Mary of the Lake.



Deacon Juxhin (Eugene) Shkurti (M.Div. ‘24)                                        

Jurisdiction: Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained April 23, 2023, by His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Locum Tenens of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America at St George Albanian Orthodox Cathedral in Boston, MA.

Educational and Professional Background: Studied Theology at The Resurrection of Christ Orthodox Seminary in Shën Vlash, Durrës, Albania; graduate of the class of 2019; worked as a catechist teacher and as a leader of the Orthodox youth group at the Diocese of Korçë in Albania.



Deacon Joshua Birdsall (M.Div. ‘24)                                      

Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained May 14, 2023, by His Eminence, The Most Reverend Saba, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America at Saint George Orthodox Church, Little Falls, NJ.

Educational and Professional Background: B.A. English Literature from Gordon College (2006), worked as a volunteer coordinator at a homeless shelter and as a professional chef and manager of operations in the food industry.



Deacon Dr Harrison Basil Russin (M.Div. ‘13)

Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained May 20, 2023, by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon at Three Hierarchs Chapel, Yonkers, NY.

Educational and Professional Background: B.A. in Music from Swarthmore College, M.Div. from St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, M.A. in Musicology from Duke University, Ph.D. in Musicology from Duke University; Assistant Professor of Music at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.



Deacon Andrew Kayaian (M.A. ‘20, Th.M. ‘21) 

Jurisdiction: Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America  

Holy Diaconate: Ordained June 4, 2023, by His Grace, Bishop Daniel Findikyan at St Gregory the Enlightener Armenian Church, White Plains, NY. 

Educational and Professional Background: B.A. in History and M.A. in History from Fordham University; M.A. in Theology at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary and St Nersess Armenian Seminary; Th.M. at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary; M.S. in Library and Information Science at Simmons University (in progress);  Librarian at Georges R. Florovsky Library, St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary.




The Very Rev. Protopresbyter Nicholas Bacalis (M.Div. '68)                                     

Jurisdiction: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America 

Holy Priesthood: Ordained August 6, 1972, by His Eminence Metropolitan Silas at Ionian Village, Peloponnesus, Greece.

Elevation: Elevated to the Office of Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, on behalf of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, on May 15, 2023, at the Clergy Laity Assembly and Philoptochos Convention in Garfield, New Jersey.

Current Ministry: Dean of the Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Richmond, Virginia



The Rev. Dn Dr Vitaly Permiakov (M.Div. '04)                                     

Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)

Holy Diaconate: Ordained September 14, 2021,  by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon at Three Hierarchs Chapel, Yonkers, NY.

Elevation: Awarded the Double Orarion on May 20, 2023, by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon at Three Hierarchs Chapel, Yonkers, NY.

Current Ministry: Ecclesiarch of Three Hierarchs Chapel; Assistant Professor of Liturgical Theology, St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary.

2023 Summer Music Institute

Start Date

Sing to the Lord a New Song: American Orthodox Music

St Vladimir’s Seminary announces the 2023 Summer Music Institute, “Sing to the Lord a New Song: American Orthodox Music,” taking place on June 20–24. The focus of this year’s Institute is on the living practice of creative music-making and composition within the Orthodox liturgical tradition in North America. 

Participants will: 

  • Explore what it means to be striving for an American Orthodox musical tradition
  • Hear from and engage with our keynote speakers—acclaimed choral composers and writers working in this field
  • Hone their skills in musicianship and ear training coaching sessions
  • Rehearse and sing Benedict Sheehan’s Liturgy No. 2: The St. Michael’s Service, a new work composed expressly for skilled, non-professional church choirs
  • Be invited to submit compositions to be sung in a Contemporary Composer’s Reading Session, and receive feedback from faculty composers as well as institute instructors (optional)
  • Select the option to participate in a two-day private and small group coaching intensive in either conducting, composing & arranging, or vocal technique

Learn More

Our keynote presentations will be offered by a diverse group of acclaimed composers who explore different areas of the tradition of Orthodox liturgical music. A highlight of the week will be the hierarchical liturgy in which participants will sing Benedict Sheehan’s Liturgy No. 2: The St. Michael’s Service, commissioned by St Michael’s Orthodox Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

By popular request and feedback from participants, we are pleased to add the Pre-Institute Intensive for two days before the Institute begins (June 19-20), as a concentrated immersion into specific areas of liturgical musical study. These two days are a chance to receive one-on-one and small group coaching in an intimate setting with world-class faculty, including Benedict Sheehan, Talia Sheehan, Juliana Woodill, and Harrison Russin.

The full Summer Music Institute will begin in the evening of Tuesday, June 20, and conclude on Saturday, June 24. Instruction at the Institute will focus on general musicianship skills, with tracks being offered for musicians of all skill levels. 

This year's Institute will run concurrently with the Diaconal Vocations Program of the OCA; daily services will be celebrated by students in the DVP and chanted by the students of the Music Institute.

Registration is closed.

Sr Magdalen Margaret Abraham Vazhayil Scholarship Fund Established


In loving memory of their sister, Sr Magdalen Margaret Abraham Vazhayil of the Knanaya Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Vazhayil family has established a new endowment to support the tuition fees primarily for Knanaya seminary students (both men and women) at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS). The first recipient of scholarship funds from this endowment will be Semayon Lukose (M.Div. ‘24).

Sr Magdalen Margaret (Achammakutty Abraham) was born in Kunnankarry, Kerala, India as the seventh child of the late Chachykutty and T. Abraham Vazhayil. She came to the United States in the early 1970s and completed her bachelor's degree at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, Massachusetts. After receiving novitiate training at St Margaret’s Episcopal Convent in Boston, Massachusetts, she entered monastic life soon afterward and in 1980, became the first woman in the Knanaya North American community to be tonsured a nun.

Known in the Knanaya community as a woman of prayer, Sr Magdalen Margaret was very caring and strived to love and serve all people around her. She was instrumental in initiating programs for the women of the North American Knanaya Community and served as the founding Vice President of the North American Knanaya Women's Organization (NAKWO). She donated her time and resources to her community and was focused on serving the Lord. She was the driving force for spiritual activities such as the NAKWO Prayer line, retreats for families, and the publishing of the NAKWO church calendar. She was serving as the Vice President of the NAKWO at the time of her repose in the Lord.

May the memory of Sr Magdalen Margaret be eternal!

Donate to the Sr Magdalen Margaret Abraham Vazhayil Scholarship Fund

Adapted from a tribute provided by the family of Sr Magdalen Margaret.

D.Min. Graduate Introduces Marriage Enrichment Program for Orthodox Christians


Fr Elias Dorham (D.Min. ‘23) presented his doctoral research in a webinar entitled “The Good Wine: Strengthening Marriage through Mutual Forgiveness,” at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. Director of the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program, the Very Rev. Sergius Halvorsen gave introductory remarks and took questions from webinar attendees. 136 registrants from across the country signed up to hear Fr Elias speak on learning to see communication and conflict within marriage as an opportunity for mutual martyrdom and sanctification.

During his talk, Fr Elias gave a brief overview of his doctoral project, where he designed and piloted a marriage enrichment program geared towards Orthodox Christians. The program was designed with two goals: to ground participating couples in an Orthodox Christian theological vision of marriage and to help them reframe common marital challenges related to communication and forgiveness. Fr Elias elaborated on his main motivation for undertaking this project, saying, “I felt that if I could help couples learn to see the ordinary challenges of marriage as encounters with Christ, these challenges might become a means for their healing and their transformation.”

Fr Elias spoke eloquently on the ways husbands and wives can proactively initiate healing in their marriages by “choosing to forgive,” even before the other partner may realize that they have done something to hurt or offend. Webinar attendees submitted a range of questions, offering Fr Elias the opportunity to demonstrate the depth of his experience in counseling couples toward healthier, more Christ-centered relationships.

Fr Elias Dorham’s D.Min. final project and the recording of the webinar are available via the links below.

Read Fr Elias Dorham’s Dissertation

Watch Recording of Fr Elias Dorham’s Webinar

About the Speakers

Fr Elias Dorham


Fr Elias Dorham serves as the Associate Pastor and Adult Education Coordinator at Holy Transfiguration parish in McLean, VA. He and Khouria Sylvia have been married for 30 years and have 10 children and three grandchildren. Prior to ordination, his professional experience encompassed coaching and leadership development across the military, federal/local government, and technology sectors.  He holds a Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) from St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, as well as an M.A. in Theological Studies from Christendom College, an M.S. in Information Systems Technology from the Naval Postgraduate School, and a B.S. in Political Science from the United States Naval Academy.


The Very Rev. Sergius Halvorsen


The Very Rev. Sergius Halvorsen (M.Div. ‘96; Ph.D., Drew University, 2002) is Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric at St Vladimir's Seminary and serves as director of the Doctor of Ministry Program. In addition to teaching homiletics and preaching, he also teaches courses in apologetics, faith and science, and Christian education. Fr Sergius is a priest of the Orthodox Church in America and is attached to Christ the Savior Church in Southbury, CT. He is an accomplished liturgical musician and has contributed to a number of "Archangel Voices" recordings. He currently lives in New Haven, CT with his wife and three children. He loves gardening, hiking, biking, and reading biographies and fiction.

About the Doctor of Ministry Program

The Doctor of Ministry degree at St Vladimir's Seminary enhances the practice of ministry for ordained and lay ministers in the Orthodox Church. The program integrates enhanced competencies in pastoral analysis with skills necessary to lead students to an advanced understanding of the nature and purposes of ministry. Working in communities of teachers and learners, the students gain deeper knowledge about the practice of serving others in Christian love as they grow in spiritual maturity as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The D.Min. program at St Vladimir's Seminary provides priests, chaplains, and other pastoral professionals with advanced knowledge and skills in order to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering. Integrating doctoral-level academic work with pastoral spirituality, this program will help you to acquire and refine the skills to minister to those whom God has called you to serve. Please consider joining us in a doctoral program that will give you an opportunity to foster deep and lasting friendships as we engage in work that contributes to authentic spiritual and pastoral renewal. The next D.Min. cohort will commence in Fall 2024.

The Doctor of Ministry Program at St Vladimir’s Seminary is supported by the Danilchick Family Endowment for Pastoral Studies, thanks to the generosity of Protodeacon Peter and Tanya Danilchick.

Board discusses its aspirational vision for St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary

SVOTS logo

The Board of Trustees of St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) met this past week, May 18–19, 2023, for its semi-annual Board of Trustees (Board) meeting. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon presided over the meeting as Ex-Officio Chairman of the Board, and Dr Nick Pandelidis, the newly elected Executive Chair, led the meeting. 

Following two years of extensive discussion and preliminary planning, the board will continue investigating its aspirational vision for expanding the seminary’s mission in the service of the American Orthodox Church.

The vision (first announced in November 2021, and again in January 2022) conceives a new campus as a center of American Orthodoxy with an expansion of its educational programs for clergy and lay Orthodox leaders, a center for contemporary Orthodox apologetics, continuation of the seminary’s long tradition of theological academic excellence within the Church, promotion of pan-Orthodox unity, and engagement with the current movement to build out Orthodox K–12 and undergraduate education. 

“As the primate of the Orthodox Church in America, I fully support the goal of expanding the offerings for theological education in North America,” said His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. “I also recognize the important contribution that SVOTS has historically made towards this sacred task through the sacrificial work of the faculty, staff, and board of trustees of the seminary. At our recent Board meeting, some very fruitful and honest discussions took place resulting in the Board’s decision to reset the previously announced process of relocation. There is further due diligence that needs to be done to refine the vision and to address a number of communication, operational, and financial aspects of the future of the seminary. I am encouraged that the Board is placing the needed attention to the points that are outlined below as well as considering the further costs and benefits of remaining in Yonkers or relocating at a future time.”

The board recognized the need to develop the solid foundation necessary for working toward the future vision of SVOTS, and will take the following immediate actions:

  • Seek the counsel and support of the Orthodox Church of America (OCA) hierarchs and other Orthodox jurisdictional hierarchs, as well as SVOTS stakeholders, which includes clergy, alumni, and donors, to inform the development of a 3 to 5-year strategic plan;
  • Design and execute a dedicated communication strategy to keep constituents informed and gather feedback;
  • Examine the SVOTS administration to ensure appropriate organizational structure, adequate staffing, and operational strategy;
  • Grow SVOTS annual fundraising efforts in order to sustain robust operations.

“Exploring this vision will require ongoing communication and dialogue with our hierarchs, alumni, and donors; careful and meticulous analysis and planning; and above all else, a prayerful and humble submission to the Lord’s will,” said Dr Nick Pandelidis.

"Over the past fifty years and more, St Vladimir's Seminary has been a strong partner with the Antiochian Archdiocese in preparing our clergy to carry the joyful light and healing grace of Christ to contemporary North America. We look forward to working together on this new vision, in order to amplify and enhance that essential mission,” said the Right Rev. Archimandrite Jeremy (Davis), Protosyngellos of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America and SVOTS trustee.

The board expressed gratitude to His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon for his insight and counsel regarding pursuing the seminary’s expanded mission and vision. 

The Board of Trustees also offered their sincere thanks to the Very Rev. Dr Chad Hatfield and the seminary’s faithful staff and faculty who have worked tirelessly to accomplish so much despite limited financial resources.

His Beatitude, the Board of Trustees, the faculty, and the administration asked for your continued and renewed prayers and financial support to accomplish the work before them in order to magnify our “shining light on the hill.”

SVOTS will release more information about its progress, as information becomes available.


Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) is a higher education institution that embraces the challenge of serving the Church and the needs of Orthodox Christians in the twenty-first century. SVOTS trains priests, lay leaders, and scholars to be active apologists of the Orthodox Christian Faith, focusing on academic rigor and spiritual formation within a residential Orthodox community. The seminary is chartered by the University of the State of New York and accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) to offer the following program degrees: Master of Divinity, Master of Arts, Master of Theology, and Doctor of Ministry. www.svots.edu

The Good Wine: Strengthening Marriage through Mutual Forgiveness

Start Date

Fr Elias Dorham (D.Min. ‘23) will present his doctoral research in a webinar entitled “The Good Wine: Strengthening Marriage through Mutual Forgiveness,” at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. Director of the Doctor of Ministry program, the Very Rev. Sergius Halvorsen will give introductory remarks.

Fr Elias introduces his research as follows:

Many married couples experience challenges in the areas of communication and navigating conflict.  Over time these challenges can lead to the breakdown of marriages and families.  To better help the people I serve, my D.Min. project focused on creating a model of ministry that helps couples understand and navigate the everyday challenges in the areas of communication and conflict within the context of an Orthodox Christian vision of marriage as mutual martyrdom/mutual sanctification. Seen this way, challenges in marriage can help couples to grow spiritually and personally, and can serve as an applied marital mystagogy for couples, strengthening marriages and families.

Join us for this thought-provoking and edifying presentation on the Orthodox Christian approach to communication within marriage.

This webinar will be open to the public for online attendance. To attend the webinar, register at the link below. There is no entrance fee, but donations are much appreciated and will directly benefit St Vladimir’s Seminary.


Registration for this event is closed.

About the Speakers

Fr Elias Dorham

Fr Elias Photo

Fr Elias Dorham serves as the Associate Pastor and Adult Education coordinator at Holy Transfiguration parish in McLean, VA. He and Khouria Sylvia have been married for 30 years and have 10 children and three grandchildren. Prior to ordination his professional experience encompassed coaching and leadership development across the military, federal/local government, and technology sectors.  He holds a Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) from St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, as well as an M.A. in Theological Studies from Christendom College, an M.S. in Information Systems Technology from the Naval Postgraduate School, and a B.S. in Political Science from the United States Naval Academy.

The Very Rev. Sergius Halvorsen


The Very Rev. Sergius Halvorsen (M.Div. ‘96; Ph.D., Drew University, 2002) is Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric at St Vladimir's Seminary and serves as director of the Doctor of Ministry Program. In addition to teaching homiletics and preaching, he also teaches courses in apologetics, faith and science, and Christian education. Fr Sergius is a priest of the Orthodox Church in America and is attached to Christ the Savior Church in Southbury, CT. He is an accomplished liturgical musician and has contributed to a number of "Archangel Voices" recordings. He currently lives in New Haven, CT with his wife and three children. He loves gardening, hiking, biking, and reading biographies and fiction.

About the Doctor of Ministry Program

The Doctor of Ministry degree at St Vladimir's Seminary enhances the practice of ministry for ordained and lay ministers in the Orthodox Church. The program integrates enhanced competencies in pastoral analysis with skills necessary to lead students to an advanced understanding of the nature and purposes of ministry. Working in communities of teachers and learners, the students gain deeper knowledge about the practice of serving others in Christian love as they grow in spiritual maturity as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The D.Min. program at St Vladimir's Seminary provides priests, chaplains, and other pastoral professionals with advanced knowledge and skills in order to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering. Integrating doctoral-level academic work with pastoral spirituality, this program will help you to acquire and refine the skills to minister to those whom God has called you to serve. Please consider joining us in a doctoral program that will give you an opportunity to foster deep and lasting friendships as we engage in work that contributes to authentic spiritual and pastoral renewal. The next D.Min. cohort will commence in Fall 2024.

Commencement Ceremony Honors the Class of 2023


The Commencement of the Class of 2023 at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) was held on Saturday, May 20, 2023. The day began at 9:00 a.m. with a hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Three Hierarchs Chapel presided by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). During the liturgy, seminarian Ferenc Fehervari (M.Div. ’25) was tonsured a reader; Assistant Professor of Liturgical Theology, the Rev. Dn Dr Vitaly Permiakov was awarded the double orarion; and Assistant Professor of Liturgical Music Dr Harrison Russin was ordained to the Holy Diaconate.

Following a brief recess for lunch, graduates, their families, visiting hierarchs, SVOTS trustees, faculty, staff, and the seminary community gathered in Three Hierarchs Chapel to start the commencement ceremony with a moleben, in accordance with longstanding practice at St Vladimir’s Seminary. His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon was joined by His Eminence Metropolitan Saba, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of the Antiochian Archdiocese of All North America (AOCANA); His Grace Metropolitan Zachariah Mar Nicholovos of the Northeast American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church; His Grace Bishop Sinoda of Washington, D.C. of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church; His Eminence Metropolitan Ghattas of Baghdad, Kuwait, and Dependencies; the Very Rev. Archimandrite Nektarios Papazafiropoulos, Chancellor of the Greek Archdiocese of America (GOA), representing His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros; and the Right Rev. Protosyngellos Jeremy Davis of the Antiochian Archdiocese.


Upon the conclusion of the moleben, attendees found their seats in the Metropolitan Philip Auditorium in the John G. Rangos Building ahead of the formal procession of hierarchs, faculty, and graduating seminarians into the auditorium, marking the beginning of the 84th Commencement Exercises of Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. SVOTS President, the Very Rev. Dr Chad Hatfield gave his opening remarks, including a detailed recap of key events and achievements at SVOTS and SVS Press during the 202223 academic year.


The Commencement Address was given by the Hon. Alex M. Azar II, who was also awarded a Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, in recognition of his faithful and dedicated philanthropic service over many years within the Church. Secretary Azar gave a stirring speech, drawing on his high-profile leadership experience as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2018–2021) and president of Lilly USA, LLC (20122017) to encourage SVOTS graduates to embrace a collaborative style of leadership within their future ministries, to always communicate the “why” behind their decisions, and to respectfully seek input from members of the communities they are called to lead.

Watch the Commencement Address by  The Hon. Alex Azar


The Graduating Class of 2023

Fr Chad giving a student their Masters hood

Twenty-seven seminarians graduated at this year’s Commencement: fifteen were granted the Master of Divinity (M.Div.); eleven received the Master of Arts (M.A.) degree, and one received a Master in Theology (Th.M.). Graduates represented twelve different Eastern and Oriental Orthodox jurisdictions.

The conferral of diplomas was preceded by the salutatory address, given by salutatorian Mother Cassiana Colchester (M.A. Concentration in Theological Scholarship and Research). Mother Cassiana gave thanks to God for a fruitful and humbling experience at SVOTS, reflecting that above all, seminary is about “learning to be weak,” to truly see one’s darkness and failings, “for in this weakness can Christ’s strength and His glory truly shine through.”

Immediately following the conferral of degrees, Student Council President Mark Sultani (M.Div.) presented the Saint Macrina Award to the Rev. Dn Dr Vitaly Permiakov. The Saint Macrina Award is an honor given each year to a professor elected by the student body to recognize his or her effort and excellence in teaching.  Sultani commended the entire faculty at SVOTS, saying, “This award gets harder and harder each year because our faculty is just that good. It really feels as if we are in a golden age of stellar faculty who continue to teach us and push us to be better.”

Sultani then presented an unexpected and touching class gift to Fr Chad Hatfield, an icon commissioned with a local iconographer, depicting the Mother of God with Christ in her womb overlooking the seminary campus.

The Rev. Dr Anthony Gilbert (M.Div.) was then named valedictorian of the Class of 2023. In his valedictory address, Fr Anthony urged his classmates to consider two themes in the farewell address, or valediction, our Lord Jesus Christ gave to his disciples in the Gospel of John. In this passage, the longest discourse by Jesus recorded in the gospels, He counsels us to be prepared for tribulations throughout our lives, but also to “be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world (John 16.33).”  Fr Anthony concluded his address by calling his fellow graduates to always remember that “He is the source of our strength, and that when we falter or stumble or get lost, He is near and we know His voice.”

The commencement exercises were concluded by a short concert by St Vladimir’s Seminary Chorale and final remarks by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon. Graduate Fr Nicholas Fine (M.Div.) led a large choir of men and women in singing “Let God Arise” in Byzantine chant. Seminarian Naomi DeHaan (M.A. ’24) then led the women’s choir in a new arrangement of the Paschal Exapostilarion, arranged for women’s voices by a student musician. Finally, the Rev. Dn Dr Harrison Russin led the entire chorale in singing “Christ is Risen” by Alexander Kastalsky.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon concluded the ceremony, first with some lighthearted comments, and then with an earnest injunction, saying, 

“By dint of obtaining your seminary degree, all of you will, to some degree or other, be seen as spiritual and intellectual leaders in your communities. Many who dream of church leadership, dream vainly about imposing their own ideas, preferences, and agenda on the Church. Believers do not come to church because they want their pastors’ and lay leaders' personal ideas and priorities. Believers come to the Church because they want Jesus Christ. They hear His voice. He knows them, and Him do they follow. And so to all seminarians and especially the graduating clergy, I say if you wish to serve the Church, if you wish to be a shepherd of Christ's flock, then let go of your own voice and become the voice of Christ.”

Watch the Commencement Exercises, Class of 2023

Read the 2023 Commencement Program

Please pray for the graduates of the Class of 2023! May our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ bless them in their future ministries and grant them many blessed years!

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