Announcing Our 2017 #GivingTuesday Partner

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Give Now to Our #GivingTuesday Campaign

Last fall on November 29, 2016, people from around the world gave generously to St. Vladimir's Seminary’s #GivingTuesday campaign—$127,800! (#GivingTuesday follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and its annual place on the calendar reminds people globally to give to non-profits and charitable causes.) Our school in turn gave 10% of what it received to IEIRA, an online university in Guatemala that gives hope and a future to Orthodox youth from Hogar Rafael Ayau and San Miguel de Lago orphanages.

This year, our seminary will once again participate in #GivingTuesday, scheduled for Tuesday, November 28, and once again, it will be tithing 10% of the total funds raised to our select non-profit partner for 2017:  Pro Vita Association for the Born and Unborn in Romania, an organization that provides healthcare and education to family members in need. Pro Vita encourages the well being of family units being torn apart by economic stress, and often prevents the heartbreaking decision by a desperate mother to abort her unborn child.

“We can impact an incredible number of people if we give to St. Vladimir’s Seminary on #GivingTuesday, November 28,” said Archpriest Chad Hatfield, president of the seminary. “If we can raise $100,000 on #GivingTuesday, our alms will not only help seminarians in here in New York but also families in Romania.”

“Also, although we build up to a fever pitch on the actual day of #GivingTuesday, folks can give beforehand (here) if it’s more convenient for them, and we’ll simply count those funds in our final total,” Fr. Chad remarked. “In fact, I want to thank Holy Ghost Russian Orthodox Church in Bridgeport, CT, as the first parish to give to #GivingTuesday 2017, with their give of $1,000.

“As we launch our campaign,” he continued, “I’d like to encourage other parishes and individuals to join in the spirit and raise funds for our seminary operations and student services. A multitude of resources may be found on our website’s #GivingTuesday 2017 Toolkit.

“Thanks to all our friends and alumni in advance, and let the fun and spirit of giving reign!,” he concluded.

(Parish groups, teen groups, alumni, and friends may find especially helpful sections on pages 3–6 of our #GivingTuesday 2017 Toolkit, entitled, “Be a Star!,” “Parish Bulletin Blurbs,” “Rally Your Troops!” and “Serve Coffee.”)

Memory Eternal! + Bishop Antoun

Our entire seminary community mourns the falling asleep yesterday, October 2, 2017, of His Grace Antoun, retired bishop of the Diocese of Miami and the Southeast of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA). His Grace was a member of the graduating Class of 1962 of St. Vladimir's Seminary, when the seminary campus was in New York City.

This evening, immediately following Daily Vespers in Three Hierarchs Chapel, seminary President Archpriest Chad Hatfield will lead the community in the Trisagion prayers for the repose of the newly departed Father in Christ, and the seminary Byzantine Choir will sing the responses.

Read a message about Bishop Antoun’s repose, written by His Eminence Joseph, archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America, AOCANA.

Read other tributes to Bishop Antoun

Read the funeral arrangements for Bishop Antoun

Read the funeral address by His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph at the funeral service of Bishop Antoun, held Wednesday, October 11

“For the Life of the World” Conference: Joyous!

From September 21–24, 2017, Orthodox Vision Foundation (OVF) sponsored an Advanced Leadership Initiative Conference entitled, “For the Life of the World” at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. It has been called by many of the pre-selected 65 attendees “historic” and “groundbreaking.” They were welcomed to the program by Co-Trustee of OVF Charles Ajalat, and Archpriest Chad Hatfield, president of St. Vladimir’s Seminary. The goals of the Conference were: to build advanced leadership skills and deeper faith and bonding among the attendees, to improve Orthodox ministries, to mentor younger Orthodox, and to help those who, one day in their life, might want to transition from the profit to the non-profit world. In a two-hour reflection session, the attendees unanimously expressed that they were excited, joyous, and inspired by what they experienced at the Conference.

Speakers at the Conference included committed Orthodox CEOs and current and former executives and professionals, including: the President of Chick-fil-A, Inc.; the CEO of Kinder Morgan (one of North America’s largest energy infrastructure companies); one of the top 10 business bloggers in the U.S. and former CEO of Thomas Nelson (the world’s largest Bible publisher); a former VP of Planning for Exxon Mobil Asia-Pacific; and great theologians, major philanthropists, and heads of Orthodox schools and colleges, including a former dean of the University of Minnesota Medical School, who had been part of a $1.2 billion capital campaign and who taught fundraising at the Conference. Corporate communications was taught by the recently retired head person in that area for Koch Industries. The CEOs of three major Orthodox charities presented their future goals, obstacles to achieving them, and planned solutions, for critique by attendees. There was also a talk on the role of the laity in the Church by a lay person experienced in that area, a talk on transitioning from the profit to the non-profit world by an expert in that area, and a talk by a bishop of the Church, who had headed an ecclesial external affairs office in Washington, D.C. Two bishops, an archbishop and a metropolitan, offered prayers and remarks.

Participants in the conference, who represented 27 cities, were as equally exciting as the speakers. Statistically, 90% were laity; one-third were female; 20% were 40 years old and under; and approximately 30% were from each of the three largest Orthodox jurisdictions, as well as ones from other jurisdictions. Among the outstanding participants were many philanthropists and executive directors of philanthropic organizations; a 29-year-old founder and CEO of an early detection cancer start-up (which has procured $65 million of equity investment and was one of Forbes's "30 under 30 in Healthcare"); key educators and church leaders; the "Bible Answer Man"; an executive of a major golf club manufacturer; CEOs of equity capital firms; book publishers; a manufacturing firm, real estate firm, and construction firm; media, marketing, and internet specialists; prominent lawyers from major firms; and prominent doctors, engineers, and consultants.

Attendees also viewed the screening of the Orthodox full-length professional film Becoming Truly Human and heard a brief introduction of the film—which is directed toward millennials and “nones"—from its director/star. (The film was released by the Antiochian Archdiocese and was made available September 6 to Amazon’s 66 million subscribers. It is also on iTunes, GooglePlay, Xbox, and Vudu. A second distribution company, who distributed Scorsese’s recent film, Silence, is also distributing Becoming Truly Human in many of its 1,000 venues.)

For more information about the Conference go to:

“The work of OVF supports primarily the Orthodox Church, particularly in feeding & equipping the homeless & poor, sharing the world-view of Orthodox Christianity, church governance, education & launching new ministries. Email:”

NOTE: His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, primate of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), made his first archpastoral visit to the Seminary upon the beginning of the new Academic Year on Sunday, September 24, and addressed the seminary community and OVF participants after presiding at the Divine Liturgy. Read more about His Beatitude's visit.

In Trust Magazine Features SVS Press

In Trust, the quarterly magazine published by the Association of Boards in Theological Education, has featured St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press (SVS Press) in its Summer 2017 issue. The article, titled, “St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press: a case study in mission-driven publishing,” by Matt Forster, occupies a 2-page, full-color spread in the magazine’s print edition.

Mr. Forster said he had felt drawn to write about SVS Press ever since he had attended a Board of Trustees meeting on the seminary campus several years back, accompanied by the publisher of In Trust, Jay Blossom. He explained, “Although I was familiar with SVS Press because of its Popular Patristics series, I was not prepared for how much the press actually puts out into the world!”

In his article, Mr. Forster states, “The press meets an important need in the Orthodox community, and it has become the face of St. Vladimir’s Seminary to many outside Orthodoxy. [Read the full article online here.]

In fiscal year 2017 the press topped $1M in sales and published 20 new titles. Recently released this summer were 7 volumes:

  1. Exodus: St John Maximovitch Leads His Flock out of Shanghai (Orthodox Profiles, Vol. 9), by John B. Dunlop: Translations of previously unpublished primary resources—letters, memoirs, interviews, and newspaper articles from key figures and eyewitnesses—record the journey of then Father John Maximovitch and his émigré flock from Shanghai, to the Philippines, and onward to the U.S.
  2. Touch and the Healing of the World, by Dr. Daniel Hinshaw: A practicing physician and consultant in Palliative Care Medicine explores the simple yet profound healing power of touch, drawing on a wide range of sources: from icons, church fathers, and Scripture, to recent findings in modern medicine.
  3. The Wedding in Cana: The Power and Purpose of the First Sign of Jesus Christ, by Fr. George Koshy: The author offers 12 mediations on different aspects of the scriptural recounting of Jesus’ miracle at the Marriage of Cana in Galilee (Jn 2.11).
  4. Metaphysics as a Personal Adventure: Christos Yannaras in Conversation with Norman Russell, by Norman Russell and Christos Yannaras: An erudite 21st-century thinker offers an integrated vision, in which philosophy, theology, and even political discourse become vehicles to discern knowledge, truth, and salvation in Christ.
  5. Churchianity vs. Christianity, by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom: One of the most prominent Orthodox voices of the modern world challenges readers to move beyond mere “Churchianity”—a word coined by C.S. Lewis—to a true and living faith, in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
  6. Christianity and the Roman Empire from Nero to Theodosius, by Paul Allard: The author presents details of the official persecution of Christians in the first four centuries of the early church, and poses a theory to explain its cause.
  7. After God: Morality and Bioethics in a Secular Age, by H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.: This volume provides a hopeful spark of light within what appears to be a dark prophetic vision—a light to which believers may turn, as church and society clash over cultural, religious, political, and social tenets.

The success of SVS Press this past year was in part due to a generous, unprecedented major gift that established an endowment for the press in January 2017. A percentage of the endowment’s proceeds now annually help the press expand its acquisitions by supporting editorial and marketing efforts. The press’s success, said Priest Ignatius Green, who is Production & Rights Manager and Editor at SVS Press, also continues to depend on smaller gifts, particularly subventions, which can propel either an individual volume or a series of volumes toward the light of day.

Currently, remarked Fr. Ignatius, SVS Press is welcoming subventions for the translation of a 6-volume set by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokalamsk, bearing the series title, “Jesus Christ: His Life and Teaching.” Also, noted Fr. Ignatius, the press has already published 4 of the 5 volumes of Metropolitan Hilarion’s previous 5-volume “Orthodox Christianity” series, and is now seeking a subvention for the fifth volume. The press will also be seeking subventions in the future for a new edition of the very popular volume by Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann, For the Life of the World, as well as a book titled, Monasticism in Egypt, and a book of meditations on the Holy Week services in the Orthodox Church. (Potential sponsors of subventions may contact Fr. Ignatius directly: or 914.961.8313 x317.)

Browse full descriptions of SVS Press’s most recent releases here.

Meyendorff Lecture: Glimpse into Byzantine Monasticism

When Dr. Alice-Mary Talbot presented the fourth annual Father John Meyendorff Memorial Lecture on our campus recently, she opened a window into Byzantine monasticism that revealed a culture as rich and diverse as the personalities of the monks and nuns who embraced it. Her presentation, titled, Varieties of Monastic Experience in Byzantium, 800–1453, highlighted the many ways one could be a Byzantine monk or nun, and the continuous tensions in Byzantium between the eremitic (solitary living) and coenobitic (community living) forms of monasticism.

She also drew attention to the unique typicon, or rule of life, developed by each monastery, which originally was passed down orally and eventually was set down in written form. The order of life reflected in each typicon, she noted, depended on many factors: the circumstances of the monastery’s founding and its location and size; its spiritual director; and even the gender of its inhabitants.

Additionally, she gave examples of the multipurpose functions of monasteries within Byzantine society—from literary centers, to hospices, to hostels; as well as the multiform lifestyles demonstrated by individual monks—from wanderers, to pillar saints (stylites), to recluses, to anchorites, to unaffiliated solitary monks, to holy advisors.

All in all, said Dr. Talbot, who is Director Emerita of Byzantine Studies, Dumbarton Oaks, Byzantine monasticism was marked by “fluidity and flexibility,” and the several modes of monastic life had only a few things actually in common, such as taking of vows and renunciation of  the world. Generally, she said, “autonomy and individualism” were often witnessed in both monks and monasteries. She concluded her lecture with a fitting quote from Philotheos Kokkinos, from the vita of Sabas the Younger: “Since there are many dwellings in the kingdom of heaven, thus the road of piety which leads thereto must branch into many pathways.”

Archpriest Alexander Rentel, assistant professor of Canon Law and Byzantine Studies at the Seminary, introduced Dr. Talbot to the audience, noting that her scholarly interests had often overlapped with those of Father John Meyendorff, former Dean of St. Vladimir’s, who himself had at one time held the position of Acting Director of Studies at Dumbarton Oaks, and after whom the Seminary’s annual lecture is named. Also in attendance at the lecture was His Grace the Right Reverend Paul (Gassios), bishop of Chicago and the Midwest, who was on campus visiting the seminarians who hailed from his diocese. A public reception followed the lecture.

Read an oral history interview with Dr. Talbot regarding her association with Dumbarton Oaks, undertaken by Jeanne-Nicole Saint-Laurent.

Dr. Talbot’s lecture has been posted as an audio podcast in the “Voices of St. Vladimir’s” section of Ancient Faith Ministries. Listen here.

Friendship with St. Joseph’s Seminary Expands

On Wednesday, August 30, 2017, nearly 90 seminarians and faculty from St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, NY, visited our campus. Included among the guests were the Seminary’s Rector, Msgr. Peter Vaccari, and the Most Reverend James Massa, auxiliary bishop of Brooklyn, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York.

The visitors first spent an intensive day studying the Eastern Churches on their own campus, and then arrived at St. Vladimir’s in the late afternoon to shop in the bookstore, attend daily vespers, dine with our community, and hear a presentation in the Metropolitan Philip Auditorium, offered by Bishop Massa and Msgr. Peter representing St. Joseph’s Seminary; and Dr. Peter Bouteneff, professor of Systematic Theology, and Archpriest Chad Hatfield, president, representing St. Vladimir’s Seminary.

The presentation centered on contemporary issues of common concern, including: the rising number of Christian martyrs in the Middle East and North Africa; moral conduct and ethical imperatives; missionary efforts in post-Communist countries; and the Great and Holy Council of Crete held during Pentecost 2016. In particular the presentation focused on the relationship between Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the “new ecumenism” that their friendship has spawned. Discussion time was also given to the historic meeting between Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Pope Francis in Cuba, which occurred in Havana in 2016.

Historically St. Vladimir’s and St. Joseph’s seminaries have engaged in various cooperative efforts, and most recent common endeavors include a joint concert, "Magnificat: Hymns to the Mother of God from the East and West"; and a shared seminar presented by Theresa Burke, Ph.D., LPC, NCP, the founder of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries, a non-profit that focuses on the healing of post-abortion trauma. 

“My personal hope,” said seminary President Archpriest Chad Hatfield, “is to see exactly how we can further expand our relationship.

“A second meeting, to be held at St. Joseph’s with our own seminarians and faculty visiting, is being proposed,” he noted, “and I am also up for a friendly basketball game!”

St. Joseph’s Seminary and College, founded in 1896, is the major seminary of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York. It was authorized by the Board of Regents of the State of New York to grant the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1908, Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in 1921, and Bachelor of Divinity in 1965. The New York State Education Department granted St. Joseph’s permission to offer the Master of Divinity Degree in 1971, and the Master of Arts Degree in Theology in 1987. In addition, St. Joseph’s has been accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education since 1961 and the Association of Theological Schools since 1973.The Seminary is also affiliated with the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, which allows for seminarians to receive the Pontifical Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree (S.T.B.) and which represents an acknowledgement of the Seminary’s intellectual formation program as the ecclesiastical equivalent of the “First Cycle” in the Roman Pontifical University system.

Ordination Update: 9 priests, 13 deacons

The total number of seminarians, alumni, and faculty from St. Vladimir’s Seminary who were ordained to Holy Orders from July 2016 to July 2017 equals 35: 16 priests, 16 deacons, and 3 sub-deacons. Additionally, six of our alumni were either elevated in their rank or received an honorary award.

At the close of fall semester 2016, we presented brief biographies and photos of 13 of those who had already been ordained (see article titled, “Thirteen Students and Alumni Ordained”), and now, at the close of spring semester 2017, we are similarly presenting bios for the 21 others ordained, as well as short bios of those clergy who have received awards or were elevated in rank.

Axios, and Many Years to all!


Priest Herman (Raymond) Acker, Alumnus (M.Th. ’95)
Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Eminence Metropolitan Philip (AOCANA) in St. Philip Orthodox Church, Souderton, PA, 20SEPT98
Priesthood: Ordained by His Grace the Right Reverend Thomas, Bishop of the Diocese of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic (AOCANA), in St. Philip Orthodox Church, Souderton, PA, 9OCT16
Current ministry: Rector, St. Andrew the Apostle Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church, Lewes, DE
Educational and professional background: A.A. Fulton Montgomery Community College; B.A. Nyack College; M.A., M.Div., Biblical Theological Seminary; M.Th., St. Vladimir’s Seminary; D.Min., Pittsburgh Theological Seminary; Adjunct Instructor of History at Eastern University

Priest Isaac (Brandon Solomon) Danevicius, 3rd-year Seminarian (M.Div. program)
Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, and Washington, D.C., and assistant to Metropolitan Joseph (AOCANA), in St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Little Falls, NJ, 23OCT16
Priesthood: Ordained by His Grace Basil, Bishop of Wichita and Mid-America (AOCANA), in Ss. Peter and Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church, Topeka, KS, 29JUN17
Current ministry: Student parish assignment at St. James Antiochian Orthodox Church, Poughkeepsie, NY, under the mentorship of pastor Father Paul Matar
Educational and professional background: B.A. in Biblical Studies and Theology from Biola University in 2009; Fifth Grade Teacher at Cair Paravel Latin School in Topeka KS; Shipping Manager for the Institute for Excellence in Writing in Locust Grove, OK.

Priest Symeon (Douglas) Hadley, Alumnus (M.Th. ’06)
Jurisdiction: Patriarchate of Belgrade (Serbia)
Priesthood: Ordained by the Right Reverend Longin, Bishop of New Gracanica & Midwestern America, Patriarchate of Belgrade (Serbia), and presented for ordination by the Very Reverend Stavrophor John Erickson, former Dean of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, in the Cathedral of the Holy Protection of the Theotokos, Third Lake, IL, 13OCT16
Current ministry: Assigned as Priest for the newly formed St. Sebastian Orthodox Christian Mission, Charlevoix, MI
Educational and professional background: former Episcopal priest

Priest Andrew Honoré, 3rd-year Seminarian (M.Div. program)
Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, and Washington, D.C., and assistant to Metropolitan Joseph (AOCANA), in St. Stephen the Protomartyr Church, South Plainfield, NJ, 16OCT16
Priesthood: Ordained by His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, and Washington, D.C., and assistant to Metropolitan Joseph (AOCANA), in St. Barnabas Orthodox Church, Costa Mesa, CA, 25JUN17
Current ministry: Interim Pastor of St. George Orthodox Church in South Glens Falls, NY; SVOTS Student Council Member, and student officer of The St. Moses Society, a student-led group seeking to foster a greater conversation on issues of race and outreach in the Orthodox Church.
Educational and professional background: B.A. in Liberal Arts; formerly enlisted in Navy Reserves and currently a commissioned officer in the Navy’s Chaplain Candidate Program; former restaurant owner

Priest Simon (Shiryl) Mathai, Alumnus (M.Div. 2016)
Jurisdiction: Malankara Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church in North America (SOC)
Sub-Diaconate (Apodyaqno): Ordained by His Eminence Mor Titus Yeldho, Archbishop of the Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America, in the Church of the Virgin Mary, Paramus, NJ, 4JAN14
Full Diaconate (M'Shamshono): Ordained by His Eminence Mor Titus Yeldho, Archbishop of the Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America, in St. Ephrem Cathedral, Whippany, NJ, 13NOV16
Priesthood: Ordained by His Eminence Mor Titus Yeldho, Archbishop of the Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America, in St. Peter Syriac Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA, 13MAY17
Current Ministry: Serves as Associate Vicar for St. Mary's Syriac Orthodox Church in West Nyack, NY, and St. George Syriac Orthodox Church in New City, NY
Education and Professional Background: Master in Public Health from Drexel University, MBA from Rutgers University; currently serves as a Senior Manager at Pfizer, Inc.

Priest Steven F. McGuigan, Alumnus (Special Student ’16)
Jurisdiction: Diocese of Sitka and Alaska, Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Priesthood: Received as priest by Vesting by His Eminence the Most Reverend Nikon, Archbishop of Boston, New England, and the Albanian Archdiocese, on behalf of His Grace David, Bishop of Sitka and All Alaska, in All Saints Orthodox Church, Hartford, CT, 19MAR17
Current ministry: Rector, St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Juneau, AK
Educational and professional background: A.B. (magna cum laude), Assumption College, Worcester, M.A. (Theology and Psychology); Study, Heythrop College, University of London; M. Div. (honors) St. John's Seminary, Brighton, MA; faculty, Grand Seminaire de Montreal, Montreal, Canada; Fellow, American Guild of Organists (F.A.G.O.); chaplain, recitalist and active member, American Guild of Organists (Berkshire chapter); former Roman Catholic priest

Priest Anish Skariya, Alumnus (M.Div. 2012 )
: Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church of North America
Sub-Diaconate (Apodyaqno): Ordained by His Eminence Mor Titus Yeldho, Archbishop and Patriarchal Vicar of the Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America, at Ss. Peter's Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church, North Lake, IL, 31MAR12
Full Diaconate (M'Shamshono): Ordained by His Eminence Mor Titus Yeldho, Archbishop and Patriarchal Vicar of the Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church of North America, at St. Peter's Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church, Northlake, Illinois on 7October06.
Holy Priesthood: Ordained by His Eminence Mor Titus Yeldho, Archbishop and Patriarchal Vicar of the Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church of North America, at St. Peter's Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church, Northlake, Illinois on 5AUG17.
Current Ministry: Staff Chaplain, Houston Methodist Hospital
Education and Professional Background: B.A in Christian Ministry & Counseling, Trinity International University, 2008, M.Div., St. Vladimir's Seminary, 2012, M.Th., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2013.

Archpriest Kirill Sokolov, Alumnus (M.Div. ’07)
Jurisdiction: Diocese of the West, Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Beatitude Metropolitan Herman, then-Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, in Three Hierarchs’ Chapel, St. Vladimir’s Seminary, 30JAN04
Elevation: Elevated by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the OCA to the dignity of Protodeacon in 2007, and in 2009, to the office of Archdeacon
Priesthood: Ordained by His Eminence the Most Reverend Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco and the Diocese of the West, OCA, at Holy Trinity Cathedral, San Francisco, CA, on Bright Saturday, 22APR17; Concelebrants: Bishop Daniel of Santa Rosa, Archpriest Chad Hatfield, and numerous alumni.
Current ministry: Assigned to Holy Trinity Cathedral, San Francisco, CA; Director of Diaconal and Late Vocations for the OCA
Educational and professional background: B.A. University of California, San Diego; M.Div. St. Vladimir’s Seminary; Ed.D. in organizational leadership from Pepperdine University's Graduate School of Education and Psychology in 2017; Director of Technology & 21st Century Learning at San Francisco Day School

Priest John (Edward) Valadez, 3rd-year Seminarian (M.Div. Program)
Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, and Washington, D.C., and assistant to Metropolitan Joseph (AOCANA), in St. John the Baptist Antiochian Orthodox Church, Levittown, NY, 13NOV16
Priesthood: Ordained by His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, and Washington, D.C., and assistant to Metropolitan Joseph (AOCANA), in St. Barnabas Orthodox Church, Costa Mesa, CA, 24JUN17
Current ministry: Parish assignment at St. Stephen's Antiochian Orthodox Church, South Plainfield, NJ; Secretary of St. Ambrose Society, the Seminary's pro-life student interest group under the auspices of the Student Council
Educational and professional background: B.A. in Art History from CSULB; butcher and Associate Team Leader at Whole Foods Market


Deacon Levon Asdourian, Alumnus (M.Div. ’17)
Jurisdiction: Armenian Apostolic Church
Diaconate: Ordained by Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, Armenian Apostolic Church, to the Holy Diaconate, on the campus of St. Nersess Armenian Seminary at Commencement Ceremonies, 20MAY17
Current ministry: One year internship under the direction of a senior priest, followed by overseas training, either at Echmiadzin in Armenia, or in Jerusalem
Educational and professional background: United States Marine Corps; B.S., SUNY Purchase College; and M.Div. St. Vladimir's and St. Nersess Theological Seminaries

Deacon Andrew Cannon (M.A. ’16)
Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Holy Diaconate: Ordained by His Eminence the Most Reverend Alexander, archbishop of Dallas and the South, in St. John of the Ladder Orthodox Church, Piedmont, SC, 9APR17
Current Ministry: Assigned as Deacon and Pastoral Assistant to St. Basil the Great Mission in Wilmington, NC
Education and Professional Background: Studied Classics at Furman University; former consultant at Furman University Writing & Media Lab

Deacon John (Rassem) El Massih, Lecturer in Liturgical Music, St. Vladimir’s Seminary
Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, Primate of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, in St. Nicholas Cathedral, Brooklyn, NY, 5MAR17
Current ministry: Assistant to the Metropolitan, Protopsalti (First- Cantor) of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, and Lecturer in Liturgical Music at St. Vladimir's Seminary
Educational and professional background: B.A. in Religious Studies with a minor in Human Development; M.Div. from Holy Cross Seminary, Brookline, MA

Deacon Daniel Greeson, 3rd-year Seminarian (M.Div. program)
Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All America and Canada, in Three Hierarchs Chapel, at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary, 3MAR17
Current ministry: Student parish assignment at Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, Jersey City, NJ, under mentorship of Rector, Archpriest Joseph Lickwar
Educational and professional background: B.A. in Religious Studies / Philosophy, Master of Library Science, Master of Theological Studies; formerly worked in libraries and title insurance

Deacon James Magruder, Alumnus (M.Div. ’03)
Jurisdiction: Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.,Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Beatitude the Most Blessed Tikhon, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), in St. Andrew Church, Baltimore, MD, 7MAY17
Current ministry: Attached as Deacon to St. Andrew Church, Baltimore, MD, Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., OCA
Educational and professional background: Ph.D. in Art History from Johns Hopkins University, with dissertation focused on “Byzantine Cameos and the Aesthetics of the Icon”; Professor of Art History at University of Maryland

Deacon Simon Menya, 3rd-year Seminarian (M.Div. program)
Jurisdiction: Patriarchate of Alexandria, Diocese of Uganda
Diaconate: Ordained by His Eminence, the Most Reverend Jonah (Lwanga), Metropolitan of Kampala and all Uganda, in St. Basil Orthodox Church, Gulu, Northern Uganda, 13AUG17
Current ministry: Student assignment at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, New Rochelle, NY; participant in St. Moses the Black Student Interest Group
Educational and professional background: B.A. in Education, Gulu University, graduated as a High School Teacher in 2011; served as Headmaster/Principle at Archangel Michael Orthodox High School, Northern Region of Uganda; candidate of Master in Educational Policy Planning and Management in Kyambogo University

Deacon Aleksandar Mitrovic, Alumnus (M.Div. ’11)
Jurisdiction: Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Canada
Diaconate: Ordained by His Grace, the Right Reverend Dr. Mitrofan (Kodic), Bishop of Canada, in Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Milton, Ontario, Canada, 19AUG17
Current ministry: Serves as a deacon to His Grace Bishop Mitrofan

Deacon Christopher Moore, 3rd-year Seminarian (M.Div. program)
Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Grace the Right Reverend Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest, in Three Hierarchs Chapel, St. Vladimir’s Seminary, 1APR17
Current ministry: Student parish assignment at Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ, under the mentorship of Rector, Priest David F. Garretson; student leader of the St. Innocent Mission Society, under the auspices of the Student Council; attached to Three Hierarchs Chapel
Educational and professional background: B.M. in Music Composition; Administrative Assistant at Evangelical Baptist Missions organization; Woodwind Performer and Private Lessons Teacher; missionary with Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) since 2012

Deacon Joseph Olas, Alumnus (M.A. ’10)
Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Grace the Right Reverend Basil, Bishop of Wichita and Mid-America, with the blessing of Metropolitan Joseph, Primate of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, and His Grace the Right Reverend Anthony, Bishop of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest, at St. George Orthodox Christian Church, Fishers, IN, 3JUN17
Current ministry: Parish administrator for St. George Orthodox Christian Church, Fishers, IN (Indianapolis)
Educational and professional background: B.A. in Liberal Arts from Indiana University, M.A. in Theology from St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary

Deacon Marek Simon, Alumnus (M.Div. ’01, Valedictorian)
Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)
Diaconate: Ordained by His Grace the Right Reverend John, Bishop of the Diocese of Worcester and New England, in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, in St. Ignatius Chapel, Antiochian Village, PA, 4JUN17
Current ministry: Assistant Camp Director of the Antiochian Village Camp
Educational and professional background: Pharmacist; B.S. in Pharmacy, Butler University; M.Div., St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary

Deacon Joseph Wesseler, Alumnus (M.Div. ’17)
Jurisdiction: Western American Diocese, Serbian Orthodox Church
Diaconate: Ordained by His Grace Irinej, Bishop of the Eastern Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in Three Hierarchs Chapel, St. Vladimir’s Seminary, 13APR17
Current ministry: Serving at St. Peter the Apostle Serbian Orthodox Church, Fresno, CA
Educational and professional background: B.A. in Philosophy with a minor in Psychology from California State University, Fresno; Employed at Pro-Youth H.E.A.R.T. in Visalia, CA, an after school program providing homework help, supplemental math and reading work, and anti-gang and anti-drug education programs for youth

Subdeacon George Ninan Manampuram, Alumnus (M.Div. ’17)
Jurisdiction: Diocese of South-West America of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC)
Sub-Diaconate (Apodyaqno): Ordained by His Grace Alexios Mar Eusebius, for the Diocese of South-West America of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC), in St. Gregorios Malankara Orthodox Church, Bensalem, PA, 27MAY17
Current Ministry: Speaker at various youth conferences/retreats within the Diocese of the South-West America
Educational and professional background: Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Widener University’ Masters in Counseling Psychology from Rosemont College; Counseling and Case Management Supervisor for victims of domestic violence at Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County, PA

Subdeacon Bobby Varghese, Alumnus (M.A. 2017)
Jurisdiction: Diocese of Northeast America of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC)
Sub-Diaconate (Apodyaqno): Ordained by His Eminence Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, for the Diocese of Northeast America of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC); ordained with the name “Geevarghese” (George) Varghese, at St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church, Levittown, NY, 6MAY17
Current Ministry: Currently, Sbdn. Geevarghese Varghese is traveling to different churches and speaking at various events, retreats, and conferences. On a more local setting, he leads bible studies and prayer meetings at the homes of local parishioners. He remains as the Acolyte and Youth advisor at his home parish in St Mary’s Jackson Heights. In October, Sbdn. Geevarghese will go to Old Theological Seminary in Kerala, India; for a 6-month special program to complete his theological education.
Education and Professional Background: B.S. in Psychology, City College of New York in 2012. From 2012–2014, worked as Senior Activity Specialist, organizing events and programs for individuals with developmental disabilities for the agency AHRC NYC’s Day Habilitation Center; M.Div., St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, May 2017.


Archpriest George Corbin, Alumnus (M.Div. ‘06)
Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)
Elevation: Elevated to the rank and dignity of Archpriest by His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, Primate of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, and His Grace the Right Reverend Anthony, Bishop of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest, at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Canton, OH, 23APR17
Current Ministry: Pastor, St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Canton, OH

Archimandrite Jeremy Davis, Alumnus (M.Div. ’04)
Jurisdiction: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (AOCANA)
Elevation: Elevated to the rank and dignity of Archimandrite by His Grace, the Right Reverend Basil, Bishop of Wichita and Mid-America, with the blessing of Metropolitan Joseph, Primate of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, in Holy Ascension Church in Norman, OK, 19MAR17
Current Ministry: Rector, Church of the Ascension, Norman, OK

Mitered Archpriest Sergei Glagolev, Alumnus (Class of 1949)
Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Elevation: Elevated to the dignity of Mitered Archpriest by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, on the Feast of Pentecost, in Holy Trinity Church, East Meadow, Long Island, 4JUN17
Current Ministry: Retired; attached to St. Sergius of Radonezh Chapel, Orthodox Church in America Chancery

Archpriest Daniel Hubiak, Alumnus (Class of 1956)
Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Award: Order of St. Innocent, Gold Class, presented by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, 25AUG17
Current Ministry: Retired; attached to St. Nicholas Cathedral, Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.

Mitered Archpriest Michael Margitich, Alumnus (B.S. Columbia University and St. Vladimir’s ’53)
Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Elevation: Elevated to the dignity of Mitered Archpriest by His Eminence the Most Reverend Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco and the Diocese of the West, at St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Christian Church, Santa Rosa, CA, 17APR17
Current ministry: Attached as Priest Emeritus to St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Christian Church, Santa Rosa, CA

Protodeacon Iliya Toru Takei, Alumnus (M.Div. ’04)
Jurisdiction: Orthodox Church in Japan
Elevation: Elevated to the rank of Protodeacon on the Feast of the Entrance of Theotokos on Julian Calendar, 4DEC16 
Current ministry: Serving the Orthodox Church in Japan 2009–Present; Metropolitan staff member in External Church Relations; attached to Holy Resurrection Cathedral, Tokyo, Japan

Photo credits: Lorraine Bernier, Aaron Brodeur, Fr. Nabil Hanna, Mary Honoré, Colin Miller, OCA archives, Subdn. Khalil Samara, Djakonitsa Adrienne Soper

We Welcome 25 New Students

During Fall Orientation 2017, we welcomed 25 new students to our campus. From Friday, August 25 through Tuesday, August 29, these incoming seminarians attended sessions structured to acclimate them to the rhythm and culture of seminary life. New students not only absorbed informational sessions but also participated in a series of activities designed to help them explore the nature of Christian vocation and build Christian community. Moreover, the incoming seminarians will continue to attend mini-Orientation sessions throughout September (View full Orientation Schedule.)

The incoming students represent a panoply of programs of study, ecclesial jurisdictions, and nationalities:

  • 19 students in the Master of Divinity program;
  • 3 students in Master of Arts program;
  • 3 students in the Master of Theology program;
  • 5 Eastern Orthodox and 5 Oriental Orthodox churches represented;
  • Breakdown of students in Master of Divinity program, by jurisdiction:
    • Orthodox Church in America = 32%
    • Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America = 24%
    • Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Patriarchate of Serbia, Patriarchate of Bulgaria, Armenian Apostolic Church, the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, the Malankara Churches, the Patriarchate of Alexandria, and the Anglican Church together = 44%
  • Breakdown of students in all degree programs, by country of residence:
    • USA = 84%
    • Bosnia, Canada, Lebanon, and Nigeria together = 16%

With these incoming seminarians included, our student body of full-time seminarians equals 80. Additionally, 3 part-time, 5 continuing, and 7 non-degree students are enrolled, bringing our entire student body total to 95.

View a video of incoming seminarian Zachariah Mandell explaining his reasons for coming to the Seminary:


Fr. Behr Receives High Honor

Archpriest John Behr, The Father Georges Florovsky Distinguished Professor Of Patristics at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, recently received the highest honor bestowed by the University of Divinity, an Australian University of Specialization. On Tuesday, August 22, 2017, the Chancellor of the University, Dr. Graeme L. Blackman AO, conferred the Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa) on him for his exceptional contribution to patristic theological scholarship and demonstrated commitment to building partnerships across the theological world, including with the University of Divinity, through St Athanasius College.

St. Athanasius College (SAC), which is grounded in the Coptic Orthodox tradition, is one of the 11 colleges that comprise the University of Divinity. It has been part of the University since 2012, and is renowned for the quality of its scholarship, service of the community, and contribution to Australian society. A St. Vladimir’s alumnus, His Grace Bishop Anba Suriel, Ph.D., is the SAC Chancellor and Dean. In 2012, Fr. John taught offered an intensive unit in Patristics at SAC, which attracted an exceptionally large enrollment.

The Doctor of Divinity is not only the highest academic honour the University bestows, but is also the oldest award of the University, created in 1910 and first awarded in 1913. The degree was last awarded in 2008 to Professor Gerald O’Collins. The University reserves this award for persons who have made a sustained and distinguished contribution to theological scholarship or to the wider community in the area of religion.

Father John’s Christian formation began in his native England and continued through his education in London and then Oxford, where he completed the Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy, and subsequently the Master of Theology from St. Vladimir's Seminary. These degrees have laid the foundation for his exceptional career as scholar, ecumenist, and priest.

Father John began teaching at St. Vladimir's in 1995, becoming Professor of Patristics in 2004. During his years of teaching, he has continued prolific research output, including more than fifty articles, on subjects as diverse as: “The Trinitarian Being of the Church,” “Let there be Light: A Byzantine Theology of Light,” and “Reading the Fathers Today.” In addition, he has written and edited books that have enriched the whole Church's appreciation of the early church fathers, with special attention to anthropology, the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the Nicaean formation of Christian theology. Father John also has worked courageously to reach across some areas of misunderstanding between the Eastern and the Oriental Orthodox communities.

In the citation during the presentation of the doctoral award, the Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, one of Fr. John's examiners at Oxford, was quoted as commending him as “without doubt one of the most significant English-speaking Orthodox theologians now working—certainly the most productive and positive in his generation.” Dr. Williams adds that his “major textbooks on the development of pre-Nicene theology and the theology of the Nicene Council have established themselves as first class digests of a huge amount of material, ...[providing] a good deal more than conventional summaries.”

Following the presentation of the award, Fr. John gave a graduation address about the place of learning in Christianity. Professor Wendy Mayer, Patristics scholar and Associate Dean for Research at Adelaide Lutheran College (South Australia), presented a critical response to Fr. John’s address.

View a video of the entire conferral ceremony, and Fr. John’s address (beginning at 51:35) here.
Read the University’s media release, here.

Workshop for Readers & Musicians

Start Date

St. Vladimir's Seminary,575 Scarsdale Road,10707,Yonkers,NY,US

Do you ever read the Epistle, or read the Psalms or other Old Testament readings at Vespers? Or, have you ever chanted the Hours? Or, have you ever wondered why Orthodox Christians chant when they read, instead of using a speaking voice? Then the “Workshop for Readers and Musicians,” sponsored by the Diocese of New York and New Jersey (Orthodox Church in America) and hosted on the campus of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, is for you. Whether or not you are a tonsured reader, if you have ever read during liturgical services or simply want to know more about reading during liturgical services, we welcome you to be a participant in this workshop.

The workshop will address liturgical reading as a vital ministry. Participants will review the Church’s theology that guides and informs this ministry. They will also review rubrics and melodic patterns for reading, as well as methods for chanting the “Prokeimenon” and “Alleluia” in synergy with the choir. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to receive vocal coaching and practice. Workshop activities will be taught within the framework of a supportive community of fellow readers and liturgical musicians. Participants are also welcome to participate in the singing of Great Vespers at 6:30 pm in the seminary chapel.

The Very Reverend J. Sergius Halvorsen, Ph.D., assistant professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric at the Seminary, is Instructor for the workshop. He received his Master of Divinity degree from St. Vladimir’s Seminary in 1996, and completed his doctoral dissertation at Drew University in 2002. From 2000 to 2011 he taught at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell Connecticut, where he also served as Director of Distance Learning. He was ordained to the diaconate in 1999 and to the priesthood in 2004.

Father Sergius is an accomplished liturgical musician; he served as director of the 1995 St. Vladimir’s Seminary Octet, and over the last ten years, he has contributed to a number of "Archangel Voices" recordings.

Pre-registration is essential for proper planning. To pre-register, please download and fill out the Registration Form here, and send the formto: SVS Workshop, c/o 38 Pearl Street, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 by September 4, 2017. The suggested cost of the workshop is $20, and checks should be made out to Diocese of New York & New Jersey, and sent with the Registration Form. Please call (516) 437-5760 with questions. Or, pre-register on the Facebook Page of the “Commission on Liturgical Music—NYNJ OCA.”

Note to clergy:This class is approved for six (6) Continuing Clergy Education credits from the Orthodox Church in America.

View an agenda of the workshop here.
Download and share a jpg of the flyer.
Download and share a pdf of the flyer.

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