Make a Year-End Gift

Send More Ordained Leaders into the World

Your generosity will help train the next ordained pastor to go forth and serve communities like yours and others around the world. As the Orthodox Church in North America continues to face a critical shortage of priests and other vocations, you are needed more than ever.

A Gift of the Spirit

Over the past year, the Holy Spirit has gifted the mystery of holy orders upon many seminarians and alumni of St. Vladimir's Seminary. The year 2021 saw the consecration of a bishop, the ordination of 11 priests and 9 deacons, and the elevation in rank or bestowing of ecclesiastical awards upon 8 others.

By God's grace, they are going forth to serve around the world thanks to your generosity. You have made it possible to train and prepare those whom God has called to be ordained. 

Will you give now to ensure more future Church leaders can be ordained in the coming year, receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit to go forth and labor in Christ's Vineyard?