St. Vladimir's Seminary in Constantinople

Very Rev. Dr. Alexander Rentel

From Monday, June 15, to Wednesday, June 17, 2015, Archpriest Alexander Rentel, assistant professor of Canon Law, accompanied His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, president and board chairman of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, to Constantinople for a meeting between the Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America and His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. While not a member of the Executive Committee, Metropolitan Tikhon nevertheless had been invited to participate in this meeting, which was held on June 16 at the Phanar with His All-Holiness presiding. His Eminence Archbishop Dimitrios of America (GOA) led the delegation of hierarchs from the U.S., which also included SVOTS Trustee His Grace Bishop Maxim of the Western American Diocese, Serbian Orthodox Church of North and South America.

Read about the meeting on
Read the report on the Assembly of Bishops website