Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation Holds 88th Meeting at St. Vladimir's

Immediately following Commencement, St. Vladimir's Seminary hosted the 88th meeting of the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation on June 2–4, 2015. The Consultation, this year celebrating its 50th anniversary, continued its current work on an agreed statement on the role of the laity, focusing primarily on the implications of baptism. At this meeting, members of the Consultation also worked on plans for a 50th anniversary celebration, to be held in October 2015 at St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church in Worcester, MA, where the initial meeting took place in October 1965.

Faculty from St. Vladimir's have been active participants in the consultation from the very beginning. Current members include Dr. Paul Meyendorff, The Father Alexander Schmemann Professor of Liturgical Theology; the Very Reverend Dr. John Erickson, retired Dean and Professur Emeritus; and the Right Reverend Bishop Alexander (Golitzin), bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese, Orthodox Church in America, who will serve as Visiting Professor of Patristics during the Fall 2015 semester.