
SVOTS and Scouts: A Service Project

Skye Andrew Malone and Fr. Chad Hatfield

Six months after receiving my Life Scout advancement, I was eligible to start working on my Eagle rank, the highest linear class in Boy Scouting. From the start, I knew I wanted to do something for St Vladimir’s Seminary. For some time I have noticed an area in the front field that flooded consistently due to rain. There was also a marble bench in the area that was cracked and had much erosion. In its present state, this area was not too ideal for relaxing or quietly enjoying the environment, unless you wanted muddy feet. With the help of Fr. Chad Hatfield, whose son is an Eagle Scout, I was able to frame my ideas and develop my project.

Originally, I wanted to replace the bench, but realized that I needed to stop the flooding problem if the area was to be a place for people to spend quiet time. The simple idea of fixing the flooding expanded to remodeling the entire area. I knew developing a project like this would help the Church in one aspect and add even more splendor to the seminary’s beautiful campus. After serving in the Church and Scouting for more than half of my life I learned, in addition to many other things, the values of respect and coexistence in a healthy community. Hopefully, completing this project demonstrates my love for the seminary community and will inspire others in some way.

I am very appreciative to the team of seven individuals that helped me complete the first part of the project: Scoutmaster Gustavo Gobatto, SVOTS Plant Manager Rafael Rivera, Dad Manuel Soto, Michael Bouteneff, Leonardo Gobatto, Felix Behr, and Paul Szumny. I would also like to thank my family, friends, and the seminary community for the financial support they have given me to complete this project. The second part of the project is to build two benches and secure them in a cement foundation. I expect to finish the project before the end of October. Check for an update soon!


Skye Andrew Malone is a Life Scout in Yonkers Troop 4 (Westchester Putnam Boy Scout Council). He is a member of the Three Hierarchs Chapel community at SVOTS.

This article was originally published October 7, 2011.