
Sun Shines on St. Vladimir's: Major Gift Powers Solar Project

In July 2011 the seminary received a major gift of $75,000 from the estate of Nona Bissland, in memory of Walter and Nona Grusha and John and Nona Bissland, for the installation of solar panels.

"This wonderful gift, along with a grant of $72,000 from the New York State Energy and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for installation of solar panels on our Administration Building, has fully funded this remarkable 'going green' initiative, which will supply electrical power to the Chapel and Administration Building for many years into the future," said Theodore Bazil, Associate Chancellor for Advancement.

The solar grid was installed in September 2010. This past year, the panels lay like sleek sunbathers, soaking up the sun's rays that poured onto the eastern rooftop slope of the Administration Building (adjacent to Three Hierarchs Chapel). These "bathing beauties" generated 17,000 kW of power, saving the seminary about $4,600 in energy costs during their first 10 months of operation alone.

As they continue to generate green power, the seminary will remember this major gift  from Nona Bissland with much gratitude.