Seminarians sing in Ancient Faith’s virtual Christmas concert

Seminarians sing in Ancient Faith’s virtual Christmas concert

Yonkers, NY

A choir from St. Vladimir’s Seminary participated in the virtual concert, Christmas Across the Continent: An Evening of Lessons and Carols, Saturday, December 19.


Seminarians sing in Ancient Faith’s virtual Christmas concert

The concert was a joint production between Ancient Faith Radio and Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, East Meadow, NY. It featured pre-recorded performances by singers from St. Vladimir’s, St. Tikhon’s, Holy Trinity, and Holy Cross Orthodox seminaries; St. Michael’s Orthodox Church (Louisville, Kentucky); and the ensemble, Psaltikon (based in Massachusetts). The male choir from St. Vladimir’s, directed by Harrison Russin, included Seminarians Dn. John Black, Nicholas Fong, Bogdan Manga, Blake Cohen, Steven Roberts, Nicholas Fine, and Mark Sultani.

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary participated in “Lessons and Carols” concerts with Holy Trinity, East Meadow, in previous years, including in 2019. The format is modeled on the 1918 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at King’s College, Cambridge, still held to this day.

Watch the entirety of Christmas Across the Continent below.