On the eve of Lazarus Saturday, over 100 community members and friends of St Vladimir’s Seminary attended an in-person rendition of Patriarch Abraham, a theatrical performance staged by seminarians and faculty in the seminary’s Metropolitan Philip Auditorium.
The text of the play was originally written in Serbian by Dr Nenad Božović, professor of Old Testament and the director of the Biblical Institute at the Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade. The original version of this “biblio-drama” has been performed several times in Serbia, not only by students of the Orthodox Theological Faculty but also across the country. In elementary and high schools, the performance has served as an interactive teaching method within Religious Education curricula.
The English translation of the play was done by Prof. Božović’s former student, seminarian Mihail Golić (M.A. ‘24); Mihailo Vlajković (M.A. ‘24), also a former student under Prof. Božović, directed the play. Associate Professor of Old Testament at St Vladimir’s Seminary Dr Michael Legaspi served as faculty advisor and narrator for the production. The amateur acting ensemble was composed of 19 students and faculty of St Vladimir’s Seminary.

In Patriarch Abraham, the major events of the life of Abraham are faithfully and vividly retold. The story opens up with the account of Abraham's father, Terah, and the migration of his family to Haran. After several scenes highlighting how Abraham established his home with Sarah following the return from Egypt, a special emphasis is placed on Abraham's encounter with the Lord at the Oak of Mamre. This scene provides an introduction to two significant events in Abraham's life: the birth of Isaac and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The play's underlying message is the importance of trust in God's providence, which Abraham famously exhibited at pivotal points in his life, such as the establishment of the Covenant with God and the Aqedah, or the binding of Isaac for sacrifice.
Audience members were greatly moved by the heartfelt portrayals of the characters by the seminarians. “The famous stories from the life of Abraham really came alive with theatrical reenactment,” said one attendee. “It’s really clear to see how writing and performing ‘biblio-dramas’ can be a great tool in the religious educator’s arsenal.”

The student actors in this premiere performance of Patriarch Abraham in English were especially motivated to put on the play as a way to take part in Lenten almsgiving. After considering several possible options, the students decided to donate all contributions and ticket purchase proceeds toward the construction of a new well in Gulu, Uganda, the hometown of seminarian Dn Richard Okello (M.Div. ‘24). Dn Richard’s wife, young children, and his entire community had been suffering from severe water shortages and accompanying health hazards due to recent regional droughts. Mihail Golić explained that by undertaking the play as a way to give alms, “this event reminds us that the time of Great and Holy Lent should not only be marked by abstaining from food and a more active prayer life but also by constant care for others, remembering the Lord’s commandments regarding charity” (Matthew 6.1–6).
Students undertook the fundraising in earnest, sharing a GoFundMe link with friends, parishioners, and community members, and collecting optional, cash-only donations at the door on the night of the play. Thanks to their efforts, the donations of many who attended or gave in absentia, and the large contributions of a few generous donors, the total amount raised was over $6,000, which will cover the costs for the immediate construction of the much-needed new well in Gulu.
The Cast and Crew:
Narrator: Dr Michael Legaspi
Child: Andrei Bucur
Terah: Akin Sunny
Abraham: Matthew Galen Wiley
Sarah: Ana Legaspi
Lot: Silouan Valdez
Voice of God: Dn Dr Vitaly Permiakov
Nahor: Mihailo Vlajković
Egyptian Prince: Charles Cassis
Pharaoh: Ferenc Fehervari
Eliezer: Emil Prisquilas-Peter
Melchizedek: Joshua Bryant
King of Sodom: Brighton Whytock
Hagar: Laura Ionescu
Angel 1: Lazarus Werner
Angel 2: Mathew Jacob
Angel 3: Benjamin Galito
Isaac: Pavlo Kurganov
Rebekah: Tineya Jevtić
Stage Production: Daria Mayrose and Rafael Rivera
Tech support: Oscar Martinez
Musical help: Dn Dr Harrison Russin
Director: Mihailo Vlajković
Assistant Director: Charles Cassis
Scenes from Patriarch Abraham