Your Generosity Directly Impacts the Growth of Orthodox Christianity in America
With the growing number of new Orthodox Christians, the need for dedicated, well-prepared clergy has never been more pressing.
For 86 years, our immersive, residential program has equipped Orthodox men and women for ministry. Help us raise new Orthodox Christian priests and lay leaders!
Answering the Call: A Journey of Faith
Our students and their families embark on a profound journey of faith to attend seminary. They sacrifice time, leave behind comfortable homes and careers, and part with close-knit communities—all to answer God’s call to ministry. The inspiring story of Scott and his family is just one example of the many seminarians who have given up everything, taken up their cross, and followed Christ. This video captures their profound journey of faith.
From Mission to Consecration
“Being at the seminary prepared me for the challenges of a new mission. It gave me a vision for the proper liturgical life and for doing things in order.” Fr Chris Foley (M.Div. ‘06) says that recent growth at Holy Cross is “...explosive. I have a piece of paper that has 141 inquirer names on it. We need more priests!”
Community and Tradition in Memphis
“In midtown Memphis, we’re the only church that is experiencing any sort of growth and continuous life…Today’s inquirer has watch a month of services and they have questions that are involved, because they’ve already experienced the Church virtually,” notes Fr Philip Rogers (M.Div. ‘07). “We need to encourage strong mentorship for our idealistic newcomers!”