Start Date

Our student-less, slower-paced summer routine here at St. Vladimir's will soon yield to an incredibly active schedule, as we welcome new students and returning seminarians to campus for Orientation. The annual August orientation sessions are crucial for seminarians and their families, preparing them for living within Christian community, and especially, for the particularities that mark our rhythm of life here at SVOTS.

Resident Advisers (RAs) are scheduled for orientation sessions on Saturday, August 20th and Sunday, August 21st. Middler (2nd-year) students will be arriving with the RAs on Saturday, August 20th and Sunday, August 21st; they then will be introduced to their hospital ministry program in sessions running from Monday, August 22nd through Friday, August 26th. Rev. Dr. Sarah Fogg, Director of the Pastoral Care Department at nearby St. John's Riverside Hospital will prepare Middlers for the 100 hours of hospital ministry that will be required of them during their second year at seminary. On Sunday, August 28th, Middlers will join Senior (3rd-year) students for two more sessions—"Back to Chapel and Class" and "Student Formation and Community Life"—which will offer returning students new information, as well as acclimate them to campus life.

New students are slated to arrive on August 22nd and will be offered a full introduction to seminary life, including: spiritual development and formation, the vision of theological education at SVOTS, the rhythm of liturgical life in our chapel,  instructions for using the library, field education, and the daily routine of seminarians. New students also will undergo writing evaluations, language examinations, and voice testing. Chancellor and CEO of the seminary, Archpriest Chad Hatfield, will give three keynotes: "Introduction to Seminary Life," "One Thing Needful," and "Clay Vessels." Orientation for new students will conclude on Saturday, August 27th.

Additionally, married incoming students and their wives will enjoy a field trip to Emmaus House in New York City, and a reception and introduction to the Wives Program at St. Vladimir's.

Read a Welcome Letter by Dr. John Barnet, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Rev. David Mezynski, Associate Dean for Student Affairs here.
Read the full Orientation Schedule  here.
New and Returning Students! Find the forms you need here.