Start Date

The March for Life is an annual event in the nation's capital marking the anniversary of the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in all 50 states. This year's 41st March is scheduled for January 22, 2014, and will be preceded by a noon rally with prayers and guest speakers at the National Mall. The St. Ambrose Society, St. Vladimir's Seminary's Pro Life group, has reserved a 47–passenger bus with restroom facilities. The bus is open to the public, and will leave campus at 5 a.m. on January 22 to travel to Washington D.C. for the March, returning on the same day at about midnight.

After the rally, participants will process from the National Mall to the Supreme Court Building where the March route ends. All the Orthodox Christians both lay and clergy then will gather and The Most Blessed Tikhon, primate of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), will lead in the singing of a panikhida in memory of the departed unborn.

"As we recall those who have died," notes Hierodeacon Herman, St. Vladimir's lecturer in Liturgical Music and St. Ambrose member, "we also sorrow with those who have survived the tragedy of abortion in their own lives—mothers, fathers, and siblings. We pray that their suffering and pain will not be repeated in future generations."

Reserve a seat on the bus by emailing St. Ambrose representative Ignatius Green. The bus fare is $20.00 for single tickets or $30.00 for married couples and families. Payment may be submitted to the Seminary's Finance Office, 575 Scarsdale Rd., Yonkers, NY  10707, with a note stating that the money is for the March for Life bus.