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During the current economic downturn, many faithful Christians may be wondering how to keep their contributions flowing to parishes, favorite charities, church agencies, monastic communities, and so on, as they watch the balance in their checkbooks drop steadily. They also may be wondering if they will be able to pass on any wealth to their children or grandchildren. Certainly, the words of Scripture, "God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Cor 9:7) present a challenge to most believers nowadays, as they wrestle with the Scriptural admonitions "to give generously" (Ps 37:21, Rom 12:8), while facing job losses, pay cuts, and even home foreclosures.

To address this dilemma, on Thursday, November 4, from 2 p.m.–5 p.m., the seminary will host a free public seminar titled "How to Fulfill Your Financial and Philanthropic Interests to Your Greatest Benefit." James E. Gillespie, President and CEO of CommonWealth, and faculy member at The Fund Raising School, a unit of Indiana University's Center on Philanthropy, will lead the seminar. Mr. Gillespie has more than 25 years in the field of fund raising, with an expertise in design and implementation of planned giving, that is, leaving a legacy to one's favorite charities and descendants.

"Almost every time we think of making charitable gifts, we think in terms of giving away our cash," stated Mr. Gillespie, in anticipation of his trip to St. Vladimir's. "My seminar will engage people with ideas and applications for how to make philanthropic gifts while at the same time, in some cases, increasing cash flow and gaining the ability to transfer wealth to the next generation."

Mr. Gillespie also will be meeting with the seminary's Board of Trustees and administrative personnel during the board's annual meeting, scheduled for November 4–6.

If you would like to participate in this event, RSVP Fr. Jason Foster by Tuesday, November 2: 914-961-8313 EXT 317 or The seminar will take place in the Metropolitan Philip Auditorium of the John G. Rangos Family Building. Find us on Google Maps.