Classroom Exchange Highlights Institutional Ties

On Tuesday, April 5, 2016, SVOTS Professor of Systematic Theology Dr. Peter Bouteneff visited St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary to offer a lecture, “Understanding Oneself as Sinner: Finding the Healing Way.” He spoke in the classroom of Dr. Christopher Veniamin, professor of Patristics, addressing guests from within and outside the St. Tikhon’s community. In turn, on April 18 Professor Veniamin lectured in Professor Bouteneff's "Prayer and Sanctity" class on the topic, “Prayer in St. Silouan the Athonite and Father Sophrony.”

"At times, something so simple as colleagues visiting each other’s classes can become hugely significant," noted Dr. Bouteneff. "For one, it’s an exchange of gifts among friends. But it’s also a sign of the united purpose and vision between two intimately related Christ-serving institutions."