Article Profiles Seminarian and Iconographer Seraphim O'Keefe

lan Pell Crawford

The O'Keefe familyAn extensive profile of first-year St. Vladimir's seminarian Seraphim O'Keefe was published in on December 22, 2015. In the article, reporter Alan Pell Crawford tells the story of Seraphim's conversion to Orthodox Christianity, his subsequent journeys and studies in Alaska, the Republic of Georgia, and Russia, and his miraculous recovery after a brush with death in Georgia.

As Seraphim developed his skills in iconography, he was given commissions in parishes, which eventually led him to painting the icons for the St. Cyprian of Carthage Orthodox Church (Orthodox Church in America) in Midlothian, VA in the summer of 2015. Immediately following the work on the icons at St. Cyprian, Seraphim and his family packed their belongings and drove to St. Vladimir's Seminary, where he began his three-year course of study in the Master of Divinity degree program.

In the article, "The Miraculous Life of Seraphim O'Keefe," author Crawford explains that "becoming a competent iconographer doesn’t happen overnight, but Seraphim’s reputation is growing, and commissions are coming in, almost always by word of mouth."

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Articles about the iconography project have also been published in the Chesterfield Observer and the Richmond Times-Dispatch