Alumni News

A Unique Graduate: Fr Renish Geevarghese Abraham


On May 18, 2024, The Rev. Dr Renish Geevarghese Abraham did something remarkable: he graduated from St Vladimir’s Seminary (SVOTS) after three years of study with both a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and a Master of Theology (Th.M.) degree. Typically, obtaining both degrees would take a seminarian a minimum of four years—three for the M.Div. and one for the Th.M. 

As if that feat weren’t impressive enough by itself, Fr Geevarghese graduated with the class of 2024 with a number of honors, as class valedictorian with the designation summa cum laude, a commendation for thesis, and a commendation for service to the community. And during his three years of study he completed an optional thesis for his M.Div. degree on top of the required thesis for the Th.M.: Christ and Kenosis in Select Novels of Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Holy Land as Inner Spiritual Landscape: The Journey of St Gregorios of Parumala to Jerusalem, respectively. Any SVOTS graduate could tell you that completing two theses over that span of time, in addition to the other degree requirements and chapel life, would be a monumental task.

Fr Geevarghese, a priest of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC), has since returned to his native country of India to serve in the MOSC’s Diocese of Delhi and to resume his post as professor of English at St Stephen's College in Delhi. But before departing, he was gracious in sharing a bit about his life and experience at St Vladimir’s Seminary.

Tell us about yourself, Father, and what you were up to before enrolling at SVOTS.

I am from Kerala, the southernmost state of India. I belong to the Diocese of Delhi of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. My secular education includes an M.A. in English (University of Delhi) and Ph.D. in English (University of Delhi). I have been teaching at the Department of English, St Stephen's College, Delhi, India, since 2012. I was the bursar of the college and a member of the Governing Body from 2016 to 2021. I then went on sabbatical to pursue theological studies at SVOTS.

From my youth, I was inclined towards monasticism. I realized my vocation to monasticism and priesthood in 2020. I was ordained a reader in 2021, deacon in 2022, and priest in 2023. I have been appointed the vicar of St George Orthodox Church, Jalandhar, Punjab, and St Mary's Orthodox Church, Bikaner, Rajasthan (effective from Aug 11, 2024).     

How did you decide to come to St Vladimir's Seminary?

It was my decision to pursue theological studies from an Orthodox seminary abroad. I could not think of any institution other than St Vladimir’s, as it is the most premier Orthodox seminary, committed to academic excellence and spiritual formation. My metropolitan, His Grace Dr Youhanon Mar Demetrios, was also instrumental in this decision.

Fr Geevarghese’s bishop, His Grace Dr Youhanon Mar Demetrios (center), at the Malankara chapel on campus with Fr Chad and other Malankara seminarians.


What made you want to complete both M.Div. and Th.M. programs?

Initially, my plan was to complete the M.Div. and return to India. However, by the end of my second year I had approximately sixty-three [of the seventy-two required] credits and was done with my M.Div. thesis. On the advice of [faculty member] Rev. Dr Varghese Daniel, and with the support of Dr Tudorie and the Faculty Council, I was allowed to simultaneously pursue the Th.M. and complete the M.Div.

Describe your experience in the M.Div. program. How has the program here augmented your already extensive education?

The M.Div. is the foundational degree in theology for those who are in the ordination track. The courses at SVOTS are carefully chosen to give a foundation in biblical languages, Scripture, church history, and pastoral theology. Through my secular education especially in English literature, I had a good understanding of the history and theology of the Western Church. My training at SVOTS helped me understand the relationship between Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy. 

How did the M.Div. program help prepare you for your ordination to the priesthood?

The program helped me grow up both academically and spiritually. St Vladimir's provided all necessary support and encouragement in this regard.

What has your role been here in the Malankara student community? 

For the Malankara students, I feel that I have been a friend, mentor, and constant companion. In the final year especially, my role as the Malankara sacristan helped the community come together academically and spiritually. We found time to engage in theological debates, and understand our ecumenical relations with other churches in a better light. By the grace of God, I could find time for everyone whenever they had something to share with me. Moreover, I have wonderful memories to carry back. I appreciate the support and guidance St Vladimir’s Seminary extends to the Malankara seminarians.

May God grant Priest Geevarghese many years of fruitful ministry!