Alumni News

Newly Graduated Alumni “Engage the World”

Often we report here on the work of the alumni association and its work on behalf of and for our alumni. This month we would like to feature some of the great work of our alumni. When Fr. John Behr was installed as our dean he challenged the faculty, staff, students and alumni of St. Vladimir's to "Engage the World with Orthodox Christianity." Obviously here on campus we primarily supply our students with tools to engage the world; when they graduate and begin their work in the vineyard of Our Lord, this engagement begins. Our most recent graduating class definitely has taken up this call to engagement. Of our six graduating priests, four have gone straight into the mission field serving in existing or newly created missions in New York, South Carolina, Texas, and Florida. Below is a brief list of those parishes with links to their Web and Facebook pages. We encourage you to check out and support the work of these wonderful priests, their families, and their newly established Orthodox Communities. 

Father David Wooten and his family left St Vladimir's to found  Holy Apostles Mission in Miami Florida. Holy Apostles is the only OCA all-Spanish language parish outside the Diocese of Mexico. On July 1st, Fr. David chrismated over 30 adults and children. 

Father David Bozeman and his family moved to Waxahachie, Texas outside of Dallas, to found St. Nektarios Mission. St. Nektarios is presently without a permanent home, but already, Fr. David and his family, and their parish community worship in parishioners' homes for daily vespers during the week and for the full cycle of services on the weekend. 

Father David Poling and his family have stayed in the Yonkers area, but they travel each weekend to Oneonta, New York where they serve St. Innocent Mission. St. Innocent's is a community that has grown out of a group of faithful who have been worshipping at nearby Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery. In addition to regular services Fr. David has started a book study for the faithful and for students at the nearby by State College of New York—Oneonta. See a video of Fr. David, just after his ordination at the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection in New York City, here.

Father James Bozeman and his family moved to Beaufort, South Carolina, seventy miles south of Charleston, to continue the work of the newly established St. James Mission. On July 1st, under the leadership of Fr. James, the parish held its first Divine Liturgy at the Beaufort Arsenal Museum. Prior to that, the mission community had met in homes. While their borrowed space is only available to the community on Sunday mornings, the mission already has a full schedule of services. 

Please join us in praying for all of our alumni, and especially those and their families who are serving missions throughout our Church.