Alumni News

In Memoriam: Khouria Joanne Bitar

It is with hope in the Resurrection that we mark the repose of Khouria Joanne Bitar, who fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday morning, December 30th, after a long battle with cancer. Khouria Joanne is survived by her husband, Archpriest Elias Bitar (SVOTS '75 & '01), who retired as Lecturer in Liturgical Music at St. Vladimir's Seminary in 2011, after decades of service; and children, Katrina (SVOTS '09), Sister Ignatia, Martha, and Antony. 

Services with be held at St. George Anitohian Orthodox Church, Little Falls, NJ, as follows: Wednesday, January 2nd, Viewing and Trisagion Service from 5 to 9 p.m.; Thursday January 3rd, Funeral Service at 9:00 a.m. Interment will be at St. Nina's Monastery, Union Bridge, Maryland. 

May Khouria Joanne's memory be eternal!