Alumni News

Fr Vladimir Misijuk (SVOTS '91) Defends Doctoral Dissertation

On June 28, 2012, Father Vladimir Misijuk (SVOTS ’91) successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at Warsaw’s Christian Theological Academy. The title of his dissertation is “Spiritual Guidance in Orthodox Monasticism.”

Father Vladimir is the associate pastor at the parish of the Holy Dormition, Bialystok, Poland. Father Vladimir received his Master of Divinity from the Orthodox Theological Seminary in Warsaw and his Master’s Degree from the Christian Theological Academy. Father Vladimir completed a Master of Theology at St. Vladimir’s under Protopresbter John Meyendorff in 1991, with a thesis titled, “Spiritual Guidance in the Egyptian Desert in the 4th and 5th centuries."

Father Vladimir was a founding member of the Fellowship of Orthodox Youth in Poland. He served Syndesmos, The World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth, for over a decade: first as a member of the Board of Administration and later as the General Secretary of the fellowship. He has also been active within the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) and the World Council of Churches (WCC). Father Vladimir has also translated many of Metropolitan Kallistos’ (Ware) works into Polish.

Father Vladimir’s doctoral thesis, which was supervised by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Sava of Warsaw, studied the issue of spiritual leadership in the Orthodox Church, with a strong focus on the development of spiritual guidance in the early Church.

“Analysis of the ministry of spiritual guidance in the early centuries of the Church can become a reference point in the consideration of the contemporary understanding of this ministry, especially in the context of contemporary physical, psychological, and spiritual problems of the human person,” said Fr. Vladimir.

Father Vladimir lives in Bialystok with his wife, Tatiana, and seven-year-old daughter, Nina. May God grant Fr. Vladimir and his family many healthy and profitable years!