Academic Programs

Degree Programs

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

The Master of Divinity may be described in the most general terms as a graduate professional degree whose purpose is preparation for the ministries of the Church. At St. Vladimir's the degree program is designed chiefly for qualified Orthodox students who wish to prepare themselves for ordination to priestly ministry in the Orthodox Church, though it also provides appropriate preparation for other forms of church service, such as hospital chaplaincy with certification in Clinical Pastoral Education, and for graduate study in theology and related disciplines.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

The Master of Arts program in general theological studies is intended for those wishing to explore the major academic areas within the theological curriculum without the professional preparation demanded of M.Div. candidates. It can provide appropriate preparation for further graduate study in theology or simply a framework for lay theological study on a disciplined basis. It does not provide the educational qualifications needed for priestly ordination. Students considering ordination therefore are directed to the M.Div. program.

Master of Theology (Th.M.)

The Master of Theology program seeks to encourage scholarly research and reflection in Orthodox theology. It is intended for qualified Orthodox students from the U.S. or abroad who wish to prepare for higher-level studies, teaching, and research, and for qualified non-Orthodox students who wish to specialize in Orthodox studies.

Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)

The Doctor of Ministry program at St. Vladimir's Seminary enhances the practice of ministry for ordained and lay ministers in the Orthodox Church. The program integrates enhanced competencies in pastoral analysis with skills necessary to lead students to an advanced understanding of the nature and purposes of ministry. Working in communities of teachers and learners, the students gain deeper knowledge about the practice of serving others in Christian love as they grow in spiritual maturity as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.